Commit 7bfeeb98 authored by Theodor-Adrian Stana's avatar Theodor-Adrian Stana

Coordinate storage to SD card seems to be working

More testing to be done to confirm it is working properly.
parent db8c69a1
...@@ -69,9 +69,12 @@ DWORD get_fattime(void) ...@@ -69,9 +69,12 @@ DWORD get_fattime(void)
static void gpsbkgnd_task(void *params); static void gpsbkgnd_task(void *params);
static void update_time(); static void update_time();
static void take_storage();
static void give_storage();
static void store_track(); static void store_track();
static void track_on(); void stringify(struct gps_coord *, char *, char *);
static void track_off();
void gpsbkgnd_init() void gpsbkgnd_init()
{ {
...@@ -83,8 +86,6 @@ void gpsbkgnd_init() ...@@ -83,8 +86,6 @@ void gpsbkgnd_init()
xTimerStart(timerGps, 0); xTimerStart(timerGps, 0);
} }
static int nr=0;
static void gpsbkgnd_task(void *params) static void gpsbkgnd_task(void *params)
{ {
(void) params; (void) params;
...@@ -107,50 +108,34 @@ static void gpsbkgnd_task(void *params) ...@@ -107,50 +108,34 @@ static void gpsbkgnd_task(void *params)
return; return;
} }
/* Turn on tracking icon based on setting */ /*
* Tracking actions based on previous and current value of setting
* - ON to OFF -- take control of storage so we can store and inform other
* tasks that tracking has turned on
* - OFF to ON -- give control of storage so other tasks can store to it
* and inform other tasks that tracking has been turned off
ptrack = track; ptrack = track;
track = setting_get(&setting_tracking); track = setting_get(&setting_tracking);
if (track) { if (track) {
if (!ptrack || firstrun) { if (!ptrack || firstrun) {
track_on(); take_storage();
// e.type = GPS_TRACK_ON; // e.type = GPS_TRACK_ON;
// xQueueSendToBack(appQueue, &e, 0); // xQueueSendToBack(appQueue, &e, 0);
} }
} else if (ptrack) { } else if (ptrack) {
track_off(); give_storage();
// e.type = GPS_TRACK_OFF; // e.type = GPS_TRACK_OFF;
// xQueueSendToBack(appQueue, &e, 0); // xQueueSendToBack(appQueue, &e, 0);
} }
// /* Set time and track according to setting */ /* Set time and track according to setting */
// if (gps_fixed()) { if (gps_fixed()) {
// if (setting_get(&setting_gps_sets_time)) if (setting_get(&setting_gps_sets_time))
// update_time(); update_time();
// if (track) if (track)
// store_track(); store_track();
// } }
//UINT dummy;
//char buf[16];
//char fname[64];
//if (nr == 0) {
// track_on();
//if (nr < 10) {
// if (!mutexours) track_on();
// sprintf(buf, "%d\n", nr);
// usbdbg_puts(buf);
// if (open) {
// sprintf(fname, "track");
// open = f_open(&f, fname, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
// } else {
// f_write(&f, buf, strlen(buf), &dummy);
// }
//if (nr == 10){
// track_off();
if (firstrun) if (firstrun)
firstrun = 0; firstrun = 0;
...@@ -185,11 +170,34 @@ static void update_time() ...@@ -185,11 +170,34 @@ static void update_time()
if (firstfix) firstfix = 0; if (firstfix) firstfix = 0;
} }
static void take_storage()
if (xSemaphoreTake(mutexSdCardAccess, 0)) {
mutexours = 1;
f_mount(0, &fatfs);
open = 1;
static void give_storage()
mutexours = 0;
open = 1;
static void store_track() static void store_track()
{ {
struct gps_utc gpstime; struct tm time;
struct gps_coord gpscoord; struct gps_coord gpscoord;
char buf[80]; char lats[16], lons[16];
char buf[128];
char fname[64]; char fname[64];
UINT dummy; UINT dummy;
...@@ -198,52 +206,107 @@ static void store_track() ...@@ -198,52 +206,107 @@ static void store_track()
* started * started
*/ */
if (!mutexours) { if (!mutexours) {
track_on(); take_storage();
} else { } else {
if (open) { if (open) {
/* /*
* We open the file here so that we can give it a name according * We open the file here so that we can give it a name according
* to current time * to current time
*/ */
gps_get_utc(&gpstime); time = clock_get_time();
sprintf(fname, "track_%d-%02d-%02d_%02dh%02dm%02ds.txt", sprintf(fname, "track_%d-%02d-%02d_%02dh%02dm%02ds.txt",
1900 + gpstime.yr, 1 + gpstime.mon, time.tm_year, time.tm_mon, time.tm_mday,, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec); + setting_get(&setting_gmt_ofs_hr),
gpstime.min + setting_get(&setting_gmt_ofs_min),
open = f_open(&f, fname, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); open = f_open(&f, fname, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
} else { } else {
/* /*
* When we've opened (f_open() returns 0 on success), start * When we've opened (f_open() returns 0 on success), start
* putting coords into file * putting coords into file. We try to massage the float coordinates
* into strings before printing to file, rather than sprintf-ing to
* the file directly, as the latter tends to hard-fault the CPU.
*/ */
gps_get_coord(&gpscoord, 2); gps_get_coord(&gpscoord, 2);
sprintf(buf, "%3.7f,%3.7f\n",, gpscoord.lon);
stringify(&gpscoord, lats, lons);
strcpy(buf, lats);
strcat(buf, lons);
strcat(buf, "\n");
f_write(&f, buf, strlen(buf), &dummy); f_write(&f, buf, strlen(buf), &dummy);
} }
} }
} }
static void track_on() void stringify(struct gps_coord *c, char *lats, char *lons)
{ {
if (xSemaphoreTake(mutexSdCardAccess, 0)) { int lat, lon, shift;
usbdbg_puts("take\r\n"); char tmp1[16], tmp2[16];
mutexours = 1;
MICROSD_Init(); /*
disk_initialize(0); * Convert latitude and longitude to ints, then to strings;
f_mount(0, &fatfs); * use 7 digits after decimal point for coordinates
open = 1; */
lat = c->lat * 10000000;
strcpy(lats, "");
if (lat < 0) {
*lats++ = '-';
lat *= -1;
shift = lat;
while (lat) {
lat /= 10;
*lats = '\0';
while(shift) {
*--lats = '0' + (shift % 10);
shift /= 10;
} }
static void track_off() lon = c->lon * 10000000;
{ strcpy(lons, "");
usbdbg_puts("give\r\n"); if (lon < 0) {
f_close(&f); *lons++ = '-';
MICROSD_Deinit(); lon *= -1;
xSemaphoreGive(mutexSdCardAccess); }
mutexours = 0; shift = lon;
open = 1; while (lon) {
lon /= 10;
*lons = '\0';
while(shift) {
*--lons = '0' + (shift % 10);
shift /= 10;
* Avoid crashes at global position 0/0, or add the decimal points at the
* appropriate positions in the strings
if ((strlen(lats) == 0) && (strlen(lons) == 0)) {
strcpy(lats, "0.0000000");
strcpy(lons, "0.0000000");
} else {
strncpy(tmp1, lats, strlen(lats)-7);
strcpy(tmp1+strlen(lats)-7, "\0");
strncpy(tmp2, lats+(strlen(lats)-7), 7);
strcpy(tmp2+7, "\0");
strcpy(lats, tmp1);
strcat(lats, ".");
strcat(lats, tmp2);
strncpy(tmp1, lons, strlen(lons)-7);
strcpy(tmp1+strlen(lons)-7, "\0");
strncpy(tmp2, lons+(strlen(lons)-7), 7);
strcpy(tmp2+7, "\0");
strcpy(lons, tmp1);
strcat(lons, ".");
strcat(lons, tmp2);
} }
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