Commit 9606ecdd authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

libs/libhutils/*: add message to show new fmc_board parameter

parent 0116b17a
......@@ -448,13 +448,14 @@ hutils_err_e hutils_get_hints (zconfig_t *root_cfg, zhashx_t *hints_h)
"[hutils:utils] Could not generate AFE bind address from "
"configuration file\n", err_cfg_exit, HUTILS_ERR_CFG);
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_HAL_UTILS | DBG_LVL_INFO, "[hutils:utils] AFE hint endpoint "
"hash key: \"%s\", bind: \"%s\", spawn_epics_ioc: %s\n",
hints_key, afe_bind, spawn_epics_ioc);
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_HAL_UTILS | DBG_LVL_INFO, "[hutils:utils] CFG hints "
"hash key: \"%s\", fmc_board: \"%s\", bind: \"%s\", "
"spawn_epics_ioc: %s\n",
hints_key, fmc_board, afe_bind, spawn_epics_ioc);
/* Insert this value in the hash table */
errs = zhashx_insert (hints_h, hints_key, item);
ASSERT_TEST (errs == 0, "Could not find insert AFE endpoint to "
ASSERT_TEST (errs == 0, "Could not insert CFG item to hints "
"hash table", err_cfg_exit, HUTILS_ERR_CFG);
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