Commit 47275fe5 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

hdl/modules/*/fmc_adc_iface.vhd: remove useless module

The sync chains module was just a sync FIFO for synchronizing
all data chanins to a single clock domain. however, this
synchronization is already done, as all channels are clock-crossed
to the same reference clock.
parent 8bb854c7
......@@ -338,32 +338,6 @@ begin
end generate;
end generate;
-- We have the possibility that some adc data chains are clocked with
-- different source-synchronous clocks. In this case, we need to synchronize
-- all data chains to a single clock domain. Need to evaluate its real
-- necessity
cmp_fmc_adc_sync_chains : fmc_adc_sync_chains
--generic map (
port map (
sys_clk_i => sys_clk_i,
--sys_rst_n_i => sys_rst_n_i,
sys_rst_n_i => adc_in_t(c_ref_clk).adc_rst_n,
-- ADC Data Input signals. Each data chain is synchronous to its
-- own clock.
adc_out_i => adc_out_int,
-- Reference clock for synchronization with all data chains
adc_refclk_i => adc_clk_chain_glob_int,
-- ADC output signals. Synchronous to a single clock
adc_out_o => adc_out_o
adc_out_o <= adc_out_int;
end rtl;
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