Commit 063d43c0 authored by Carlos Gil Soriano's avatar Carlos Gil Soriano

Updating documentation for i2c module

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\usepackage[pdfborder= 0 0 0 1]{hyperref}
\title{I2C Slave to Wishbone Master module}
\title{\textbf{{\LARGE I2C Slave to Wishbone Master module}}}
\author{Carlos Gil Soriano\\BE-CO-HT\\
colorlinks = true,
urlcolor = blue
pdftitle = {SPI master multifield HDL core},
pdfauthor = {Carlos Gil Soriano},
pdfsubject = {Reference guide for SPI master multifield HDL core},
pdfkeywords = {I2C, VHDL, core, register, mappingi, configurable length}
\date{February 23, 2012}
An I2C Slave to Wishbone Master module is depicted in this document. The module
is targeted for Spartan 6 devices and written in VHDL.\\
An I2C Slave to Wishbone Master module is depicted in this document.
Architecture-independent core kindly written in VHDL.\\
The following subjects are addressed:
\item The registers to control the module.
\item Step-by-step instructions for proper use.
\item Control registers of the module
\item Step-by-step instructions for proper setup and use.
\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{\textbf{Revision history}}\\
......@@ -37,345 +55,241 @@ The following subjects are addressed:
0.1 & I2C slave & February 23, 2012\\
0.9 & I2C slave & \today\\
Copyright CERN 2012.\\
This documentation describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the
CERN OHL v.1.1.\\
You may redistribute and modify this documentation under the terms of the CERN
OHL v.1.1. (\url{}). This documentation is distributed
Please see the CERN OHL variable.1.1 for applicable conditions.\\
The i2c module contains several blocks related the following way:\\
-- i2c\_slave\_top.vhd
-- i2c\_slave\_top.vhd
----- i2c\_regs.vhd
----- i2c\_slave\_core.vhd
--------- FIFO\_dispatcher.vhd
--------- FIFO\_stack.vhd
--------- gc\_counter.vhd
--------- gc\_ff.vhd
--------- i2c\_bit.vhd
------------- i2c\_debouncer.vhd
\section{Interrupting lines offered}
This interrupting signal issues when a \textit{indirect wishbone address} has
been received. It is notified right after the first CTR0[BIA] + 1 bytes upon the
reception of the I2C byte address packet.
This signal is vital for correctly prefetching when a I2C read operation is
This signal is issued when a read operation directed by an external master over
the HDL slave core is finished. That means it will be generated after the last
data byte has been sent by the HDL core.
This signal is issued when a write operation directed by an external master over
the HDL slave core is finished. That means it will be generated after the last
data byte has been received.
The STA register is a read-only register. It control the general enable and
reset of the module. It also contains the current value of the finite state
machine of the i2c modue (useful for easy debugging).\\
\textit{CTR0} register is a \textbf{write-read} register.\\
\begin{tabular}{| l | c | c |}
\textbf{Bits} & \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning}\\
0 & EN & General ENable\\
1 & RST & General ReSeT\\
2 & RD\_WRN\_INST & Reserved\\
3 & A\_RX &\\
4 & A\_TX &\\
8-5 & x & Reserved\\
15-9 & i2c\_sla\_fsm & i2c fsm\\
31-16 & Not used\\
It controls the indirect addres and holds the I2C address (which in
the case of \textit{CONV-TTL-BLO} will be
connected to VME64x geographical address pins).\\
The PRE register is a write-read register. Right now it is not used.\\
\begin{tabular}{| l | c | c |}
\textbf{Bits} & \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning}\\
0 & I2C\_OP & I2C OPeration\\
7-1 & I2C\_ADDR & I2C address\\
11-8 & BIA & Bytes of Indirect Addressing\\
19-12 & BRD & Bytes to be ReaD from FPGA\\
27-20 & BWR & Bytes to be WRitten to FPGA\\
31-28 & x & Reserved\\
\caption{\textit{CTR0} register}
\textit{LT} stands for Line Timing register. It is a \textbf{read-only} register.\\
By accessing to this register, the speed of the line can be inferred. The value
of \textit{WBCP} is fixed prior synthesis, whereas \textit{SCLP} it is updated
on every transaction carried out in the I2C bus. SCLP returns the number of
wishbone cycles within an I2C clock period:
I2C_{speed} = \frac{SCLP}{WBCP}
It should be noted that SCLP is an averaged value of the wishbone counter
among the first eight bits received (the ones that correspond to I2C address
plus write/read bit).\\
\begin{tabular}{| l | c | c |}
\textbf{Bits} & \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning}\\
7-0 & WBCP & WishBone Clock Period\\
31-8 & SCLP & SCL Period\\
\caption{\textit{LT} register}
\begin{tabular}{| l | c | c |}
\textbf{Bits} & \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning}\\
15-0 & PRE & PREscaler value\\
31-16 & - & Not used\\
The \textit{DTX} register is a \textbf{write-read} register.\\
It holds the data to be sent when a read request from the master is issued.
The CTR0 register is a write-read register. It controls the indirect addres
and holds the I2C address (which in the case of \textit{CONV-TTL-BLO} will be
connected to VME64x geographical address pins).\\
\begin{tabular}{| l | c | c |}
\textbf{Bits} & \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning}\\
31-0 & data & data to send\\
\caption{\textit{DTX} register}
\begin{tabular}{| l | c | c |}
\textbf{Bits} & \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning}\\
0 & EN & general ENable\\
1 & RST & general ReSeT\\
2 & PEN & Prescaler ENable\\
5-3 & x & Reserved\\
7-6 & BIA & Bytes Indirect Addressing\\
14-8 & A[6:0] & I2C address\\
15 & x & Reserved\\
31-16 & - & Not used\\
The CTR1 register is a write-read register. It shows the fsm of the separate
\textit{read} and \textit{write} fsms.\\
\begin{tabular}{| l | c | c |}
\textbf{Bits} & \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning}\\
7-0 & RDS & fsm status: ReaD Status\\
15-8 & WDS & fsm status: WRite Status\\
31-16 & - & Not used\\
The DRXA register is a read-only register. It holds the last four received
bytes through the I2C. DRX0 has the most recent byte received from the serial
interface. DRX3 has the oldest byte received.\\
\begin{tabular}{| l | c | c |}
\textbf{Bits} & \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning}\\
7-0 & DRX0 & Data RX register 0\\
15-8 & DRX1 & Data RX register 1\\
23-16 & DRX2 & Data RX register 2\\
31-24 & DRX3 & Data RX register 3\\
The \textit{DRXA} register is a \textbf{read-only} register.\\
It holds the last four received bytes through the I2C. LSB ordered.\\
\begin{tabular}{| l | c | c |}
\textbf{Bits} & \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning}\\
31-0 & data & Data RX register\\
\caption{\textit{DRXA} register}
The DRXB register is a read-only register. It holds the fifth and sixth latest
received bytes, respectively.
The\textit{DRXB} register is a \textbf{read-only} register.\\
\begin{tabular}{| l | c | c |}
\textbf{Bits} & \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning}\\
7-0 & DRX4 & Data RX register 0\\
15-8 & DRX5 & Data RX register 1\\
31-16 & - & Not used\\
It holds the second group of last four received bytes through I2C. LSB ordered.\\
\begin{tabular}{| l | c | c |}
\textbf{Bits} & \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning}\\
31-0 & data & Data RX register\\
\caption{\textit{DRXB} register}
The DTX register is a write-read register. It shows the fsm of the separate
\textit{read} and \textit{write} fsms.\\
\begin{tabular}{| l | c | c |}
\textbf{Bits} & \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning}\\
7-0 & RDS & fsm status: ReaD Status\\
15-8 & WDS & fsm status: WRite Status\\
31-16 & - & Not used\\
\section{Internal Memory Mapping}
The internal registers map is as follow:\\
\begin{tabular}{| c | c | c |}
\textbf{Address} & \textbf{Register} & \textbf{Access} \\
\textbf{0x0} & \textit{STA} & Read-only\\
\textbf{0x1} & \textit{PRE} & Write-read\\
\textbf{0x2} & \textit{CTR0} & Write-read\\
\textbf{0x3} & \textit{CTR1} & Write-read\\
\textbf{0x4} & \textit{DRXA} & Read-only\\
\textbf{0x5} & \textit{DRXB} & Read-only\\
\textbf{0x6} & \textit{DTX} & Write-read\\
\section{How to use it}
\item Perform a reset of the module while module is not enabled:\\
\textit{CTR0: write 0 to EN and 1 to RST.}
\item Load the prescaler:\\
\textit{PRE: set a new value.}
\item Set the I2C address of the slave module:\\
\textit{CTR0[A]: set the I2C address.}
\item Set the rest of bits of CTR0, including EN:\\
\textit{CTR0: set rest of bits.}
\subsection{Indirect Write from Master to Slave}
It is a one-phase transaction: one indirect writing is achieved
by signaling only one I2C start condition by the master.
\item The Master I2C device starts an I2C transaction. In the first byte it
specifies the type of transaction issued as a write.
\item Then, two bytes are received in the slave. At the end of the reception
of the last bit of this second byte (third since the I2C start condition), the
finite state machine in \textit{i2c\_slave\_core.vhd} launches the interrupt
\textbf{Address prefetching}: at this point, the Wishbone Address can be
It is found in \textit{DRX0} and \textit{DRX1} registers:
\item \textit{DRX0}: holds the Wishbone Address Lowest Byte
\item \textit{DRX1}: holds the Wishbone Address Highest Byte
\item Following the reception of the two bytes corresponding to the Wishbone
Address, four more bytes will be received. They are the data bytes. Once the
last bit of this fourth byte is received (seventh byte since the I2C start
condition), the finite state machine in \textit{i2c\_slave\_core.vhd} launches
the interrupt \textit{inst\_wr}.
\textbf{Address and Data fetching}: at this point, the \textit{Wishbone
Address} and the \textit{Data} to be written in that address can be both
fetched through the \textit{DRX} registers:
\item \textit{DRX0}: holds the Data Lowest Byte
\item \textit{DRX1}: holds the Data 2$^{nd}$ Lowest Byte
\item \textit{DRX2}: holds the Data 2$^{nd}$ Highest Byte
\item \textit{DRX3}: holds the Data Highest Byte
\item \textit{DRX4}: holds the Wishbone Address Lowest Byte
\item \textit{DRX5}: holds the Wishbone Address Highest Byte
\item The Master I2C device stops the I2C transaction.
\subsection{Indirect Read from Master to Slave}
It is a two-phases transaction: one indirect read is achieved
by signaling only two I2C start conditions by the master.\\
\textbf{FIRST PHASE}
\item The Master I2C device starts an I2C transaction. In the first byte it
specifies the type of transaction issued as a write.
\item Then, two bytes are received in the slave. At the end of the reception
of the last bit of this second byte (third since the I2C start condition), the
finite state machine in \textit{i2c\_slave\_core.vhd} launches the interrupt
\textbf{Address Prefetching}: at this point, the Wishbone Address can be
It is found in \textit{DRX0} and \textit{DRX1} registers:
\item \textit{DRX0}: holds the Wishbone Address Lowest Byte
\item \textit{DRX1}: holds the Wishbone Address Highest Byte
\textbf{Data Prefetching}: it is a good practice to do the \textit{data
prefetching} of the Wishbone Address (in case this is accessible). The control
logic attached to the \textit{i2c\_slave\_wb} module should perform a
wishbone write to the four \textit{DTX[X]} registers:
\item \textit{DTX0}: holds the Data Lowest Byte
\item \textit{DTX1}: holds the Data 2$^{nd}$ Lowest Byte
\item \textit{DTX2}: holds the Data 2$^{nd}$ Highest Byte
\item \textit{DTX3}: holds the Data Highest Byte
so that the data in the transmission registers is up-to-date, in order to be
sent through I2C.
The wishbone interface is addressed with 4-bit depth. Memory maps into:\\
\begin{tabular}{| c | c | c |}
\textbf{Address} & \textbf{Register} & \textbf{Access} \\
\textbf{0x0} & \textit{CTR0} & Write-read\\
\textbf{0x1} & \textit{LT} & Read-only\\
\textbf{0x2} & \textit{DTX} & Write-read\\
\textbf{0x3} & \textit{DRXA} & Read-only\\
\textbf{0x4} & \textit{DRXB} & Read-only\\
\caption{I2C internal memory map}
\item The Master I2C device (re)starts an I2C transaction. In the first byte
it specifies the type of transaction issued as a read. At the end of the
reception of the last bit on the first byte of this \textit{second phase}
(third byte sinc the I2C start condition from the \textit{first phase}), the
finite state machine in \textit{i2c\_slave\_core.vhd} launches the interrupt
\item The \textit{i2c\_slave\_wb} module sends the four data bytes in the
following order:
\item Data Lowest Byte
\item Data 2$^{nd}$ Lowest Byte
\item Data 2$^{nd}$ Highest Byte
\item Data Highest Byte
\item Once the last byte has been already send, the finite state machine in
\textit{i2c\_slave\_core.vhd} launches the interrupt \textit{inst\_rd\_addr}.
\section{Modifiying length of the I2C fields}
\section{I2C master write into slave}
In the following figure a I2C master write into a slave is shown. The
parameters of the transaction are:
\item \textbf{CTRO.I2C\_ADDR}: X"3"
\item \textbf{CTR0.BIA}: X"2"
\item \textbf{CTR0.BWR}: X"4"
\caption{I2C master write into slave}
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