Commit 50bce627 authored by Theodor-Adrian Stana's avatar Theodor-Adrian Stana

added second presentation file

parent c50b4994
1. Review discussion
1.1. Folder structure
1.2. reset_gen
- reset bit already available, only needs to be connected
1.3. i2c_slave & glitch_filt
- add synchronizer to glitch_filt
- SCL line sampling
-- nothing in I2C spec saying 'sample on rising edge'
-- (tom, eva) sampled on falling edge to avoid incompliant masters
-- (javier) tapped delay line makes design too complex
- (tom) will change sda_o and sda_en_o assignment
- (eva) agreed with clearer `falling' and `rising' signal naming
- (eva) FSM seems clearer if the outputs are set in same process as
the states
1.4. vbcp_wb
- watchdog addition (wait for 2.)
1.5. ctb_pulse_gen
1.6. multiboot
- watchdog (wait for 2.)
- no other additions?
1.7. bicolor_led_ctrl
1.8. top-level
1.9. constraints
- will add clock constraint to .ucf
2. Block replacement proposal
3. Add modules to own projects/general-cores
3.1. MultiBoot to general-cores?
3.2. VBCP bridge to own project
4. Discuss about meeting with FE people
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