Commit c00c28df authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

Merge branch 'devel'

parents 91ebf0c8 99e041be
Subproject commit 55d25754c16e91682500948679bd330de27f595c
Subproject commit 934084fdda0e2a152833fd7478fba05fa941d8d8
......@@ -68,3 +68,25 @@ planAhead_run_*/
# hdlmake stuff
target = "xilinx"
action = "synthesis"
language = "vhdl"
syn_device = "xc7a200t"
syn_grade = "-2"
syn_package = "ffg1156"
target = "xilinx"
action = "synthesis"
language = "vhdl"
syn_device = "xc7a200t"
syn_grade = "-2"
syn_package = "ffg1156"
target = "xilinx"
action = "synthesis"
language = "vhdl"
syn_device = "xc7a200t"
syn_grade = "-2"
syn_package = "ffg1156"
target = "xilinx"
action = "synthesis"
language = "vhdl"
syn_device = "xc7a200t"
syn_grade = "-2"
syn_package = "ffg1156"
target = "xilinx"
action = "synthesis"
language = "vhdl"
syn_device = "xc7a200t"
syn_grade = "-2"
syn_package = "ffg1156"
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