Commit 1b488a25 authored by Denia Bouhired-Ferrag's avatar Denia Bouhired-Ferrag

Added section on PCB version. And burst mode functionality and pulse width selection

parent a6c9a10e
......@@ -149,8 +149,10 @@ pulses (see Section~\ref{sec:pulse-def}). The main features of the board are:
\item TTL to TTL
\item TTL-BAR to TTL-BAR
\item Support for high frequency bursts
\item Selectable pulse width: 1.2 us for 50kHz-100kHz repetition frequencies, 250ns for 500kHz-2MHz repetition frequencies
\item Four general-purpose inverter channels
\item Each channel has 50~$\Omega$ input termination
\item Each input channel has 50~$\Omega$ input termination
\item Each channel capable of driving 50~$\Omega$ load
\item SFP connector
\item Diagnostics
......@@ -523,6 +525,34 @@ selection switch is set to TTL will lead to a delay of one pulse width. To avoid
unwanted delay, it is therefore encouraged to pay attention to the status of this switch
before plugging the board into a crate.
% SUBSEC: Rep details
\subsection{Pulse repetition frequency}
Version 2.1 and earlier of the CONV-TTL-BOARD supports continuous pulse repetition, restricting output
pulse width to 1.2us and a maximum repetition frequency of 4.15 kHz.\\
For boards v4 and later\footnote{Note that version 3 of the boards is a prototyping version with only 3 prototypes available. Although the hardware can support higher frequencies, the gateware release will not offer this feature on this version. This is due to these boards do not pffer the FPGA with the possibility of PCB version recognition (hardwaired on V4 boards and later).}, the user is able to select the desired pulse width via a a dip switch as explained in section \cite{sec:switches}. This ability to select between long $1.2 \mu s$ pulses and short $250 ns$ pulses means that the board will be able to deliver higher repetition frequencies, but for a limited amount of time. This mode of operation is known as \textbf{Burst mode}. In this mode, the board allows the user to increase repetition frequencies but will start missing pulses once the pre-defined (Embedded in the FPGA) time has ellapsed. Table\cite{table:freq-table} below summaries the frequency ranges available. Figure \cite gives a graph of the supported frequencies in burst mode Vs the amount of time for which repetition is guaranteed. After this time has elapsed the board will start missing some pulses, by lowering its repetition frequency dynamically in order to protect the output circuitry from irreversible damage.
\caption{Maximum pulse repetition frequency}
\begin{tabular}{l l c c c c}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Pulse width}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Continuous mode}} &
\textbf{Burst mode} \\
$250 ns$ & $555 kHz$ & $ 2MHz $ \\
$1.2 \mu s$ & $50 kHz$ & $ 100kHz $ \\
% SUBSEC: Rep details
......@@ -945,7 +975,7 @@ for TTL-to-blocking converter.
The gateware version can be read from the least significant eight bits of the
status register (SR -- see Appendix~\ref{app:conv-regs-sr}). The gateware version
is split into major and minor version numbers. Both numbers are decimal numbers.
is split into major and minor version numbers. Both numbers are decimal numbers.
The major version number increments on major changes in the gateware, such as
the implementation of new blocks. The minor version increments on bug fixes.
......@@ -954,7 +984,14 @@ the implementation of new blocks. The minor version increments on bug fixes.
\subsection{PCB version}
The PCB version is necessary to the operation of the burst mode. Indeed the FPGA reads out the hardware version,
and depending on whether the board is v4 and later or v3 earlier, will enable or disable this functionality accordingly.
The PCB version is provided to the FPGA via a resistor network offering, 4 bits for the version number
and 2 bits for potential revisions. The value is available in the SR register (SR -- see Appendix~\ref{app:conv-regs-sr})
in two bytes.
So for instance a v4.1 board will be given as "01000001", with the Least significant byte LSB providing the revision number,
and the most significant byte MSB providing the version number. Note that the revision number is only 2 bits so the two most significant bits in the corresponding byte are just padding.\\
Note also that PCB identification is not available in boards v3 and earlier, and therefore the HWVERS field in the SR register will read as all zeroes.
% SUBSEC: Thermo, unique ID
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