Commit 84cb96ef authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

sm_io/*: add trigger interface module to build system

parent fea575db
......@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ include $(SRC_DIR)/sm_io/modules/fmc130m_4ch/ \
$(SRC_DIR)/sm_io/modules/dsp/ \
$(SRC_DIR)/sm_io/modules/swap/ \
$(SRC_DIR)/sm_io/modules/rffe/ \
$(SRC_DIR)/sm_io/modules/afc_diag/ \
sm_io_modules_DIR = $(SRC_DIR)/sm_io/modules
......@@ -19,4 +20,5 @@ sm_io_modules_OBJS = $(sm_io_modules_DIR)/sm_io_codes.o \
$(sm_io_dsp_OBJS) \
$(sm_io_swap_OBJS) \
$(sm_io_rffe_OBJS) \
$(sm_io_afc_diag_OBJS) \
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ typedef struct _smio_rffe_version_t smio_rffe_version_t;
#include "sm_io_swap_codes.h"
#include "sm_io_rffe_codes.h"
#include "sm_io_afc_diag_codes.h"
#include "sm_io_trigger_iface_codes.h"
/* Include all function descriptors */
#include "sm_io_fmc130m_4ch_exports.h"
......@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ typedef struct _smio_rffe_version_t smio_rffe_version_t;
#include "sm_io_swap_exports.h"
#include "sm_io_rffe_exports.h"
#include "sm_io_afc_diag_exports.h"
#include "sm_io_trigger_iface_exports.h"
/* Merge all function descriptors in a single structure */
extern const disp_op_t **smio_exp_ops [];
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