Commit 60f4ce9b authored by Theodor-Adrian Stana's avatar Theodor-Adrian Stana

sw: Updated library script

- added progress string to output of read & write, instead of long address dumps
- more descriptive output in read and write
- increased timeout on IPROG command
parent c4f821f6
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import time
from functools import partial
from comm_type import *
from flash_m25p import *
import os
MB_CR_OFS = 0x00
......@@ -48,19 +49,35 @@ class XilMultiboot:
self.bitstream = param[4]
self.flash = FlashM25P(self.comm, self.elma, self.slot, self.mb_base)
# Print read or write progress to screen
def _progress(self, sa, ea, ca):
actual = ca - sa
total = ea - sa
progress = (float(actual)/float(total)) * 100
if (progress > 100.00):
progress = 100.00
sys.stdout.write("\r %3.2f%% (0x%06x)" % (progress, ca))
# Read from flash
def read(self, sa, ea):
# Ask for and open bitstream file
fname = raw_input("Output file name: ")
fname = raw_input("Output file name for flash readout: ")
f = open(fname,'wb')
# Read the data and dump to file
print("Reading flash contents from board in slot %d" % self.slot)
dat = []
for i in range(sa, ea, 256):
dat +=, 256)
print("(r:%d) 0x%06x" % (self.slot, i))
self._progress(sa, ea, i)
i += 256
self._progress(sa, ea, i)
dat = ''.join(map(chr,dat))
......@@ -70,20 +87,21 @@ class XilMultiboot:
def write(self, addr):
print("Writing bitstream...")
print("Writing bitstream to board in slot %d" % self.slot)
# Ask for and open bitstream file
fname = self.bitstream
f = open(fname,'rb')
f = open(self.bitstream,'rb')
sta = addr
tot = os.path.getsize(self.bitstream)
end = sta + tot
# Start reading input file 256 bytes at a time and write to flash
for dat in iter(partial(, 256), ''):
dat = [int(d.encode("hex"), 16) for d in dat]
print("(w:%d) 0x%x" % (self.slot, addr))
self._progress(sta, end, addr)
# Erase on sector boundary
if not (addr % 0x10000):
while (self.flash.rsr() & 0x01):
......@@ -96,6 +114,9 @@ class XilMultiboot:
# increment to next page address
addr += 256
self._progress(sta, end, addr)
# Close file handle
......@@ -116,7 +137,7 @@ class XilMultiboot:
# Set timeout...
t0 = time.time()
t1 = t0 + 20
t1 = t0 + 60
# and wait for the FPGA to gracefully respond, or die trying
while (1):
......@@ -140,7 +161,7 @@ class XilMultiboot:
print("Press 'q' to end config reg readout")
while 1:
reg = raw_input('Address: 0x')
reg = raw_input('Address (hex): ')
reg = int(reg, 16)
if (reg < 0x00) or (reg > 0x22):
raise ValueError
......@@ -156,3 +177,8 @@ class XilMultiboot:
print("Please input a hex value in the range [0x00, 0x22] or 'q' to quit")
# Set bitstream file path
def set_bitstream_file(self, path):
self.bitstream = path
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