Commit bd07c34e authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

Calibration moved to test19. In work. Formatting data and eeprom write still to do.

parent 99f0a67c
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import time
import os
from numpy import *
from pylab import *
from ctypes import *
from ptsexcept import *
......@@ -19,25 +20,27 @@ import spec_fmc_adc
import fmc_adc
import calibr_box
import find_usb_tty
import cp210x_eeprom
from PAGE.Agilent33250A import *
from PAGE.SineWaveform import *
test17: Plot all channels
test19: Calibration
Note: Requires to run first to load the firmware!
GN4124_CSR = 0x0
# Calibration box vendor and device IDs
# Calibration box vendor and product IDs
BOX_USB_VENDOR_ID = 0x10c4 # Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc.
BOX_USB_DEVICE_ID = 0xea60 # CP210x Composite Device
# Agilent AWG serial access vendor and device IDs
BOX_USB_PRODUCT_ID = 0xea60 # CP210x Composite Device
# Agilent AWG serial access vendor and product IDs
AWG_USB_VENDOR_ID = 0x0403 # Future Technology Devices International, Ltd
AWG_USB_DEVICE_ID = 0x6001 # FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC
AWG_USB_PRODUCT_ID = 0x6001 # FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC
RS232_BAUD = 57600
......@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ ACQ_TIMEOUT = 10
ACQ_LENGTH = 50000 # in samples
......@@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ def load_firmware(default_directory):
firmware_loader = os.path.join(default_directory, path_fpga_loader)
bitstream = os.path.join(default_directory, path_firmware)
print firmware_loader + ' ' + bitstream
print firmware_loader + ' ' + bitstream + '\n'
os.system( firmware_loader + ' ' + bitstream )
......@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ def disconnect_channels(fmc):
def fmc_adc_init(spec, fmc):
print('Initialise FMC board.')
print('Initialise FMC board\n')
# Reset offset DACs
......@@ -99,13 +102,6 @@ def fmc_adc_init(spec, fmc):
def set_awg_freq(gen, sine, freq):
sine.frequency = freq
print('Sine frequency:%3.3fMHz')%(sine.frequency/1E6)
def acquisition_all(fmc, spec_fmc):
# Make sure no acquisition is running
......@@ -128,10 +124,10 @@ def acquisition_all(fmc, spec_fmc):
trig_pos = fmc.get_trig_pos()
#print('Trigger position; 0x%X')%(trig_pos)
channels_data = spec_fmc.get_data((trig_pos<<3), ACQ_LENGTH*8)
#channels_data = spec_fmc.get_data(0x0, ACQ_LENGTH*8)
return channels_data
def plot_all(data, mean, ylimit):
sample = arange(len(data)/4)
......@@ -150,6 +146,7 @@ def plot_all(data, mean, ylimit):
return 0
# Converts two's complement hex to signed
def hex2signed(value):
if(value & 0x8000):
......@@ -157,27 +154,49 @@ def hex2signed(value):
return value
# Converts signed to two's complement hex
def signed2hex(value):
if value < 0:
return (((abs(value) ^ 0xffff) + 1) & 0xffff)
return value
# Converts digital value to volts
def digital2volt(value, full_scale, nb_bit):
return float(value) * float(full_scale)/2**nb_bit
# Converts volts to digital value
# Converts volts to digital value with half full range offset
def volt2digital(value, full_scale, nb_bit):
digital = (value + full_scale/2) * 2**nb_bit/full_scale
if(digital > 2**nb_bit - 1):
digital = 2**nb_bit - 1
if(digital < 0):
digital = 0
#print('volt2digital: %2.9f > %2.9f')%(value,digital)
return int(digital)
def set_offset_dac(fmc, dac_fs, dac_nbits, channel, offset_volt):
# Converts volts to digital value
def volt2digital_without_offset(value, full_scale, nb_bit):
if(value > (2**nb_bit)/2 - 1):
value = (2**nb_bit)/2 - 1
if(value < -((2**nb_bit)/2)):
value = -((2**nb_bit)/2)
digital = (value) * 2**nb_bit/full_scale
#print('volt2digital: %2.9f > %2.9f')%(value,digital)
return int(digital)
def set_offset_dac(fmc, dac_fs, dac_nbits, channel, offset_volt, dac_corr_flag=False):
dac_v = offset_volt
dac_d = volt2digital(dac_v,dac_fs,dac_nbits)
#print('DAC value: 0x%X (%fV)')%(dac_d, dac_v)
if(True == dac_corr_flag):
......@@ -189,6 +208,53 @@ def get_mean_value(adc_fs, adc_nbits, acq):
return mean_v
def set_box_dac_range(box, fmc, box_out, dac_value, in_range, dac_corr_flag=False):
# Set calibration box output
# Set offset DACs
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
set_offset_dac(fmc, DAC_FS, DAC_NBITS, channel, dac_value, dac_corr_flag)
# Set channels input range
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
fmc.set_input_range(channel, in_range)
def channels_mean(spec_fmc, fmc, ADC_FS, print_flag, plot_flag=False):
# Measures value on each channel
acq_d = acquisition_all(fmc, spec_fmc)
acq_d = [hex2signed(item) for item in acq_d]
acq_v = [digital2volt(item,ADC_FS,ADC_NBITS) for item in acq_d]
mean_v = get_mean_value(ADC_FS, ADC_NBITS, acq_d)
if(True == print_flag):
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
print('Channel %d: mean voltage = %2.9fV')%(channel, mean_v[channel-1])
if(True == plot_flag):
plot_all(acq_v, mean_v, ADC_FS/2.0)
return mean_v
# Calculates ADC + input stage gain
def calc_ga(Vm1, Vm2, Vref1):
return ((Vm2-Vm1)/Vref1)
# Calculates ADC + input stage offset
def calc_oa(Vm2, Vm3, Vm4):
return (Vm2 + Vm3 - Vm4)
# Calculates DAC gain
def calc_gd(Vm1, Vm2, Vm3, Vref1, Vref2):
return ((Vref1*(Vm3-Vm1))/(Vref2*(Vm1-Vm2)))
# Calculates DAC offset
def calc_od(Vm1, Vm2, Vm3, Vm4, Vref1):
return ((Vref1*(Vm1-Vm2-Vm3+Vm4))/(Vm1-Vm2))
def main (default_directory = '.'):
# Load firmware to FPGA
......@@ -199,11 +265,15 @@ def main (default_directory = '.'):
spec_fmc = spec_fmc_adc.CSpecFmcAdc100Ms(spec)
fmc = fmc_adc.CFmcAdc100Ms(spec)
usb_tty = find_usb_tty.CttyUSB()
awg_tty = usb_tty.find_usb_tty(AWG_USB_VENDOR_ID, AWG_USB_DEVICE_ID)
box_tty = usb_tty.find_usb_tty(BOX_USB_VENDOR_ID, BOX_USB_DEVICE_ID)
awg_tty = usb_tty.find_usb_tty(AWG_USB_VENDOR_ID, AWG_USB_PRODUCT_ID)
box_tty = usb_tty.find_usb_tty(BOX_USB_VENDOR_ID, BOX_USB_PRODUCT_ID)
#print "AWG:%s"%awg_tty[0]
#print "BOX:%s"%box_tty[0]
gen = Agilent33250A(device=awg_tty[0], bauds=RS232_BAUD)
sine = SineWaveform()
box = calibr_box.CCalibr_box(box_tty[0])
box_eeprom = cp210x_eeprom.CCP210x_Eeprom("%X"%BOX_USB_VENDOR_ID, "%X"%BOX_USB_PRODUCT_ID)
box_calibr_data = box_eeprom.get_calibr_data()
# Enable "DMA finished" IRQ
......@@ -212,10 +282,10 @@ def main (default_directory = '.'):
fmc_adc_init(spec, fmc)
# Connect to AWG
# Switch AWG output OFF
#gen.output = False
gen.output = False
# Measure FMC and carrier temperature
print('SPEC temperature: %3.3f°C') % spec_fmc.get_temp()
......@@ -227,49 +297,420 @@ def main (default_directory = '.'):
fmc.set_input_term(channel, 'OFF')
adc_corr_data = {'10V':{'offset':[],'gain':[]},
# Number of repeatition of the measurement, then the results are averaged
# 10V range calibration
print('\n10V range calibration\n----------------------------------')
# ADC full scale is 100mV
select = raw_input('Select input range [1=10V, 2=1V, 3=100mV]:')
if('1' == select):
print('10V input range selected')
ADC_FS = 10.0
in_range = '10V'
elif('2' == select):
print('1V input range selected')
ADC_FS = 1.0
in_range = '1V'
elif('3' == select):
print('100mV input range selected')
ADC_FS = 0.1
in_range = '100mV'
print('10V input range selected')
ADC_FS = 10.0
in_range = '10V'
ADC_FS = 10.0
# Set calibration box to AWG
# Reference voltage for calibration
Vref1 = float(box_calibr_data['10V']) # from box cailbration data in CP2103 EEPROM
Vref2 = 4.096 # reference voltage to set offset DAC
# Measure 1
# Channel input = 0V, offset DAC = 0V
print('\nMeasurement 1: channel input = 0V, offset DAC = 0V')
# All offset DACs to 0V
set_box_dac_range(box, fmc, 'AWG', 0.0, 'CAL_10V')
vm1 = []
for i in range(REPEAT):
vm1.append(channels_mean(spec_fmc, fmc, ADC_FS, False))
Vm1 = [mean([row[n] for row in vm1]) for n in range(NB_CHANNELS)]
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
set_offset_dac(fmc, DAC_FS, DAC_NBITS, channel, 0.0)
print('Channel %d: Vm1=%02.9fV')%(channel, Vm1[channel-1])
# Measure 2
# Channel input = Vref = 4.096V, offset DAC = 0V
print('\nMeasurement 2: channel input = Vref = %1.8fV, offset DAC = 0V')%(Vref1)
# Set channel input range
set_box_dac_range(box, fmc, '10V', 0.0, '10V')
vm2 = []
for i in range(REPEAT):
vm2.append(channels_mean(spec_fmc, fmc, ADC_FS, False))
Vm2 = [mean([row[n] for row in vm2]) for n in range(NB_CHANNELS)]
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
fmc.set_input_range(channel, in_range)
print('Channel %d: Vm2=%02.9fV')%(channel, Vm2[channel-1])
# Measures value on each channel
acq_d = acquisition_all(fmc, spec_fmc)
acq_d = [hex2signed(item) for item in acq_d]
acq_v = [digital2volt(item,ADC_FS,ADC_NBITS) for item in acq_d]
mean_v = get_mean_value(ADC_FS, ADC_NBITS, acq_d)
plot_all(acq_v, mean_v, ADC_FS/2.0)
# Measure 3
# Channel input = 0V, offset DAC = Vref = 4.096V
print('\nMeasurement 3: channel input = 0V, offset DAC = Vref = %1.8fV')%(Vref2)
set_box_dac_range(box, fmc, 'AWG', Vref2, 'CAL_10V')
vm3 = []
for i in range(REPEAT):
vm3.append(channels_mean(spec_fmc, fmc, ADC_FS, False))
Vm3 = [mean([row[n] for row in vm3]) for n in range(NB_CHANNELS)]
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
print('Channel %d: Vm3=%02.9fV')%(channel, Vm3[channel-1])
# Measure 4
# Channel input = Vref = 4.096, offset DAC = Vref = 4.096
print('\nMeasurement 4: channel input = Vref = %1.8fV, offset DAC = Vref = %1.8fV')%(Vref1, Vref2)
set_box_dac_range(box, fmc, '10V', Vref2, '10V')
vm4 = []
for i in range(REPEAT):
vm4.append(channels_mean(spec_fmc, fmc, ADC_FS, False))
Vm4 = [mean([row[n] for row in vm4]) for n in range(NB_CHANNELS)]
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
print('Channel %d: Vm4=%02.9fV')%(channel, Vm4[channel-1])
# Calculate gain and offset parameters
# ga = ADC + input stage gain
# oa = ADC + input stage offset
# gd = DAC gain
# od = DAC offset
print('\n10V range correction parameters\n----------------------------------')
ga = []
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
ga.append(calc_ga(Vm1[channel-1], Vm2[channel-1], Vref1))
print('Channel %d ADC gain coeff: %02.9f')%(channel, ga[channel-1])
oa = []
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
oa.append(calc_oa(Vm2[channel-1], Vm3[channel-1], Vm4[channel-1]))
print('Channel %d ADC offset : %02.9f')%(channel, oa[channel-1])
gd = []
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
gd.append(calc_gd(Vm1[channel-1], Vm2[channel-1], Vm3[channel-1], Vref1, Vref2))
print('Channel %d DAC gain coeff: %02.9f')%(channel, gd[channel-1])
od = []
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
od.append(calc_od(Vm1[channel-1], Vm2[channel-1], Vm3[channel-1], Vm4[channel-1], Vref1))
print('Channel %d DAC offset : %02.9f')%(channel, od[channel-1])
# Calculate correction register values
# 0x8000 corresponds to 1.0
# Gain correction register is written with 1/gain * 1.0
adc_corr_data['10V']['gain'] = [int(round((1/item)*0x8000)) for item in ga]
# oa is in volts and has to be converted to digital raw value,
# to be written in offset correction register
adc_corr_data['10V']['offset'] = [-(volt2digital_without_offset(item,ADC_FS,ADC_NBITS)) for item in oa]
# 1V range calibration
print('\n1V range calibration\n----------------------------------')
# ADC full scale is 100mV
ADC_FS = 1.0
# Reference voltage for calibration
Vref1 = float(box_calibr_data['1V']) # from box cailbration data in CP2103 EEPROM
Vref2 = 0.4096 # reference voltage to set offset DAC
# Measure 1
# Channel input = 0V, offset DAC = 0V
print('\nMeasurement 1: channel input = 0V, offset DAC = 0V')
set_box_dac_range(box, fmc, 'AWG', 0.0, 'CAL_1V')
vm1 = []
for i in range(REPEAT):
vm1.append(channels_mean(spec_fmc, fmc, ADC_FS, False))
Vm1 = [mean([row[n] for row in vm1]) for n in range(NB_CHANNELS)]
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
print('Channel %d: Vm1=%02.9fV')%(channel, Vm1[channel-1])
# Measure 2
# Channel input = Vref = 0.4096V, offset DAC = 0V
print('\nMeasurement 2: channel input = Vref = %1.8fV, offset DAC = 0V')%(Vref1)
set_box_dac_range(box, fmc, '1V', 0.0, '1V')
vm2 = []
for i in range(REPEAT):
vm2.append(channels_mean(spec_fmc, fmc, ADC_FS, False))
Vm2 = [mean([row[n] for row in vm2]) for n in range(NB_CHANNELS)]
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
print('Channel %d: Vm2=%02.9fV')%(channel, Vm2[channel-1])
# Measure 3
# Channel input = 0V, offset DAC = Vref = 0.4096V
print('\nMeasurement 3: channel input = 0V, offset DAC = Vref = %1.8fV')%(Vref2)
set_box_dac_range(box, fmc, 'AWG', Vref2, 'CAL_1V')
vm3 = []
for i in range(REPEAT):
vm3.append(channels_mean(spec_fmc, fmc, ADC_FS, False))
Vm3 = [mean([row[n] for row in vm3]) for n in range(NB_CHANNELS)]
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
print('Channel %d: Vm3=%02.9fV')%(channel, Vm3[channel-1])
# Measure 4
# Channel input = Vref = 0.4096, offset DAC = Vref = 0.4096
print('\nMeasurement 4: channel input = Vref = %1.8fV, offset DAC = Vref = %1.8fV')%(Vref1, Vref2)
set_box_dac_range(box, fmc, '1V', Vref2, '1V')
vm4 = []
for i in range(REPEAT):
vm4.append(channels_mean(spec_fmc, fmc, ADC_FS, False))
Vm4 = [mean([row[n] for row in vm4]) for n in range(NB_CHANNELS)]
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
print('Channel %d: Vm4=%02.9fV')%(channel, Vm4[channel-1])
# Calculate gain and offset parameters
# ga = ADC + input stage gain
# oa = ADC + input stage offset
# gd = DAC gain
# od = DAC offset
print('\n1V range correction parameters\n----------------------------------')
ga = []
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
ga.append(calc_ga(Vm1[channel-1], Vm2[channel-1], Vref1))
print('Channel %d ADC gain coeff: %02.9f')%(channel, ga[channel-1])
oa = []
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
oa.append(calc_oa(Vm2[channel-1], Vm3[channel-1], Vm4[channel-1]))
print('Channel %d ADC offset : %02.9f')%(channel, oa[channel-1])
gd = []
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
gd.append(calc_gd(Vm1[channel-1], Vm2[channel-1], Vm3[channel-1], Vref1, Vref2))
print('Channel %d DAC gain coeff: %02.9f')%(channel, gd[channel-1])
od = []
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
od.append(calc_od(Vm1[channel-1], Vm2[channel-1], Vm3[channel-1], Vm4[channel-1], Vref1))
print('Channel %d DAC offset : %02.9f')%(channel, od[channel-1])
# Calculate correction register values
# 0x8000 corresponds to 1.0
# Gain correction register is written with 1/gain * 1.0
adc_corr_data['1V']['gain'] = [int(round((1/item)*0x8000)) for item in ga]
# oa is in volts and has to be converted to digital raw value,
# to be written in offset correction register
adc_corr_data['1V']['offset'] = [-(volt2digital_without_offset(item,ADC_FS,ADC_NBITS)) for item in oa]
# 100mV range calibration
print('\n100mV range calibration\n----------------------------------')
# ADC full scale is 100mV
ADC_FS = 0.1
# Reference voltage for calibration
Vref1 = float(box_calibr_data['100mV']) # from box cailbration data in CP2103 EEPROM
Vref2 = 0.04096 # reference voltage to set offset DAC
# Measure 1
# Channel input = 0V, offset DAC = 0V
print('\nMeasurement 1: channel input = 0V, offset DAC = 0V')
set_box_dac_range(box, fmc, 'AWG', 0.0, 'CAL_100mV')
vm1 = []
for i in range(REPEAT):
vm1.append(channels_mean(spec_fmc, fmc, ADC_FS, False))
Vm1 = [mean([row[n] for row in vm1]) for n in range(NB_CHANNELS)]
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
print('Channel %d: Vm1=%02.9fV')%(channel, Vm1[channel-1])
# Measure 2
# Channel input = Vref = 0.04096V, offset DAC = 0V
print('\nMeasurement 2: channel input = Vref = %1.8fV, offset DAC = 0V')%(Vref1)
set_box_dac_range(box, fmc, '100mV', 0.0, '100mV')
vm2 = []
for i in range(REPEAT):
vm2.append(channels_mean(spec_fmc, fmc, ADC_FS, False))
Vm2 = [mean([row[n] for row in vm2]) for n in range(NB_CHANNELS)]
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
print('Channel %d: Vm2=%02.9fV')%(channel, Vm2[channel-1])
# Measure 3
# Channel input = 0V, offset DAC = Vref = 0.04096V
print('\nMeasurement 3: channel input = 0V, offset DAC = Vref = %1.8fV')%(Vref2)
set_box_dac_range(box, fmc, 'AWG', Vref2, 'CAL_100mV')
vm3 = []
for i in range(REPEAT):
vm3.append(channels_mean(spec_fmc, fmc, ADC_FS, False))
Vm3 = [mean([row[n] for row in vm3]) for n in range(NB_CHANNELS)]
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
print('Channel %d: Vm3=%02.9fV')%(channel, Vm3[channel-1])
# Measure 4
# Channel input = Vref = 0.04096, offset DAC = Vref = 0.04096
print('\nMeasurement 4: channel input = Vref = %1.8fV, offset DAC = Vref = %1.8fV')%(Vref1, Vref2)
set_box_dac_range(box, fmc, '100mV', Vref2, '100mV')
vm4 = []
for i in range(REPEAT):
vm4.append(channels_mean(spec_fmc, fmc, ADC_FS, False))
Vm4 = [mean([row[n] for row in vm4]) for n in range(NB_CHANNELS)]
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
print('Channel %d: Vm4=%02.9fV')%(channel, Vm4[channel-1])
# Calculate gain and offset parameters
# ga = ADC + input stage gain
# oa = ADC + input stage offset
# gd = DAC gain
# od = DAC offset
print('\n100mV range correction parameters\n----------------------------------')
ga = []
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
ga.append(calc_ga(Vm1[channel-1], Vm2[channel-1], Vref1))
print('Channel %d ADC gain coeff: %02.9f')%(channel, ga[channel-1])
oa = []
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
oa.append(calc_oa(Vm2[channel-1], Vm3[channel-1], Vm4[channel-1]))
print('Channel %d ADC offset : %02.9f')%(channel, oa[channel-1])
gd = []
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
gd.append(calc_gd(Vm1[channel-1], Vm2[channel-1], Vm3[channel-1], Vref1, Vref2))
print('Channel %d DAC gain coeff: %02.9f')%(channel, gd[channel-1])
od = []
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
od.append(calc_od(Vm1[channel-1], Vm2[channel-1], Vm3[channel-1], Vm4[channel-1], Vref1))
print('Channel %d DAC offset : %02.9f')%(channel, od[channel-1])
# Calculate correction register values
# 0x8000 corresponds to 1.0
# Gain correction register is written with 1/gain * 1.0
adc_corr_data['100mV']['gain'] = [int(round((1/item)*0x8000)) for item in ga]
# oa is in volts and has to be converted to digital raw value,
# to be written in offset correction register
adc_corr_data['100mV']['offset'] = [-(volt2digital_without_offset(item,ADC_FS,ADC_NBITS)) for item in oa]
# Write correction data tp file
filename = "test19_corr_data.txt"
file = open(filename, 'w')
# 10V range
print "10V range"
for item in adc_corr_data['10V']['offset']:
print '0x%.4X,yes'%(signed2hex(item))
for item in adc_corr_data['10V']['gain']:
print '0x%.4X,yes'%(signed2hex(item))
# 1V range
print "1V range"
for item in adc_corr_data['1V']['offset']:
print '0x%.4X,yes'%(signed2hex(item))
for item in adc_corr_data['1V']['gain']:
print '0x%.4X,yes'%(signed2hex(item))
# 100mV range
print "100mV range"
for item in adc_corr_data['100mV']['offset']:
print '0x%.4X,yes'%(signed2hex(item))
for item in adc_corr_data['100mV']['gain']:
print '0x%.4X,yes'%(signed2hex(item))
# Format FMC EEPROM data
# Write data to FMC EEPROM
# Open all switches, reset offset DAC to mid-scale (0V)
for channel in range(1,NB_CHANNELS+1):
fmc.set_input_range(channel, 'OPEN')
fmc.set_input_term(channel, 'OFF')
# Close AWG
# Check if an error occured during frequency response test
#if(error != 0):
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