Commit 36004223 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

sm_io/chips/*ad9510.c: don't "update registers" on register 0x00

According to AD9510 datasheet this is not needed on this
register only. So, we removed it here.
parent d5f0c349
......@@ -734,8 +734,9 @@ static smch_err_e _smch_ad9510_init (smch_ad9510_t *self)
ASSERT_TEST(rw_err == sizeof(uint8_t), "Could not write to AD9510_REG_CFG_SERIAL",
err_smpr_write, SMCH_ERR_RW_SMPR);
_smch_ad9510_reg_update (self);
/* Wait for reset to complete */
/* According to AD9510 datasheet Rev. B, page 46, table 25, regester 0x00 (CFG_SERIAL),
* does not need to be updated by setting the "update registers" bit. We still wait our default
* ammount of time to be sure the chip is indeed reset */
/* Clear reset */
......@@ -743,7 +744,10 @@ static smch_err_e _smch_ad9510_init (smch_ad9510_t *self)
rw_err = _smch_ad9510_write_8 (self, AD9510_REG_CFG_SERIAL, &data);
ASSERT_TEST(rw_err == sizeof(uint8_t), "Could not write to AD9510_REG_CFG_SERIAL",
err_smpr_write, SMCH_ERR_RW_SMPR);
_smch_ad9510_reg_update (self);
/* According to AD9510 datasheet Rev. B, page 46, table 25, regester 0x00 (CFG_SERIAL),
* does not need to be updated by setting the "update registers" bit. We still wait our default
* ammount of time to be sure the chip is indeed reset */
/* Wait for reset to complete */
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