delay: ignore delays less than 600ns

This is below spec, and the driver must ignore it
parent 6a42b2e4
......@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ void fd_apply_offset(uint32_t *a, int32_t off_pico)
/* Internal output engine */
static void __fd_zio_output(struct fd_dev *fd, int index1_4, uint32_t *attrs)
struct timespec delta, width;
struct timespec delta, width, delay;
int ch = index1_4 - 1;
int mode = attrs[FD_ATTR_OUT_MODE];
int rep = attrs[FD_ATTR_OUT_REP];
......@@ -440,6 +440,13 @@ static void __fd_zio_output(struct fd_dev *fd, int index1_4, uint32_t *attrs)
if (mode == FD_OUT_MODE_DELAY) {
/* check delay lower limits */
delay.tv_sec = (uint64_t)attrs[FD_ATTR_OUT_START_H] << 32
delay.tv_nsec = attrs[FD_ATTR_OUT_START_COARSE] * 8;
if (delay.tv_sec == 0 && delay.tv_nsec < 600)
fd_apply_offset(attrs + FD_ATTR_OUT_START_H,
fd_apply_offset(attrs + FD_ATTR_OUT_END_H,
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