Commit ca9e3875 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

hdl: fixed identation and updated headers on all modified files, prior to new release

parent 1f69cf8c
-- FMC ADC 100Ms/s core
-- unit name: fmc_adc_100Ms_core (fmc_adc_100Ms_core.vhd)
-- author: Matthieu Cattin (
-- Theodor Stana (
-- date: 28-02-2011
-- description: FMC ADC 100Ms/s core.
-- dependencies:
-- references:
-- [1] Xilinx UG175. FIFO Generator v6.2, July 23, 2010
-- Title : FMC ADC 100Ms/s core
-- Project : FMC ADC 100M 14B 4CHA gateware
-- URL :
-- File : fmc_adc_100Ms_core.vhd
-- Author(s) : Matthieu Cattin <>
-- Theodor Stana <>
-- Dimitrios Lampridis <>
-- Company : CERN (BE-CO-HT)
-- Created : 2011-02-24
-- Last update: 2016-04-19
-- Standard : VHDL'93/02
-- Description: FMC ADC 100Ms/s core.
-- Copyright (c) 2011-2016 CERN (BE-CO-HT)
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
......@@ -30,11 +27,16 @@
-- See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have
-- received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
-- source; if not, download it from
-- last changes: see git log.
-- TODO: -
-- Revisions :
-- Date Version Author
-- 2016-04-20 4.1 Dimitrios Lampridis
-- 2014-04-25 4.0 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2014-01-16 3.0 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2013-07-29 2.0 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2013-03-28 1.1 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2013-03-11 1.0 Matthieu Cattin
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
......@@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ entity fmc_adc_100Ms_core is
trigger_tag_i : t_timetag;
-- FMC interface
ext_trigger_p_i : in std_logic; -- External trigger
ext_trigger_p_i : in std_logic; -- External trigger
ext_trigger_n_i : in std_logic;
adc_dco_p_i : in std_logic; -- ADC data clock
......@@ -102,14 +104,14 @@ entity fmc_adc_100Ms_core is
adc_outb_p_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- ADC serial data (even bits)
adc_outb_n_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
gpio_dac_clr_n_o : out std_logic; -- offset DACs clear (active low)
gpio_led_acq_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel power LED (PWR)
gpio_led_trig_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel trigger LED (TRIG)
gpio_dac_clr_n_o : out std_logic; -- offset DACs clear (active low)
gpio_led_acq_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel power LED (PWR)
gpio_led_trig_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel trigger LED (TRIG)
gpio_ssr_ch1_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 1 solid state relays control
gpio_ssr_ch2_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 2 solid state relays control
gpio_ssr_ch3_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 3 solid state relays control
gpio_ssr_ch4_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 4 solid state relays control
gpio_si570_oe_o : out std_logic -- Si570 (programmable oscillator) output enable
gpio_si570_oe_o : out std_logic -- Si570 (programmable oscillator) output enable
end fmc_adc_100Ms_core;
......@@ -124,8 +126,8 @@ architecture rtl of fmc_adc_100Ms_core is
component adc_serdes
sys_w : integer := 9; -- width of the data for the system
dev_w : integer := 72 -- width of the data for the device
sys_w : integer := 9; -- width of the data for the system
dev_w : integer := 72 -- width of the data for the device
......@@ -136,13 +138,13 @@ architecture rtl of fmc_adc_100Ms_core is
-- Data control
BITSLIP : in std_logic;
-- Clock and reset signals
CLK_IN : in std_logic; -- Fast clock from PLL/MMCM
CLK_IN : in std_logic; -- Fast clock from PLL/MMCM
CLK_OUT : out std_logic;
CLK_DIV_IN : in std_logic; -- Slow clock from PLL/MMCM
CLK_DIV_IN : in std_logic; -- Slow clock from PLL/MMCM
LOCKED_IN : in std_logic;
LOCKED_OUT : out std_logic;
CLK_RESET : in std_logic; -- Reset signal for Clock circuit
IO_RESET : in std_logic -- Reset signal for IO circuit
CLK_RESET : in std_logic; -- Reset signal for Clock circuit
IO_RESET : in std_logic -- Reset signal for IO circuit
end component adc_serdes;
......@@ -188,7 +190,7 @@ architecture rtl of fmc_adc_100Ms_core is
fmc_adc_core_shots_cnt_val_i : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
fmc_adc_core_trig_pos_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
fmc_adc_core_fs_freq_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
fmc_adc_core_sr_undersample_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
fmc_adc_core_sr_undersample_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
fmc_adc_core_pre_samples_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
fmc_adc_core_post_samples_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
fmc_adc_core_samples_cnt_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
......@@ -212,25 +214,25 @@ architecture rtl of fmc_adc_100Ms_core is
fmc_adc_core_ch4_gain_val_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
fmc_adc_core_ch4_offset_val_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
fmc_adc_core_ch4_sat_val_o : out std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
fmc_adc_core_multi_depth_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
fmc_adc_core_multi_depth_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
end component fmc_adc_100Ms_csr;
component ext_pulse_sync
g_MIN_PULSE_WIDTH : natural := 2; --! Minimum input pulse width
--! (in ns), must be >1 clk_i tick
g_CLK_FREQUENCY : natural := 40; --! clk_i frequency (in MHz)
g_OUTPUT_POLARITY : std_logic := '1'; --! pulse_o polarity
--! (1=negative, 0=positive)
g_OUTPUT_RETRIG : boolean := false; --! Retriggerable output monostable
g_OUTPUT_LENGTH : natural := 1 --! pulse_o lenght (in clk_i ticks)
g_MIN_PULSE_WIDTH : natural := 2; --! Minimum input pulse width
--! (in ns), must be >1 clk_i tick
g_CLK_FREQUENCY : natural := 40; --! clk_i frequency (in MHz)
g_OUTPUT_POLARITY : std_logic := '1'; --! pulse_o polarity
--! (1=negative, 0=positive)
g_OUTPUT_RETRIG : boolean := FALSE; --! Retriggerable output monostable
g_OUTPUT_LENGTH : natural := 1 --! pulse_o lenght (in clk_i ticks)
port (
rst_n_i : in std_logic; --! Reset (active low)
clk_i : in std_logic; --! Clock to synchronize pulse
input_polarity_i : in std_logic; --! Input pulse polarity (1=negative, 0=positive)
pulse_i : in std_logic; --! Asynchronous input pulse
pulse_o : out std_logic --! Synchronized output pulse
rst_n_i : in std_logic; --! Reset (active low)
clk_i : in std_logic; --! Clock to synchronize pulse
input_polarity_i : in std_logic; --! Input pulse polarity (1=negative, 0=positive)
pulse_i : in std_logic; --! Asynchronous input pulse
pulse_o : out std_logic --! Synchronized output pulse
end component ext_pulse_sync;
......@@ -248,18 +250,18 @@ architecture rtl of fmc_adc_100Ms_core is
component monostable
g_INPUT_POLARITY : std_logic := '1'; --! trigger_i polarity
--! ('0'=negative, 1=positive)
g_OUTPUT_POLARITY : std_logic := '1'; --! pulse_o polarity
--! ('0'=negative, 1=positive)
g_OUTPUT_RETRIG : boolean := false; --! Retriggerable output monostable
g_OUTPUT_LENGTH : natural := 1 --! pulse_o lenght (in clk_i ticks)
g_INPUT_POLARITY : std_logic := '1'; --! trigger_i polarity
--! ('0'=negative, 1=positive)
g_OUTPUT_POLARITY : std_logic := '1'; --! pulse_o polarity
--! ('0'=negative, 1=positive)
g_OUTPUT_RETRIG : boolean := FALSE; --! Retriggerable output monostable
g_OUTPUT_LENGTH : natural := 1 --! pulse_o lenght (in clk_i ticks)
port (
rst_n_i : in std_logic; --! Reset (active low)
clk_i : in std_logic; --! Clock
trigger_i : in std_logic; --! Trigger input pulse
pulse_o : out std_logic --! Monostable output pulse
rst_n_i : in std_logic; --! Reset (active low)
clk_i : in std_logic; --! Clock
trigger_i : in std_logic; --! Trigger input pulse
pulse_o : out std_logic --! Monostable output pulse
end component monostable;
......@@ -465,7 +467,7 @@ begin
generic map(
g_OUTPUT_RETRIG => true,
g_OUTPUT_LENGTH => 12500000
port map(
......@@ -481,7 +483,7 @@ begin
generic map(
g_OUTPUT_RETRIG => true,
g_OUTPUT_LENGTH => 12500000
port map(
......@@ -505,7 +507,7 @@ begin
cmp_dco_buf : IBUFDS
generic map (
DIFF_TERM => true, -- Differential termination
DIFF_TERM => TRUE, -- Differential termination
port map (
I => adc_dco_p_i,
......@@ -516,9 +518,9 @@ begin
cmp_dco_bufio : BUFIO2
generic map (
DIVIDE => 1,
I_INVERT => false,
USE_DOUBLER => false)
port map (
I => dco_clk_buf,
IOCLK => open,
......@@ -573,7 +575,7 @@ begin
cmp_fb_clk_bufio : BUFIO2FB
generic map (
port map (
I => clk_fb_buf,
O => clk_fb
......@@ -582,7 +584,7 @@ begin
-- Sampinling clock frequency meter
cmp_fs_freq : gc_frequency_meter
generic map(
g_with_internal_timebase => true,
g_with_internal_timebase => TRUE,
g_clk_sys_freq => 125000000,
g_counter_bits => 32
......@@ -637,7 +639,7 @@ begin
CLK_DIV_IN => fs_clk,
LOCKED_IN => locked_in,
LOCKED_OUT => locked_out,
CLK_RESET => '0', -- unused
CLK_RESET => '0', -- unused
IO_RESET => sys_rst
......@@ -703,7 +705,7 @@ begin
bitslip_sreg <= bitslip_sreg(0) & bitslip_sreg(bitslip_sreg'length-1 downto 1);
-- Generate bitslip and synced signal
if(bitslip_sreg(bitslip_sreg'left) = '1') then
if(bitslip_sreg(bitslip_sreg'LEFT) = '1') then
if(serdes_out_fr /= "00001111") then -- use fr_n pattern (fr_p and fr_n are swapped on the adc mezzanine)
serdes_auto_bitslip <= '1';
serdes_synced <= '0';
......@@ -765,7 +767,7 @@ begin
fmc_adc_core_shots_cnt_val_i => remaining_shots,
fmc_adc_core_trig_pos_i => trig_addr,
fmc_adc_core_fs_freq_i => fs_freq,
fmc_adc_core_sr_undersample_o => undersample_factor,
fmc_adc_core_sr_undersample_o => undersample_factor,
fmc_adc_core_pre_samples_o => pre_trig_value,
fmc_adc_core_post_samples_o => post_trig_value,
fmc_adc_core_samples_cnt_i => std_logic_vector(samples_cnt),
......@@ -825,11 +827,11 @@ begin
-- External hardware trigger synchronization
cmp_trig_sync : ext_pulse_sync
generic map(
g_MIN_PULSE_WIDTH => 1, -- clk_i ticks
g_CLK_FREQUENCY => 100, -- MHz
g_OUTPUT_POLARITY => '0', -- positive pulse
g_OUTPUT_RETRIG => false,
g_OUTPUT_LENGTH => 1 -- clk_i tick
g_MIN_PULSE_WIDTH => 1, -- clk_i ticks
g_CLK_FREQUENCY => 100, -- MHz
g_OUTPUT_POLARITY => '0', -- positive pulse
g_OUTPUT_LENGTH => 1 -- clk_i tick
port map(
rst_n_i => fs_rst_n,
......@@ -884,7 +886,7 @@ begin
end process;
int_trig <= int_trig_over_thres_filt and not(int_trig_over_thres_filt_d) when hw_trig_pol = '0' else -- positive slope
not(int_trig_over_thres_filt) and int_trig_over_thres_filt_d; -- negative slope
not(int_trig_over_thres_filt) and int_trig_over_thres_filt_d; -- negative slope
-- Hardware trigger selection
-- internal = adc data threshold
......@@ -978,17 +980,17 @@ begin
generic map (
g_data_width => 65,
g_size => 16,
g_show_ahead => false,
g_with_rd_empty => true,
g_with_rd_full => false,
g_with_rd_almost_empty => false,
g_with_rd_almost_full => false,
g_with_rd_count => false,
g_with_wr_empty => false,
g_with_wr_full => true,
g_with_wr_almost_empty => false,
g_with_wr_almost_full => false,
g_with_wr_count => false,
g_show_ahead => FALSE,
g_with_rd_empty => TRUE,
g_with_rd_full => FALSE,
g_with_rd_almost_empty => FALSE,
g_with_rd_almost_full => FALSE,
g_with_rd_count => FALSE,
g_with_wr_empty => FALSE,
g_with_wr_full => TRUE,
g_with_wr_almost_empty => FALSE,
g_with_wr_almost_full => FALSE,
g_with_wr_count => FALSE,
g_almost_empty_threshold => 0,
g_almost_full_threshold => 0
......@@ -997,7 +999,7 @@ begin
clk_wr_i => fs_clk,
d_i => sync_fifo_din,
we_i => sync_fifo_wr,
wr_empty_o => open, -- sync_fifo_empty,
wr_empty_o => open, -- sync_fifo_empty,
wr_full_o => sync_fifo_full,
wr_almost_empty_o => open,
wr_almost_full_o => open,
......@@ -1014,7 +1016,7 @@ begin
-- One clock cycle delay for the FIFO's VALID signal. Since the General Cores
-- package does not offer the possibility to use the FWFT feature of the FIFOs,
-- we simulate the valid flag here according to Figure 4-7 in ref. [1].
-- we simulate the valid flag here according to Figure 4-7 in Xilinx UG175.
p_sync_fifo_valid : process (sys_clk_i) is
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
......@@ -1036,7 +1038,7 @@ begin
if fs_rst_n = '0' then
data_calibr_out_d <= (others => (others => '0'));
elsif rising_edge(fs_clk) then
data_calibr_out_d <= data_calibr_out_d(data_calibr_out_d'left-1 downto 0) & data_calibr_out;
data_calibr_out_d <= data_calibr_out_d(data_calibr_out_d'LEFT-1 downto 0) & data_calibr_out;
end if;
end process p_data_delay;
......@@ -1054,7 +1056,7 @@ begin
-- "00000000" & serdes_out_fr;
sync_fifo_wr <= undersample_en and serdes_synced and not(sync_fifo_full);
sync_fifo_rd <= not(sync_fifo_empty); -- read sync fifo as soon as data are available
sync_fifo_rd <= not(sync_fifo_empty); -- read sync fifo as soon as data are available
......@@ -1183,13 +1185,13 @@ begin
-- TODO: because of a -yet to be fully understood- bug, acquisition produces
-- corrupted samples when number_of_samples is exactly equal to multi_shot ram
-- size. So for now, number_of_samples should be less than multi_shot ram size.
p_acq_cfg_ok: process (sys_clk_i)
p_acq_cfg_ok : process (sys_clk_i)
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
acq_config_ok <= '0';
elsif unsigned(post_trig_value) = to_unsigned(0, post_trig_value'length) then
acq_config_ok <= '0';
acq_config_ok <= '0';
elsif unsigned(shots_value) = to_unsigned(0, shots_value'length) then
acq_config_ok <= '0';
elsif single_shot = '0' and
......@@ -1398,9 +1400,9 @@ begin
g_data_width => 64,
g_size => g_multishot_ram_size,
g_with_byte_enable => false,
g_with_byte_enable => FALSE,
g_addr_conflict_resolution => "read_first",
g_dual_clock => false
g_dual_clock => FALSE
-- default values for the rest of the generics are okay
port map
......@@ -1425,9 +1427,9 @@ begin
g_data_width => 64,
g_size => g_multishot_ram_size,
g_with_byte_enable => false,
g_with_byte_enable => FALSE,
g_addr_conflict_resolution => "read_first",
g_dual_clock => false
g_dual_clock => FALSE
-- default values for the rest of the generics are okay
port map
......@@ -1479,12 +1481,12 @@ begin
generic map (
g_data_width => 65,
g_size => 256,
g_show_ahead => false,
g_with_empty => true,
g_with_full => true,
g_with_almost_empty => false,
g_with_almost_full => false,
g_with_count => false,
g_show_ahead => FALSE,
g_with_empty => TRUE,
g_with_full => TRUE,
g_with_almost_empty => FALSE,
g_with_almost_full => FALSE,
g_with_count => FALSE,
g_almost_empty_threshold => 0,
g_almost_full_threshold => 0
......@@ -1585,7 +1587,7 @@ begin
wb_ddr_stall_t <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(wb_ddr_clk_i) then
if wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1' then --if (wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1') and (wb_ddr_stall_i = '0') then
if wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1' then --if (wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1') and (wb_ddr_stall_i = '0') then
wb_ddr_stb_o <= '1';
wb_ddr_adr_o <= "0000000" & std_logic_vector(ram_addr_cnt);
if test_data_en = '1' then
......@@ -1600,7 +1602,7 @@ begin
if wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1' then
wb_ddr_cyc_o <= '1';
wb_ddr_we_o <= '1';
--elsif (wb_ddr_fifo_empty = '1') and (acq_end = '1') then
--elsif (wb_ddr_fifo_empty = '1') and (acq_end = '1') then
elsif (wb_ddr_fifo_empty = '1') and (acq_fsm_state = "001") then
wb_ddr_cyc_o <= '0';
wb_ddr_we_o <= '0';
-- Top level entity for Simple PCIe FMC Carrier
-- unit name: spec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms (spec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms.vhd)
-- author: Matthieu Cattin (
-- date: 24-02-2011
-- version: see sdb_meta_pkg.vhd
-- description: Top entity of FMC ADC 100Ms/s design for SPEC board.
-- dependencies:
-- Title : FMC ADC 100Ms/s SPEC top-level
-- Project : FMC ADC 100M 14B 4CHA gateware
-- URL :
-- File : spec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms.vhd
-- Author(s) : Matthieu Cattin <>
-- : Dimitrios Lampridis <>
-- Company : CERN (BE-CO-HT)
-- Created : 2011-02-24
-- Last update: 2016-04-19
-- Standard : VHDL'93/02
-- Description: Top entity of FMC ADC 100Ms/s design for Simple PCIe FMC
-- Carrier (SPEC). See also:
-- Copyright (c) 2011-2016 CERN (BE-CO-HT)
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
......@@ -28,11 +27,16 @@
-- See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have
-- received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
-- source; if not, download it from
-- last changes: see git log.
-- TODO: -
-- Revisions :
-- Date Version Author
-- 2016-04-20 4.1 Dimitrios Lampridis
-- 2014-04-25 4.0 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2014-01-16 3.0 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2013-07-29 2.0 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2013-03-28 1.1 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2013-03-11 1.0 Matthieu Cattin
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
......@@ -58,11 +62,11 @@ entity spec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms is
-- Local oscillator
clk20_vcxo_i : in std_logic; -- 20MHz VCXO clock
clk20_vcxo_i : in std_logic; -- 20MHz VCXO clock
-- DAC interface (20MHz and 25MHz VCXO)
pll25dac_sync_n_o : out std_logic; -- 25MHz VCXO
pll20dac_sync_n_o : out std_logic; -- 20MHz VCXO
pll25dac_sync_n_o : out std_logic; -- 25MHz VCXO
pll20dac_sync_n_o : out std_logic; -- 20MHz VCXO
plldac_din_o : out std_logic;
plldac_sclk_o : out std_logic;
......@@ -81,28 +85,28 @@ entity spec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms is
carrier_one_wire_b : inout std_logic;
-- GN4124 interface
L_CLKp : in std_logic; -- Local bus clock (frequency set in GN4124 config registers)
L_CLKn : in std_logic; -- Local bus clock (frequency set in GN4124 config registers)
L_RST_N : in std_logic; -- Reset from GN4124 (RSTOUT18_N)
P2L_RDY : out std_logic; -- Rx Buffer Full Flag
P2L_CLKn : in std_logic; -- Receiver Source Synchronous Clock-
P2L_CLKp : in std_logic; -- Receiver Source Synchronous Clock+
L_CLKp : in std_logic; -- Local bus clock (frequency set in GN4124 config registers)
L_CLKn : in std_logic; -- Local bus clock (frequency set in GN4124 config registers)
L_RST_N : in std_logic; -- Reset from GN4124 (RSTOUT18_N)
P2L_RDY : out std_logic; -- Rx Buffer Full Flag
P2L_CLKn : in std_logic; -- Receiver Source Synchronous Clock-
P2L_CLKp : in std_logic; -- Receiver Source Synchronous Clock+
P2L_DATA : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Parallel receive data
P2L_DFRAME : in std_logic; -- Receive Frame
P2L_VALID : in std_logic; -- Receive Data Valid
P2L_DFRAME : in std_logic; -- Receive Frame
P2L_VALID : in std_logic; -- Receive Data Valid
P_WR_REQ : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- PCIe Write Request
P_WR_RDY : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- PCIe Write Ready
RX_ERROR : out std_logic; -- Receive Error
RX_ERROR : out std_logic; -- Receive Error
L2P_DATA : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Parallel transmit data
L2P_DFRAME : out std_logic; -- Transmit Data Frame
L2P_VALID : out std_logic; -- Transmit Data Valid
L2P_CLKn : out std_logic; -- Transmitter Source Synchronous Clock-
L2P_CLKp : out std_logic; -- Transmitter Source Synchronous Clock+
L2P_EDB : out std_logic; -- Packet termination and discard
L2P_RDY : in std_logic; -- Tx Buffer Full Flag
L2P_DFRAME : out std_logic; -- Transmit Data Frame
L2P_VALID : out std_logic; -- Transmit Data Valid
L2P_CLKn : out std_logic; -- Transmitter Source Synchronous Clock-
L2P_CLKp : out std_logic; -- Transmitter Source Synchronous Clock+
L2P_EDB : out std_logic; -- Packet termination and discard
L2P_RDY : in std_logic; -- Tx Buffer Full Flag
L_WR_RDY : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Local-to-PCIe Write
P_RD_D_RDY : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- PCIe-to-Local Read Response Data Ready
TX_ERROR : in std_logic; -- Transmit Error
TX_ERROR : in std_logic; -- Transmit Error
VC_RDY : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Channel ready
GPIO : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- GPIO[0] -> GN4124 GPIO8
-- GPIO[1] -> GN4124 GPIO9
......@@ -128,7 +132,7 @@ entity spec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms is
DDR3_RZQ : inout std_logic;
-- FMC slot
adc0_ext_trigger_p_i : in std_logic; -- External trigger
adc0_ext_trigger_p_i : in std_logic; -- External trigger
adc0_ext_trigger_n_i : in std_logic;
adc0_dco_p_i : in std_logic; -- ADC data clock
......@@ -140,34 +144,34 @@ entity spec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms is
adc0_outb_p_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- ADC serial data (even bits)
adc0_outb_n_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
adc0_spi_din_i : in std_logic; -- SPI data from FMC
adc0_spi_dout_o : out std_logic; -- SPI data to FMC
adc0_spi_sck_o : out std_logic; -- SPI clock
adc0_spi_cs_adc_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI ADC chip select (active low)
adc0_spi_din_i : in std_logic; -- SPI data from FMC
adc0_spi_dout_o : out std_logic; -- SPI data to FMC
adc0_spi_sck_o : out std_logic; -- SPI clock
adc0_spi_cs_adc_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI ADC chip select (active low)
adc0_spi_cs_dac1_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI channel 1 offset DAC chip select (active low)
adc0_spi_cs_dac2_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI channel 2 offset DAC chip select (active low)
adc0_spi_cs_dac3_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI channel 3 offset DAC chip select (active low)
adc0_spi_cs_dac4_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI channel 4 offset DAC chip select (active low)
adc0_gpio_dac_clr_n_o : out std_logic; -- offset DACs clear (active low)
adc0_gpio_led_acq_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel power LED (PWR)
adc0_gpio_led_trig_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel trigger LED (TRIG)
adc0_gpio_dac_clr_n_o : out std_logic; -- offset DACs clear (active low)
adc0_gpio_led_acq_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel power LED (PWR)
adc0_gpio_led_trig_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel trigger LED (TRIG)
adc0_gpio_ssr_ch1_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 1 solid state relays control
adc0_gpio_ssr_ch2_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 2 solid state relays control
adc0_gpio_ssr_ch3_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 3 solid state relays control
adc0_gpio_ssr_ch4_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 4 solid state relays control
adc0_gpio_si570_oe_o : out std_logic; -- Si570 (programmable oscillator) output enable
adc0_gpio_si570_oe_o : out std_logic; -- Si570 (programmable oscillator) output enable
adc0_si570_scl_b : inout std_logic; -- I2C bus clock (Si570)
adc0_si570_sda_b : inout std_logic; -- I2C bus data (Si570)
adc0_si570_scl_b : inout std_logic; -- I2C bus clock (Si570)
adc0_si570_sda_b : inout std_logic; -- I2C bus data (Si570)
adc0_one_wire_b : inout std_logic; -- Mezzanine 1-wire interface (DS18B20 thermometer + unique ID)
-- FMC slot management
fmc0_prsnt_m2c_n_i : in std_logic; -- Mezzanine present (active low)
fmc0_prsnt_m2c_n_i : in std_logic; -- Mezzanine present (active low)
fmc0_sys_scl_b : inout std_logic; -- Mezzanine system I2C clock (EEPROM)
fmc0_sys_sda_b : inout std_logic -- Mezzanine system I2C data (EEPROM)
fmc0_sys_scl_b : inout std_logic; -- Mezzanine system I2C clock (EEPROM)
fmc0_sys_sda_b : inout std_logic -- Mezzanine system I2C data (EEPROM)
end spec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms;
......@@ -242,58 +246,58 @@ architecture rtl of spec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms is
constant c_MASTER_GENNUM : integer := 0;
-- Wishbone slave(s)
constant c_WB_SLAVE_DMA : integer := 0; -- DMA controller in the Gennum core
constant c_WB_SLAVE_ONEWIRE : integer := 1; -- Carrier onewire interface
constant c_WB_SLAVE_SPEC_CSR : integer := 2; -- SPEC control and status registers
constant c_WB_SLAVE_VIC : integer := 3; -- Vectored interrupt controller
constant c_WB_SLAVE_DMA_EIC : integer := 4; -- DMA interrupt controller
constant c_WB_SLAVE_FMC_ADC : integer := 5; -- FMC ADC mezzanine
constant c_WB_SLAVE_DMA : integer := 0; -- DMA controller in the Gennum core
constant c_WB_SLAVE_ONEWIRE : integer := 1; -- Carrier onewire interface
constant c_WB_SLAVE_SPEC_CSR : integer := 2; -- SPEC control and status registers
constant c_WB_SLAVE_VIC : integer := 3; -- Vectored interrupt controller
constant c_WB_SLAVE_DMA_EIC : integer := 4; -- DMA interrupt controller
constant c_WB_SLAVE_FMC_ADC : integer := 5; -- FMC ADC mezzanine
-- Devices sdb description
constant c_wb_dma_ctrl_sdb : t_sdb_device := (
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_ver_major => x"01",
abi_ver_minor => x"01",
wbd_endian => c_sdb_endian_big,
wbd_width => x"4", -- 32-bit port granularity
wbd_width => x"4", -- 32-bit port granularity
sdb_component => (
addr_first => x"0000000000000000",
addr_last => x"000000000000003F",
product => (
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
device_id => x"00000601",
version => x"00000001",
date => x"20121116",
name => "WB-DMA.Control ")));
constant c_wb_spec_csr_sdb : t_sdb_device := (
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_ver_major => x"01",
abi_ver_minor => x"01",
wbd_endian => c_sdb_endian_big,
wbd_width => x"4", -- 32-bit port granularity
wbd_width => x"4", -- 32-bit port granularity
sdb_component => (
addr_first => x"0000000000000000",
addr_last => x"000000000000001F",
product => (
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
device_id => x"00000603",
version => x"00000001",
date => x"20121116",
name => "WB-SPEC-CSR ")));
constant c_wb_dma_eic_sdb : t_sdb_device := (
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_ver_major => x"01",
abi_ver_minor => x"01",
wbd_endian => c_sdb_endian_big,
wbd_width => x"4", -- 32-bit port granularity
wbd_width => x"4", -- 32-bit port granularity
sdb_component => (
addr_first => x"0000000000000000",
addr_last => x"000000000000000F",
product => (
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
device_id => x"d5735ab4", -- echo "WB-DMA.EIC " | md5sum | cut -c1-8
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
device_id => x"d5735ab4", -- echo "WB-DMA.EIC " | md5sum | cut -c1-8
version => x"00000001",
date => x"20131204",
name => "WB-DMA.EIC ")));
......@@ -522,13 +526,13 @@ begin
cmp_l_clk_buf : IBUFDS
generic map (
DIFF_TERM => false, -- Differential Termination
IBUF_LOW_PWR => true, -- Low power (TRUE) vs. performance (FALSE) setting for referenced I/O standards
DIFF_TERM => FALSE, -- Differential Termination
IBUF_LOW_PWR => TRUE, -- Low power (TRUE) vs. performance (FALSE) setting for referenced I/O standards
port map (
O => l_clk, -- Buffer output
I => L_CLKp, -- Diff_p buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
IB => L_CLKn -- Diff_n buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
O => l_clk, -- Buffer output
I => L_CLKp, -- Diff_p buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
IB => L_CLKn -- Diff_n buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
......@@ -653,8 +657,8 @@ begin
generic map (
g_num_masters => c_NUM_WB_SLAVES,
g_num_slaves => c_NUM_WB_MASTERS,
g_registered => true,
g_wraparound => true,
g_registered => TRUE,
g_wraparound => TRUE,
g_sdb_addr => c_SDB_ADDRESS)
port map (
......@@ -992,7 +996,7 @@ begin
-- Assign unused outputs
GPIO(1) <= '0'; -- connection to GN4124
GPIO(1) <= '0'; -- connection to GN4124
-- FPGA loaded led (heart beat)
-- Top level entity for Simple VME FMC Carrier
-- unit name: svec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms (svec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms.vhd)
-- author: Matthieu Cattin (
-- date: 04-07-2013
-- version: see sdb_meta_pkg.vhd
-- description: Top entity of FMC ADC 100Ms/s design for SVEC board.
-- dependencies:
-- Title : FMC ADC 100Ms/s SVEC top-level
-- Project : FMC ADC 100M 14B 4CHA gateware
-- URL :
-- File : svec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms.vhd
-- Author(s) : Matthieu Cattin <>
-- : Dimitrios Lampridis <>
-- Company : CERN (BE-CO-HT)
-- Created : 2013-07-04
-- Last update: 2016-04-19
-- Standard : VHDL'93/02
-- Description: Top entity of FMC ADC 100Ms/s design for Simple VME FMC
-- Carrier (SVEC). See also:
-- Copyright (c) 2013-2016 CERN (BE-CO-HT)
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
......@@ -28,11 +27,14 @@
-- See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have
-- received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
-- source; if not, download it from
-- last changes: see git log.
-- TODO: -
-- Revisions :
-- Date Version Author
-- 2016-04-20 4.1 Dimitrios Lampridis
-- 2014-04-25 4.0 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2014-01-16 3.0 Matthieu Cattin
-- 2013-07-29 1.0 Matthieu Cattin
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
......@@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ entity svec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms is
-- FMC slot 0
adc0_ext_trigger_p_i : in std_logic; -- External trigger
adc0_ext_trigger_p_i : in std_logic; -- External trigger
adc0_ext_trigger_n_i : in std_logic;
adc0_dco_p_i : in std_logic; -- ADC data clock
......@@ -176,33 +178,33 @@ entity svec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms is
adc0_outb_p_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- ADC serial data (even bits)
adc0_outb_n_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
adc0_spi_din_i : in std_logic; -- SPI data from FMC
adc0_spi_dout_o : out std_logic; -- SPI data to FMC
adc0_spi_sck_o : out std_logic; -- SPI clock
adc0_spi_cs_adc_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI ADC chip select (active low)
adc0_spi_din_i : in std_logic; -- SPI data from FMC
adc0_spi_dout_o : out std_logic; -- SPI data to FMC
adc0_spi_sck_o : out std_logic; -- SPI clock
adc0_spi_cs_adc_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI ADC chip select (active low)
adc0_spi_cs_dac1_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI channel 1 offset DAC chip select (active low)
adc0_spi_cs_dac2_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI channel 2 offset DAC chip select (active low)
adc0_spi_cs_dac3_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI channel 3 offset DAC chip select (active low)
adc0_spi_cs_dac4_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI channel 4 offset DAC chip select (active low)
adc0_gpio_dac_clr_n_o : out std_logic; -- offset DACs clear (active low)
adc0_gpio_led_acq_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel power LED (PWR)
adc0_gpio_led_trig_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel trigger LED (TRIG)
adc0_gpio_dac_clr_n_o : out std_logic; -- offset DACs clear (active low)
adc0_gpio_led_acq_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel power LED (PWR)
adc0_gpio_led_trig_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel trigger LED (TRIG)
adc0_gpio_ssr_ch1_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 1 solid state relays control
adc0_gpio_ssr_ch2_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 2 solid state relays control
adc0_gpio_ssr_ch3_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 3 solid state relays control
adc0_gpio_ssr_ch4_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 4 solid state relays control
adc0_gpio_si570_oe_o : out std_logic; -- Si570 (programmable oscillator) output enable
adc0_gpio_si570_oe_o : out std_logic; -- Si570 (programmable oscillator) output enable
adc0_si570_scl_b : inout std_logic; -- I2C bus clock (Si570)
adc0_si570_sda_b : inout std_logic; -- I2C bus data (Si570)
adc0_si570_scl_b : inout std_logic; -- I2C bus clock (Si570)
adc0_si570_sda_b : inout std_logic; -- I2C bus data (Si570)
adc0_one_wire_b : inout std_logic; -- Mezzanine 1-wire interface (DS18B20 thermometer + unique ID)
-- FMC slot 1
adc1_ext_trigger_p_i : in std_logic; -- External trigger
adc1_ext_trigger_p_i : in std_logic; -- External trigger
adc1_ext_trigger_n_i : in std_logic;
adc1_dco_p_i : in std_logic; -- ADC data clock
......@@ -214,39 +216,39 @@ entity svec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms is
adc1_outb_p_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- ADC serial data (even bits)
adc1_outb_n_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
adc1_spi_din_i : in std_logic; -- SPI data from FMC
adc1_spi_dout_o : out std_logic; -- SPI data to FMC
adc1_spi_sck_o : out std_logic; -- SPI clock
adc1_spi_cs_adc_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI ADC chip select (active low)
adc1_spi_din_i : in std_logic; -- SPI data from FMC
adc1_spi_dout_o : out std_logic; -- SPI data to FMC
adc1_spi_sck_o : out std_logic; -- SPI clock
adc1_spi_cs_adc_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI ADC chip select (active low)
adc1_spi_cs_dac1_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI channel 1 offset DAC chip select (active low)
adc1_spi_cs_dac2_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI channel 2 offset DAC chip select (active low)
adc1_spi_cs_dac3_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI channel 3 offset DAC chip select (active low)
adc1_spi_cs_dac4_n_o : out std_logic; -- SPI channel 4 offset DAC chip select (active low)
adc1_gpio_dac_clr_n_o : out std_logic; -- offset DACs clear (active low)
adc1_gpio_led_acq_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel power LED (PWR)
adc1_gpio_led_trig_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel trigger LED (TRIG)
adc1_gpio_dac_clr_n_o : out std_logic; -- offset DACs clear (active low)
adc1_gpio_led_acq_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel power LED (PWR)
adc1_gpio_led_trig_o : out std_logic; -- Mezzanine front panel trigger LED (TRIG)
adc1_gpio_ssr_ch1_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 1 solid state relays control
adc1_gpio_ssr_ch2_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 2 solid state relays control
adc1_gpio_ssr_ch3_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 3 solid state relays control
adc1_gpio_ssr_ch4_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- Channel 4 solid state relays control
adc1_gpio_si570_oe_o : out std_logic; -- Si570 (programmable oscillator) output enable
adc1_gpio_si570_oe_o : out std_logic; -- Si570 (programmable oscillator) output enable
adc1_si570_scl_b : inout std_logic; -- I2C bus clock (Si570)
adc1_si570_sda_b : inout std_logic; -- I2C bus data (Si570)
adc1_si570_scl_b : inout std_logic; -- I2C bus clock (Si570)
adc1_si570_sda_b : inout std_logic; -- I2C bus data (Si570)
adc1_one_wire_b : inout std_logic; -- Mezzanine 1-wire interface (DS18B20 thermometer + unique ID)
-- FMC slot management
fmc0_prsnt_m2c_n_i : in std_logic; -- Mezzanine present (active low)
fmc0_scl_b : inout std_logic; -- Mezzanine system I2C clock (EEPROM)
fmc0_sda_b : inout std_logic; -- Mezzanine system I2C data (EEPROM)
fmc0_prsnt_m2c_n_i : in std_logic; -- Mezzanine present (active low)
fmc0_scl_b : inout std_logic; -- Mezzanine system I2C clock (EEPROM)
fmc0_sda_b : inout std_logic; -- Mezzanine system I2C data (EEPROM)
fmc1_prsnt_m2c_n_i : in std_logic; -- Mezzanine present (active low)
fmc1_scl_b : inout std_logic; -- Mezzanine system I2C clock (EEPROM)
fmc1_sda_b : inout std_logic -- Mezzanine system I2C data (EEPROM)
fmc1_prsnt_m2c_n_i : in std_logic; -- Mezzanine present (active low)
fmc1_scl_b : inout std_logic; -- Mezzanine system I2C clock (EEPROM)
fmc1_sda_b : inout std_logic -- Mezzanine system I2C data (EEPROM)
end svec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms;
......@@ -337,48 +339,48 @@ architecture rtl of svec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms is
-- Devices sdb description
constant c_wb_svec_csr_sdb : t_sdb_device := (
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_ver_major => x"01",
abi_ver_minor => x"01",
wbd_endian => c_sdb_endian_big,
wbd_width => x"4", -- 32-bit port granularity
wbd_width => x"4", -- 32-bit port granularity
sdb_component => (
addr_first => x"0000000000000000",
addr_last => x"000000000000001F",
product => (
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
device_id => x"00006603",
version => x"00000001",
date => x"20121116",
name => "WB-SVEC-CSR ")));
constant c_wb_ddr_dat_sdb : t_sdb_device := (
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_ver_major => x"01",
abi_ver_minor => x"01",
wbd_endian => c_sdb_endian_big,
wbd_width => x"4", -- 32-bit port granularity
wbd_width => x"4", -- 32-bit port granularity
sdb_component => (
addr_first => x"0000000000000000",
addr_last => x"0000000000000FFF",
product => (
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
device_id => x"10006610",
version => x"00000001",
date => x"20130704",
name => "WB-DDR-Data-Access ")));
constant c_wb_ddr_adr_sdb : t_sdb_device := (
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_class => x"0000", -- undocumented device
abi_ver_major => x"01",
abi_ver_minor => x"01",
wbd_endian => c_sdb_endian_big,
wbd_width => x"4", -- 32-bit port granularity
wbd_width => x"4", -- 32-bit port granularity
sdb_component => (
addr_first => x"0000000000000000",
addr_last => x"0000000000000003",
product => (
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
vendor_id => x"000000000000CE42", -- CERN
device_id => x"10006611",
version => x"00000001",
date => x"20130704",
......@@ -775,8 +777,8 @@ begin
generic map (
g_num_masters => c_NUM_WB_SLAVES,
g_num_slaves => c_NUM_WB_MASTERS,
g_registered => true,
g_wraparound => true,
g_registered => TRUE,
g_wraparound => TRUE,
g_sdb_addr => c_SDB_ADDRESS)
port map (
......@@ -1412,20 +1414,20 @@ begin
-- Front panel LED control
cmp_led_controller : gc_bicolor_led_ctrl
generic map(
g_nb_column => 4,
g_nb_line => 2,
g_clk_freq => 125000000, -- in Hz
g_refresh_rate => 250 -- in Hz
g_clk_freq => 125000000, -- in Hz
g_refresh_rate => 250 -- in Hz
port map(
rst_n_i => sys_rst_n,
clk_i => sys_clk_125,
led_intensity_i => "1100100", -- in %
led_intensity_i => "1100100", -- in %
led_state_i => led_state,
......@@ -1467,25 +1469,25 @@ begin
-- LED 1 : VME access
led_state(1 downto 0) <= c_led_green when vme_access = '1' else c_led_off;
-- LED 2 :
-- LED 2 :
led_state(3 downto 2) <= c_led_red;
-- LED 3 :
-- LED 3 :
led_state(5 downto 4) <= c_led_red_green;
-- LED 4 :
-- LED 4 :
led_state(7 downto 6) <= '0' & led_pwm;
-- LED 5 :
-- LED 5 :
led_state(9 downto 8) <= fmc0_trig_irq_led & '0';
-- LED 6 :
-- LED 6 :
led_state(11 downto 10) <= fmc0_acq_end_irq_led & '0';
-- LED 7 :
-- LED 7 :
led_state(13 downto 12) <= '0' & fmc_irq(0);
-- LED 8 :
-- LED 8 :
led_state(15 downto 14) <= '0' & irq_to_vme_sync;
--led_state(15 downto 12) <= led_state_man(15 downto 12);
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