Commit 23ca8a8f authored by Carlos Gil Soriano's avatar Carlos Gil Soriano

m25p32 module pass all the simulation tests. Moving to onboard check.

parent 514754e8
[Test] [Check] [OP] [Stat] [Message]
0 -- WREN Start of TX: WREN received
0 OK WRSR INST WRSR instruction received matches with expected
0 OK WRSR DATA SR register received matches with expected
0 -- WRDI End of TX: WRDI received
1 -- WREN Start of TX: WREN received
1 OK PP INST PP instruction received matches with expected
1 OK PP ADDR Address received matches with expected
1 -- WRDI End of TX: WRDI received
2 -- WREN Start of TX: WREN received
2 OK SE INST SE instruction received matches with expected
2 OK SE ADDR Address received matches with expected
2 -- WRDI End of TX: WRDI received
3 -- WREN Start of TX: WREN received
3 OK BE INST BE instruction received matches with expected
3 -- WRDI End of TX: WRDI received
4 -- WREN Start of TX: WREN received
4 OK RDSR INST RDSR instruction received matches with expected
4 -- WRDI End of TX: WRDI received
4 OK RDSR READ SR_m25p32 matches with expected
5 -- WREN Start of TX: WREN received
5 OK RDID INST RDID instruction received matches with expected
5 -- WRDI End of TX: WRDI received
5 OK RDID READ RDID matches with expected
6 -- WREN Start of TX: WREN received
6 OK READ INST READ instruction received matches with expected
6 OK READ ADDR Address received matches with expected
6 -- WRDI End of TX: WRDI received
6 OK READ READ READ matches with expected
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