Commit a7675c00 authored by Theodor-Adrian Stana's avatar Theodor-Adrian Stana

Added doc folder, together with crosstalk doc and hardware guide

parent 21a3bae5
import pylab as pl
ONE_USEC = 10**(-6)
x = []
y1 = []
y2 = []
y3 = []
y4 = []
y5 = []
y6 = []
y7 = []
ydiff = []
# y1
# Blocking signal
with open("outp.csv", 'r') as f:
dat =
dat = dat.replace(',',' ')
dat = map(float, dat.split())
for i in range(0, len(dat)):
if (i%2):
# y2
# Oscilloscope input, CM crrt on both lines
with open("cm-osc-in-both.csv", 'r') as f:
dat =
dat = dat.replace(',',' ')
dat = map(float, dat.split())
for i in range(0, len(dat)):
if (i % 2):
# y3
# Oscilloscope output, CM crrt on both lines
with open("cm-osc-out-both.csv", 'r') as f:
dat =
dat = dat.replace(',',' ')
dat = map(float, dat.split())
for i in range(0, len(dat)):
if (i % 2):
# y4
# Oscilloscope output, current on signal line
with open("cm-osc-out-p.csv", 'r') as f:
dat =
dat = dat.replace(',',' ')
dat = map(float, dat.split())
for i in range(0, len(dat)):
if (i % 2):
# y5
# Oscilloscope output, current on shield line
with open("cm-osc-out-n.csv", 'r') as f:
dat =
dat = dat.replace(',',' ')
dat = map(float, dat.split())
for i in range(0, len(dat)):
if (i % 2):
# y6
# Oscilloscope power line current
with open("cm-osc-out-pwr.csv", 'r') as f:
dat =
dat = dat.replace(',',' ')
dat = map(float, dat.split())
for i in range(0, len(dat)):
if (i % 2):
# y7
# ELMA power line input current
with open("cm-elma-in-pwr.csv", 'r') as f:
dat =
dat = dat.replace(',',' ')
dat = map(float, dat.split())
for i in range(0, len(dat)):
if (i % 2):
# x location for text
xloc = max(x) - 5*ONE_USEC
# Add offsets & gain changes
# y1 - Blocking signal
# y2 - Oscilloscope input, CM crrt on both lines
# y3 - Oscilloscope output, CM crrt on both lines
# y4 - Oscilloscope output, current on signal line
# y5 - Oscilloscope output, current on shield line
# y6 - Oscilloscope power line current
# y7 - ELMA power line input current
ydiff = y1[:]
ydiff2 = y2[:]
for i in range(len(y1)):
ydiff[i] = y4[i] + y5[i] + y6[i] # y2[i] - (y4[i] + y5[i])
ydiff2[i] = y2[i] - y3[i]
# ydiff[i] = y6[i] - ydiff[i]
# ydiff[i] = y7[i] - y6[i]
# ydiff[i] = y7[i] - y6[i]
for i in range(len(ydiff)):
ydiff[i] = 5 + 500*ydiff[i]
ydiff2[i] = -5 + 500*ydiff2[i]
# blo -- 10V up
for i in range(len(y1)):
y1[i] = 10+y1[i]
# osc. in line
# 20mV/div
for i in range(len(y2)):
y2[i] = 30 + 500*y2[i]
# osc. out both lines
# 20mV/div
for i in range(len(y3)):
y3[i] = 10 + 500*y3[i]
# osc. out signal line
# 20mV/div
for i in range(len(y4)):
y4[i] = -10 + 500*y4[i]
# osc. out shield line
# 20mV/div
for i in range(len(y5)):
y5[i] = -20 + 500*y5[i]
# osc. pwr line
# 20mV/div
for i in range(len(y6)):
y6[i] = -30 + 500*y6[i]
# osc. pwr line
# 20mV/div
for i in range(len(y7)):
y7[i] = -40 + 500*y7[i]
#pl.plot(x, y1, 'b')
pl.text(xloc, 32, "Osc. input", color='b', weight="bold")
pl.plot(x, y2, 'b')
pl.text(xloc, 12, "Osc. output, common-mode", color='r', weight="bold")
pl.plot(x, y3, 'r')
#pl.plot(x, ydiff, 'y')
#pl.plot(x, ydiff2, 'k')
pl.text(xloc, -8, "Osc. output, signal line", color='y', weight="bold")
pl.plot(x, y4, 'y')
pl.text(xloc, -18, "Osc. output, shield line", color='m', weight="bold")
pl.plot(x, y5, 'm')
pl.text(xloc, -28, "Osc. output, power line", color='c', weight="bold")
pl.plot(x, y6, 'c')
#pl.text(xloc, -23, "Crate input, power line", color='g', weight="bold")
#pl.plot(x, y7, 'g')
ax = pl.gca()
pl.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
pl.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
pl.xlabel("1 usec/div.")
pl.ylabel("20 mV/div.")
pl.axis([min(x), max(x), min(y1), max(y1)+1])
pl.xticks(pl.arange(min(x), max(x), ONE_USEC))
pl.yticks(pl.arange(-40, 50, 10))
-2.0403511e-006 -5.98403e-005
-2.0399511e-006 0.000580135
-2.0395511e-006 -5.98403e-005
-2.0391511e-006 0.000260147
-2.0387511e-006 0.000260147
-2.0383511e-006 0.000260147
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$(MAKE) -f Makefile-fig
pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode $(FILE).tex
pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode $(FILE).tex
pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode $(FILE).tex
evince $(FILE).pdf &
rm -rf *.aux *.dvi *.log $(FILE).pdf *.lof *.lot *.out *.toc *.bbl *.blg *.gz
SRC = $(wildcard *.svg)
OBJS = $(SRC:.svg=.pdf)
all: $(OBJS)
%.pdf : %.svg
inkscape -f $< -A $@
clean :
rm -f *.pdf
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\title[CONV-TTL-BLO \hspace{2em}\insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber]
{Crosstalk on CONV-TTL-BLO}
\author[T. Stana]{Theodor Stana}
\institute{CERN BE-CO Hardware and Timing section}
\date{27 May 2014}
\tableofcontents %[currentsection]
\begin{frame}{Today's agenda}
\item Presentation -- 15 mins.
\item Visit a pulse conversion system installation -- 1 hr.
\item Live demonstration and debug session -- 1 hr.
\item Lunch break
\item Debug session -- 2 hrs.
\item<1-> Six-channel pulse conversion and repetition system
\item<2-> Pulse signals output over coaxial cable
\item<3-> Composed of three boards
\item<4-> front module (FM) -- active board containing all circuitry for pulse generation
\item<5-> rear-transition module (RTM) -- connects signals from FM to connectors
\item<6-> RTM piggyback -- contains coaxial cable I/O connectors (LEMO)
\begin{frame}{Block diagram}
\begin{frame}{Signal types}
\begin{tabular}{p{.25\textwidth} c c}
& \textbf{TTL} & \textbf{Blocking} \\
\textbf{Amplitude} & 3.3~V & 24~V \\
\textbf{Pulse width} & 1.2~$\mu$s & 1.2~$\mu$s \\
\textbf{Rise time} & 3~ns & 140~ns \\
\textbf{Fall time} & 4~ns & 160~ns \\
\item<2-> Of the two, it is the \textbf{blocking} output stage that creates the crosstalk issue
\section{CONV-TTL-BLO output stage}
\begin{frame}{Output stage diagram}
\section{Crosstalk measurements}
\begin{frame}{Two channels connected to isolated oscilloscope}
\begin{frame}{Two channels connected to non-isolated oscilloscope}
\begin{frame}{Crosstalk when the second system is in another room}
\section{Solutions found}
\begin{frame}{Capacitor on the current return path (1)}
\begin{frame}{Capacitor on the current return path (2)}
\item Adds the crosstalk to the useful signal on the offending channel
\begin{frame}{Capacitor on the current return path (3)}
\item Removes the crosstalk
\begin{frame}{Grounding the current return path}
\item Similar waveform as above
\item Renders transformer useless (?)
\LARGE {\textbf{Thank you}}
\usepackage[a4paper, landscape, margin=1in]{geometry}
\LARGE \textbf{Crosstalk when connecting together the return paths of two isolated outputs \\}
The CONV-TTL-BLO board is a six-channel pulse repeater/converter, designed to convert TTL-level
to 24~V pulses, 1.2~$\mu$s in width. The design is similar to an SMPS flyback power supply,
only unlike in the case of flyback converters, the polarity of the transformer secondary is
reversed in order to supply power to the secondary when the transistor is turned on. The transformer
secondary is isolated from the board-wide return (GND) network.
The 24~V pulses get transferred from one board to another over coaxial cable.
The crosstalk problem described here has been discovered by an internal CERN client.
One channel (the offending one) is used to output pulses. A second (unused) channel is
the victim of crosstalk when the shields of the coax cable are connected together.
The figure below shows the test setup in our lab to check the problem and the figures
on subsequent pages show how crosstalk is generated.
\caption{Test setup}
The figure below shows the measurement diagram when using an isolated oscilloscope.
\caption{Measurement diagram with isolated oscilloscope}
The figure below shows the measurement diagram when using a non-isolated oscilloscope, which
connects the two shields of the coax cables together, creating the crosstalk on the victim
\caption{Measurement diagram with non-isolated oscilloscope}
The crosstalk manifests itself even when two boards in two different rooms are used.
\caption{Measurement diagram with non-isolated oscilloscope and a second board in a different room}
One solution found in parallel by both us and our client was to connect the shields of the cables
to the same return path. However, this would render the transformer useless.
Another solution is placing a 100~nF capacitor between the shield and the board GND. As seen below,
placing it on the victim channel superimposses the crosstalk on the original signal.
\caption{Placing a 100~nF capacitor on the victim channel superimposes the crosstalk on the original signal}
Placing the capacitor on the offending channel removes the crosstalk.
\caption{Placing a 100~nF capacitor on the offending channel removes crosstalk}
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bibtex $(FILE).aux
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$(MAKE) -C fig clean
rm -rf *.aux *.dvi *.log $(FILE).pdf *.lof *.lot *.out *.toc *.bbl *.blg *.gz
Type 'make' to create your .pdf documentation file.
You need Inkscape to make the documentation files:
sudo apt-get install inkscape
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% name
\noindent{\Large \textbf{Differential-mode interference due to common-mode current from flyback transformer}}
\noindent \rule{\textwidth}{.1cm}
\hfill July 11, 2014
% name
\noindent {\Large \textbf{Theodor-Adrian Stana (CERN/BE-CO-HT)}}
\noindent \rule{\textwidth}{.05cm}
title = {{Conv TTL Blocking Project Page on OHWR}},
howpublished = {\url{}}
title = {{Crosstalk on blocking channels, OHWR issue on CONV-TTL-BLO project page}},
howpublished = {\url{}}
address = {Piscataway, {N.J.} : Hoboken, {N.J}},
title = {Grounds for grounding: a circuit-to-system handbook},
isbn = {9780471660088},
shorttitle = {Grounds for grounding},
publisher = {{IEEE} Press ; Wiley},
author = {Joffe, Elya B.},
collaborator = {Lock, Kai-Sang},
year = {2010},
keywords = {Design and construction, Electric currents, Grounding, Integrated circuits},
annote = {Overview -- Fundamental concepts -- The grounds for grounding -- Fundamentals of grounding design -- Bonding principles -- Grounding for power distribution and lightning protection systems -- Grounding in wiring circuits and cable shields -- Grounding of {EMI} terminal protection devices -- Grounding on printed circuit boards ({PCBS)} -- Integrated facility and platform grounding system}
title = {{MSD1278} Coupled Inductors for Flyback, {SEPIC} and other Applications},
urldate = {2014-06-11},
author = {Coilcraft},
month = apr,
year = {2013},
howpublished = {\url{}}
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Type 'make' to create your .pdf documentation file.
You need Inkscape to make the documentation files:
sudo apt-get install inkscape
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% name
\noindent{\LARGE \textbf{CONV-TTL-BLO Hardware Guide}}
\noindent \rule{\textwidth}{.1cm}
\hfill October 16, 2014
% name
\noindent {\Large \textbf{Theodor-Adrian Stana (CERN/BE-CO-HT)}}
\noindent \rule{\textwidth}{.05cm}
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