Commit 0fbf07a1 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

doc: replace switch photo with draw

Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 1526fcd5
SRC = $(wildcard *.svg)
OBJS = $(SRC:.svg=.pdf)
OBJS += switch-vect-ttl.pdf
OBJS += switch-vect-freq.pdf
OBJS += switch-vect-jitter.pdf
all: $(OBJS)
EXTRACT_LAYERS_OPTIONS = --verb EditDelete --verb LayerShowAll --verb FileSave --verb FileQuit
# FIXME the inkspace command is not perfect. Apparently the first element
# is not properly selected.
switch-vect-ttl.svg: switch-vect.svg
cp $< $@
inkscape $@ --select=layer-jitter --select=layer-freq --select=layer-jitter $(EXTRACT_LAYERS_OPTIONS)
switch-vect-freq.svg: switch-vect.svg
cp $< $@
inkscape $@ --select=layer-jitter --select=layer-ttl --select=layer-jitter $(EXTRACT_LAYERS_OPTIONS)
switch-vect-jitter.svg: switch-vect.svg
cp $< $@
inkscape $@ --select=layer-freq --select=layer-ttl --select=layer-freq $(EXTRACT_LAYERS_OPTIONS)
%.pdf : %.svg
inkscape -f $< -A $@
clean :
rm -f *.pdf
rm -f *.pdf switch-vect-ttl.svg switch-vect-jitter.svg switch-vect-freq.svg
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
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......@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ read from the board's status register (SR -- see Appendix~\ref{app:conv-regs-sr}
\caption{Switches on the CONV-TTL-BLO board}
......@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ are replicated to TTL-BAR pulses on the front panel.
\caption{TTL/TTL-BAR selection switch}
......@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ result of a glitch occurring on input channels. The glitch filter can be enabled
SW1.1 (Figure~\ref{fig:switches-ptype}).
\caption{Glitch filter enable switch}
......@@ -690,6 +690,12 @@ can be left in the \textbf{OFF} position.
\subsection{Frequencies operation}
\caption{TTL/TTL-BAR selection switch}
% SEC: Communicating to the CONV-TTL-BLO
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