Commit ac1e8ddc authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

kernel: do not copy the dependencies locally

Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 9f82917c
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ all: kernel tools lib libtools
FMC_BUS ?= fmc-bus
ZIO ?= zio
SVEC_SW ?= svec-sw
VMEBUS ?= $(REPO_PARENT)/vmebridge
# Use the absolute path so it can be used by submodule
# FMC_BUS_ABS and ZIO_ABS has to be absolut path,
......@@ -16,10 +17,12 @@ SVEC_SW ?= svec-sw
FMC_BUS_ABS ?= $(abspath $(FMC_BUS) )
ZIO_ABS ?= $(abspath $(ZIO) )
SVEC_SW_ABS ?= $(abspath $(SVEC_SW) )
VMEBUS_ABS ?= $(abspath $(VMEBUS) )
export FMC_BUS_ABS
export ZIO_ABS
export SVEC_SW_ABS
DIRS = $(FMC_BUS_ABS) $(ZIO_ABS) kernel tools lib libtools
SVEC_SW_EXTRA_SYMBOLS-$(CONFIG_FMC_ADC_SVEC) := $(SVEC_SW_ABS)/kernel/Module.symvers.vmebus
$(ZIO_ABS)/Module.symvers \
$(FMC_BUS_ABS)/kernel/Module.symvers \
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ ccflags-y += -DGIT_VERSION=\"$(GIT_VERSION)\" \
ccflags-$(CONFIG_FMC_ADC_SVEC) += -I$(SVEC_SW_ABS)/kernel
ccflags-$(CONFIG_FMC_ADC_SVEC) += -I$(VMEBUS_ABS)/include
......@@ -8,12 +8,14 @@ LINUX ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
FMC_BUS ?= ../fmc-bus
ZIO ?= ../zio
SVEC_SW ?= ../svec-sw
VMEBUS ?= $(REPO_PARENT)/vmebridge
# FMC_BUS_ABS and ZIO_ABS has to be absolut path,
# due to beeing passed to the Kbuild
FMC_BUS_ABS ?= $(abspath $(FMC_BUS) )
ZIO_ABS ?= $(abspath $(ZIO) )
SVEC_SW_ABS ?= $(abspath $(SVEC_SW) )
VMEBUS_ABS ?= $(abspath $(VMEBUS) )
GIT_VERSION = $(shell git describe --always --dirty --long --tags)
......@@ -26,7 +28,8 @@ export ZIO_VERSION
all modules:
install modules_install: modules
$(MAKE) -C $(LINUX) M=$(CURDIR) modules_install
* \file vmebus.h
* \brief PCI-VME public API
* \author Sebastien Dugue
* \date 04/02/2009
* This API presents in fact 2 APIs with some common definitions. One for
* drivers and one for user applications. User applications cannot use the
* driver specific parts enclosed in \#ifdef __KERNEL__ sections.
* Copyright (c) 2009 \em Sebastien \em Dugue
* \par License:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
#ifndef _VME_H
#define _VME_H
#ifdef __KERNEL__
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
#include <linux/types.h>
* VME window attributes
* \brief Read prefetch size
enum vme_read_prefetch_size {
* \brief Data width
enum vme_data_width {
VME_D8 = 8,
VME_D16 = 16,
VME_D32 = 32,
VME_D64 = 64
* \brief 2eSST data transfer speed
enum vme_2esst_mode {
VME_SST160 = 0,
* \brief Address modifiers
enum vme_address_modifier {
VME_A64_MBLT = 0, /* 0x00 */
VME_A64_SCT, /* 0x01 */
VME_A64_BLT = 3, /* 0x03 */
VME_A64_LCK, /* 0x04 */
VME_A32_LCK, /* 0x05 */
VME_A32_USER_MBLT = 8, /* 0x08 */
VME_A32_USER_DATA_SCT, /* 0x09 */
VME_A32_USER_PRG_SCT, /* 0x0a */
VME_A32_USER_BLT, /* 0x0b */
VME_A32_SUP_MBLT, /* 0x0c */
VME_A32_SUP_DATA_SCT, /* 0x0d */
VME_A32_SUP_PRG_SCT, /* 0x0e */
VME_A32_SUP_BLT, /* 0x0f */
VME_2e6U = 0x20, /* 0x20 */
VME_2e3U, /* 0x21 */
VME_A16_USER = 0x29, /* 0x29 */
VME_A16_LCK = 0x2c, /* 0x2c */
VME_A16_SUP = 0x2d, /* 0x2d */
VME_CR_CSR = 0x2f, /* 0x2f */
VME_A40_SCT = 0x34, /* 0x34 */
VME_A40_LCK, /* 0x35 */
VME_A40_BLT = 0x37, /* 0x37 */
VME_A24_USER_MBLT, /* 0x38 */
VME_A24_USER_DATA_SCT, /* 0x39 */
VME_A24_USER_PRG_SCT, /* 0x3a */
VME_A24_USER_BLT, /* 0x3b */
VME_A24_SUP_MBLT, /* 0x3c */
VME_A24_SUP_DATA_SCT, /* 0x3d */
VME_A24_SUP_PRG_SCT, /* 0x3e */
VME_A24_SUP_BLT, /* 0x3f */
* \brief PCI-VME mapping descriptor
* \param window_num Hardware window number
* \param kernel_va Kernel virtual address of the mapping for use by drivers
* \param user_va User virtual address of the mapping for use by applications
* \param fd User file descriptor for this mapping
* \param window_enabled State of the hardware window
* \param data_width VME data width
* \param am VME address modifier
* \param read_prefetch_enabled PCI read prefetch enabled state
* \param read_prefetch_size PCI read prefetch size (in cache lines)
* \param v2esst_mode VME 2eSST transfer speed
* \param bcast_select VME 2eSST broadcast select
* \param pci_addru PCI bus start address upper 32 bits
* \param pci_addrl PCI bus start address lower 32 bits
* \param sizeu Window size upper 32 bits
* \param sizel Window size lower 32 bits
* \param vme_addru VME bus start address upper 32 bits
* \param vme_addrl VME bus start address lower 32 bits
* This data structure is used for describing both a hardware window
* and a logical mapping on top of a hardware window. Therefore some of
* the fields are only relevant to one of those two entities.
struct vme_mapping {
int window_num;
/* Reserved for kernel use */
void *kernel_va;
/* Reserved for userspace */
void *user_va;
int fd;
/* Window settings */
int window_enabled;
enum vme_data_width data_width;
enum vme_address_modifier am;
int read_prefetch_enabled;
enum vme_read_prefetch_size read_prefetch_size;
enum vme_2esst_mode v2esst_mode;
int bcast_select;
unsigned int pci_addru;
unsigned int pci_addrl;
unsigned int sizeu;
unsigned int sizel;
unsigned int vme_addru;
unsigned int vme_addrl;
* \brief VME RMW descriptor
* \param vme_addru VME address for the RMW cycle upper 32 bits
* \param vme_addrl VME address for the RMW cycle lower 32 bits
* \param am VME address modifier
* \param enable_mask Bitmask of the bit
* \param compare_data
* \param swap_data
struct vme_rmw {
unsigned int vme_addru;
unsigned int vme_addrl;
enum vme_address_modifier am;
unsigned int enable_mask;
unsigned int compare_data;
unsigned int swap_data;
* \brief DMA endpoint attributes
* \param data_width VME data width (only used if endpoint is on the VME bus)
* \param am VME address modifier (ditto)
* \param v2esst_mode VME 2eSST transfer speed (ditto)
* \param bcast_select VME 2eSST broadcast select (ditto)
* \param addru Address upper 32 bits
* \param addrl Address lower 32 bits
* This data structure is used for describing the attributes of a DMA endpoint.
* All the field excepted for the address are only relevant for an endpoint
* on the VME bus.
struct vme_dma_attr {
enum vme_data_width data_width;
enum vme_address_modifier am;
enum vme_2esst_mode v2esst_mode;
unsigned int bcast_select;
unsigned int addru;
unsigned int addrl;
/** \brief DMA block size on the PCI or VME bus */
enum vme_dma_block_size {
/** \brief DMA backoff time (us) on the PCI or VME bus */
enum vme_dma_backoff {
* \brief DMA control
* \param vme_block_size VME bus block size when the source is VME
* \param vme_backoff_time VME bus backoff time when the source is VME
* \param pci_block_size PCI/X bus block size when the source is PCI
* \param pci_backoff_time PCI bus backoff time when the source is PCI
struct vme_dma_ctrl {
enum vme_dma_block_size vme_block_size;
enum vme_dma_backoff vme_backoff_time;
enum vme_dma_block_size pci_block_size;
enum vme_dma_backoff pci_backoff_time;
/** \brief DMA transfer direction */
enum vme_dma_dir {
* \brief VME DMA transfer descriptor
* \param status Transfer status
* \param length Transfer size in bytes
* \param novmeinc Must be set to 1 when accessing a FIFO like device on the VME
* \param dir Transfer direction
* \param src Transfer source attributes
* \param dst Transfer destination attributes
* \param opt Transfer control
struct vme_dma {
unsigned int status;
unsigned int length;
unsigned int novmeinc;
enum vme_dma_dir dir;
struct vme_dma_attr src;
struct vme_dma_attr dst;
struct vme_dma_ctrl ctrl;
* \brief VME Bus Error
* \param address Address of the bus error
* \param am Address Modifier of the bus error
struct vme_bus_error {
__u64 address;
enum vme_address_modifier am;
* \brief VME Bus Error descriptor
* \param error Address/AM of the bus error
* \param valid Valid Flag: 0 -> no error, 1 -> error
struct vme_bus_error_desc {
struct vme_bus_error error;
int valid;
/*! @name VME single access swapping policy
#define SINGLE_NO_SWAP 0
/*! @name page qualifier
#define VME_PG_SHARED 0x00
#define VME_PG_PRIVATE 0x02
* \brief VME mapping attributes
* \param iack VME IACK 0 -> IACK pages
* \param rdpref VME read prefetch option 0 -> Disable
* \param wrpost VME write posting option
* \param swap VME swap options
* \param sgmin page descriptor number returned by find_controller
* \param dum -- dum[0] page qualifier (shared/private), dum[1] XPC ADP-type
* dum[2] - reserved, _must_ be 0.
* This structure is used for the find_controller() and return_controller()
* LynxOS CES driver emulation.
struct pdparam_master
unsigned long iack;
unsigned long rdpref;
unsigned long wrpost;
unsigned long swap;
unsigned long sgmin;
unsigned long dum[3];
* \name Window management ioctl numbers
* \{
/** Get a physical window attributes */
#define VME_IOCTL_GET_WINDOW_ATTR _IOWR('V', 0, struct vme_mapping)
/** Create a physical window */
#define VME_IOCTL_CREATE_WINDOW _IOW( 'V', 1, struct vme_mapping)
/** Destroy a physical window */
#define VME_IOCTL_DESTROY_WINDOW _IOW( 'V', 2, int)
/** Create a mapping over a physical window */
#define VME_IOCTL_FIND_MAPPING _IOWR('V', 3, struct vme_mapping)
/** Remove a mapping */
#define VME_IOCTL_RELEASE_MAPPING _IOW( 'V', 4, struct vme_mapping)
/** Get the create on find failed flag */
#define VME_IOCTL_GET_CREATE_ON_FIND_FAIL _IOR( 'V', 5, unsigned int)
/** Set the create on find failed flag */
#define VME_IOCTL_SET_CREATE_ON_FIND_FAIL _IOW( 'V', 6, unsigned int)
/** Get the destroy on remove flag */
#define VME_IOCTL_GET_DESTROY_ON_REMOVE _IOR( 'V', 7, unsigned int)
/** Set the destroy on remove flag */
#define VME_IOCTL_SET_DESTROY_ON_REMOVE _IOW( 'V', 8, unsigned int)
/** Get bus error status -- DEPRECATED */
#define VME_IOCTL_GET_BUS_ERROR _IOR( 'V', 9, unsigned int)
/** Check (and possibly clear) the bus error status */
#define VME_IOCTL_CHECK_CLEAR_BUS_ERROR _IOWR('V',10, struct vme_bus_error_desc)
/* \}*/
* DMA ioctls
* \{
/** Start a DMA transfer */
#define VME_IOCTL_START_DMA _IOWR('V', 10, struct vme_dma)
/* \}*/
#ifdef __KERNEL__
* Those definitions are for drivers only and are not visible to userspace.
struct vme_driver {
int (*match)(struct device *, unsigned int);
int (*probe)(struct device *, unsigned int);
int (*remove)(struct device *, unsigned int);
void (*shutdown)(struct device *, unsigned int);
int (*suspend)(struct device *, unsigned int, pm_message_t);
int (*resume)(struct device *, unsigned int);
struct device_driver driver;
struct device *devices;
#define to_vme_driver(x) container_of((x), struct vme_driver, driver)
typedef void (*vme_berr_handler_t)(struct vme_bus_error *);
/* API for new drivers */
extern int vme_register_driver(struct vme_driver *vme_driver, unsigned int ndev);
extern void vme_unregister_driver(struct vme_driver *vme_driver);
extern int vme_request_irq(unsigned int, int (*)(void *),
void *, const char *);
extern int vme_free_irq(unsigned int );
extern int vme_generate_interrupt(int, int, signed long);
extern struct vme_mapping* find_vme_mapping_from_addr(unsigned);
extern int vme_get_window_attr(struct vme_mapping *);
extern int vme_create_window(struct vme_mapping *);
extern int vme_destroy_window(int);
extern int vme_find_mapping(struct vme_mapping *, int);
extern int vme_release_mapping(struct vme_mapping *, int);
extern int vme_do_dma(struct vme_dma *);
extern int vme_do_dma_kernel(struct vme_dma *);
extern int vme_bus_error_check(int);
extern struct vme_berr_handler *
vme_register_berr_handler(struct vme_bus_error *, size_t, vme_berr_handler_t);
extern void vme_unregister_berr_handler(struct vme_berr_handler *);
/* API providing an emulation of the CES VME driver for legacy drivers */
extern unsigned long find_controller(unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, unsigned long,
unsigned long, struct pdparam_master *);
extern unsigned long return_controller(unsigned, unsigned);
extern int vme_intset(int, int (*)(void *), void *, void *);
extern int vme_intclr(int, void *);
#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
#endif /* _VME_H */
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