Commit 892c9cc1 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

scripts/loader/*: add simple check

Now, the script checks for non-matching patterns and
throws an errror
parent 2c486c55
iMPACT Version: Jan 6 2012 20:13:43
iMPACT log file Started on Mon Jun 17 18:02:14 2013
Preference Table
Name Setting
StartupClock Auto_Correction
AutoSignature False
KeepSVF False
ConcurrentMode False
UseHighz False
ConfigOnFailure Stop
UserLevel Novice
MessageLevel Detailed
svfUseTime false
SpiByteSwap Auto_Correction
AutoInfer false
SvfPlayDisplayComments false
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Connecting to cable (Usb Port - USB21).
Checking cable driver.
File version of /opt/Xilinx/13.4/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/xusbdfwu.hex = 1030.
File version of /etc/hotplug/usb/xusbdfwu.fw/xusbdfwu.hex = 1030.
Using libusb.
Kernel release = 3.8.0-25-generic.
Max current requested during enumeration is 74 mA.
Type = 0x0004.
Cable Type = 3, Revision = 0.
Setting cable speed to 6 MHz.
Cable connection established.
Firmware version = 1303.
File version of /opt/Xilinx/13.4/ISE_DS/ISE/data/xusb_xlp.hex = 1303.
Firmware hex file version = 1303.
PLD file version = 0012h.
PLD version = 0012h.
Type = 0x0004.
ESN option: 000013C8040F01.
Identifying chain contents...'0': : Manufacturer's ID = Xilinx xc6vlx240t, Version : 6
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading /opt/Xilinx/13.4/ISE_DS/ISE/virtex6/data/xc6vlx240t.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc6vlx240t successfully.
'1': : Manufacturer's ID = Xilinx xccace, Version : 0
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading /opt/Xilinx/13.4/ISE_DS/ISE/acecf/data/xccace.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xccace successfully.
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
'2': Loading file '../../hdl/syn/dbe_bpm_fmc516/dbe_bpm_fmc516.bit' ...
INFO:iMPACT:2257 - Startup Clock has been changed to 'JtagClk' in the bitstream stored in memory,
but the original bitstream file remains unchanged.
UserID read from the bitstream file = 0xFFFFFFFF.
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '2': Added Device xc6vlx240t successfully.
Maximum TCK operating frequency for this device chain: 16700000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
2: Device Temperature: Current Reading: 32.66 C, Min. Reading: 29.21 C, Max.Reading: 33.15 C
2: VCCINT Supply: Current Reading: 1.011 V, Min. Reading: 1.011 V, Max.Reading: 1.014 V
2: VCCAUX Supply: Current Reading: 2.511 V, Min. Reading: 2.508 V, Max.Reading: 2.520 V
'2': Programming device...
Match_cycle = NoWait.
Match cycle: NoWait
LCK_cycle = NoWait.
LCK cycle: NoWait
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0011 1111 1011 1110 0000 1011 1000 0000
INFO:iMPACT:579 - '2': Completed downloading bit file to device.
INFO:iMPACT:188 - '2': Programming completed successfully.
Match_cycle = NoWait.
Match cycle: NoWait
LCK_cycle = NoWait.
LCK cycle: NoWait
INFO:iMPACT - '2': Checking done pin....done.
'2': Programmed successfully.
Elapsed time = 20 sec.
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# Test for parameter presence
: ${1?"Usage: $0 <bistream_name>"}
......@@ -10,12 +9,17 @@ EXPECTED_ARGS=1
#Search for bistream
BITSTREAM_LOC=$(find ${DEFAULT_SYN_PATH} -regextype posix-extended -iregex ".*${BITSTREAM}.*bit" -print)
BITSTREAM_LOC=$(find ${DEFAULT_SYN_PATH} -regextype posix-extended -iregex ".*${BITSTREAM}.*\.bit" -print)
BITSTREAM_NUM=$(echo -e "${BITSTREAM_LOC}" | wc -l)
BITSTREAM_NUM=$(echo -e "${BITSTREAM_LOC}" | wc -w)
if [ "${BITSTREAM_NUM}" -eq 0 ]; then
echo -e "There are no bitstreams that matches the description"
exit 1
if [ "${BITSTREAM_NUM}" -gt 1 ]; then
echo -e "There are "${BITSTREAM_NUM}" bitstreams that matches the description:"
echo -e "There are "${BITSTREAM_NUM}" bitstreams that match the description:"
echo "You must specify a more verbose name"
exit 1
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