Commit 9fc7dd1e authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

doc: add fsm-auto-start description

Signed-off-by: 's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent b796e0ed
......@@ -264,12 +264,14 @@ ADC state machine, the acquisition and the time stamp.
corinno-test:~# ls -Ff /sys/bus/zio/devices/fmc-adc-0100/
./ ../ name cset0/ power/ driver@ enable subsystem@ uevent
corinno-test:~# ls -Ff /sys/bus/zio/devices/fmc-adc-0100/cset0/
./ chan3/ rst-ch-offset tstamp-acq-end-s tstamp-acq-str-s
../ chani/ enable tstamp-acq-end-t tstamp-acq-str-t
name power/ sample-decimation tstamp-acq-stp-b uevent
chan0/ fsm-command fsm-state tstamp-acq-stp-s current_buffer
chan1/ current_trigger trigger/ tstamp-acq-stp-t
chan2/ resolution-bits tstamp-acq-end-b tstamp-acq-str-b
./ chani/ trigger/ tstamp-acq-str-b
../ power/ sample-decimation tstamp-acq-str-s
name fsm-command tstamp-acq-end-b tstamp-acq-str-t
devtype current_trigger tstamp-acq-end-s uevent
chan0/ resolution-bits tstamp-acq-end-t current_buffer
chan1/ rst-ch-offset tstamp-acq-stp-b fsm-auto-start
chan2/ enable tstamp-acq-stp-s
chan3/ fsm-state tstamp-acq-stp-t
@end smallexample
The @b{resolution-bits} attribute is read-only and it returns the
......@@ -377,6 +379,12 @@ state machine automatically send a @i{stop} command, so you must start the
state machine again for the next acquisition. An acquisition is considered
completed when all stamples, from all shots, are acquired.
The @b{fsm-auto-start} attribute is read/write. It is used to activate the
auto-start acquisition option. We said that when an acquisition is over, the
ADC stops the state machine; if you write 1 in this attribute, the driver sends
a start command when the acquisition is over. This is useful for a streaming
acquisition because the driver starts the state machine automatically.
The ADC mark with a timestamp all these events: state machine start, state
machine stop and acquisition end. The device split each timestamp in 3
......@@ -556,6 +564,7 @@ that ZIO framework can handle only 32bit unsigned integer.
@item Cset @tab @code{enable} @tab rw @tab 1 @tab [0;1]
@item Cset @tab @code{resolution-bits} @tab ro @tab 14 @tab -
@item Cset @tab @code{fsm-command} @tab wo @tab 2 @tab [1;2]
@item Cset @tab @code{fsm-auto-start} @tab rw @tab 0 @tab [0;1]
@item Cset @tab @code{fsm-state} @tab ro @tab - @tab -
@item Cset @tab @code{sample-decimation} @tab rw @tab 1 @tab [1;655353]
@item Cset @tab @code{rst-ch-offset} @tab wo @tab 0 @tab any
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