Commit 08bdc89e authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

fix git submodule error

I have accidentally commited changes made into
the submodule hdl/ip_cores/general-cores. That
created a unpublished commit that was unable to
reach. Now, the submodule points to a valid commit
and no longer references the original project,
but a fork from it hosted in github.
parent 458a91f9
[submodule "hdl/ip_cores/general-cores"]
path = hdl/ip_cores/general-cores
url = git://
url = git://
[submodule "hdl/ip_cores/etherbone-core"]
path = hdl/ip_cores/etherbone-core
url = git://
......@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ Folder Hierarchy organization:
| via PCIe.
|-- embedded-sw (based on the original project by Alessandrio Rubini and others
| | <>):
| | Embedded software that runs inside the LM32 softcore processor.
| <>):
| Embedded software that runs inside the LM32 softcore processor.
|-- arch:
| Architecture specific code, like linker scripts and boot code.
Subproject commit d5e1ba047fa69d2a293deff9ee80131cf77f5f13
Subproject commit d16945e462f2c077b39220a0b9b34a476fea0fcb
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