Commit c5561f06 authored by Javier Serrano's avatar Javier Serrano

First comments after reading HDL guide

parent 3fa1e9c0
Some comments after reading the "CONV-TTL-BLO HDL Guide" pdf document:
Page ii: "Intergrated" -> "Integrated" I don't know if vim has a spell
checker. Emacs does ;) Also, VBCP should be defined here.
Page 1: some text labels in figure 1 cannot be seen completely.
Page 4: Not clear what "LED refresh rate" means. Some kind of duty
cycle? "the to the LEDs" -> "then to the LEDs".
Page 5: "Setting" column in table is empty. Fill or delete.
Page 6: what are the units for the length of the glitch filter? clk_i
cycles? A maximum g_pwidth should also be imposed to preserve the
transformer. "The behavior of the outputs are different" -> "The
behavior of the outputs is different"
- Check DAC output for OSC1 has a stable voltage.
- Check that the duty cycle of 1/5 max is also imposed when the glitch
filter is active.
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