Commit a7b6eaf5 authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

doc: Update todo list.

parent e513c580
......@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ The register description for the cores for the carrier control and status, the t
@float Figure,fig:spec_fw_arch
@center @image{../../figures/spec_fw_arch_module, 15cm,,,pdf}
@caption{FPGA firmware architecture block diargam.}
@caption{FPGA firmware architecture block diagram.}
@end float
@sp 1
......@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ The number of samples per shot stored in memory is equal to: number of pre-trigg
@item Remove mutli-irq register from interrupt controller.@*
Perhaps add a counter per interrupt source instead.@*
Or use wbgen2 eic (with level interrupt output).
@item Remove unused 250MHz clock signals and buffer.
@c DONE @item Remove unused 250MHz clock signals and buffer.
@item Unify address inferfaces: put all in bytes (wishbone addr, trig pointer, ...)@*
- Change GN4142-core WB bus(es) to byte address.@*
- Change DDR-core WB bus(es) to byte address?
......@@ -1009,9 +1009,12 @@ The number of samples per shot stored in memory is equal to: number of pre-trigg
- Instead of overwriting memory for a given acquisition.@*
- If read during acquisition (or even block read during acq?).
@item Rename decimation (and "sample rate" register) in under-sampling.
@item Increase decimation register from 16 to 32 bits.
@item Use 200MHz clock for WB bus from ddr-ctrl to gn4124-core.
@item Clean-up adc core WB interface to DDR -> use only one clock (=> sys_clk).
@item Replace all Xilinx FIFO by generic ones from general-cores lib (! last time I tried, it broke the DMA.).
@item Replace all Xilinx FIFO by generic ones from general-cores lib (! last time I tried, it broke the DMA.).@*
- Seems to work with proposed master (05.08.2013).@*
- Still need to replace FIFO in adc core.
@item Test sampling clocks from 10MHz to 105MHz.
@item Add sampling clock presence flag. Or better a sampling clock frequency register.
@item Add over-heat and input over-load interrupts? (from original specification)
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