Commit ce55fc2f authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

test46: Add test to write eeprom, with calibration data taken from sdbfs/calib.

This test is used to fix problem found in batch of 100 boards from Creotech (2014).
It is used by the script tests/
parent a4151f93
#! /bin/sh
# Scan serial number
if [ x$1 = x"" ]; then
echo -n "Please scan CERN serial number bar-code, then press [ENTER]: "
read serial
if [ x$serial = x"" ]; then
echo -n "Serial numer cannot be empty!!"
if [ -e ../serial.txt ]; then
sudo rm -f ../serial.txt
echo $serial >> ../serial.txt
# Load bitstream
sudo ./
# Read eeprom, dump to eeprom_content.out
sudo ./
# Backup eeprom content
cp eeprom_content.out ../eeprom_bkp/eeprom_$serial.bin
# Save calibration data
sudo sdb-read -e 0x200 eeprom_content.out calib > sdbfs/calib
# Re-write eeprom (new ipmi, saved calibration data)
sudo ./
#! /usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright CERN, 2011
# Author: Matthieu Cattin <>
# Licence: GPL v2 or later.
# Website:
# Last modifications: 16/5/2012
# Import system modules
import sys
import time
import datetime
import os
# Import specific modules
from fmc_adc_spec import *
from fmc_adc import *
# Import common modules
from ptsexcept import *
from fmc_eeprom import *
import rr
test46: Write IPMI information and calibration data to FMC EEPROM.
This is done using gensdbfs tool.
Serial number is taken from a text file (../serial.txt).
Calibration data are taken from a binary file (sdbfs/calib).
Note: Requires to run first to load the gateware!
Is meant to run with
def main (default_directory='.'):
# Constants declaration
TEST_NB = 46
NAME = 'adc_100m'
PRODUCT_NAME = "FmcAdc100m14b4cha"
PART_NUMBER = "EDA-02063-V5-0"
SERIAL_FILENAME = "../serial.txt"
SERIAL_FILENAME = os.path.join(default_directory, SERIAL_FILENAME)
SDBFS_DIR = "sdbfs/"
SDBFS_DIR = os.path.join(default_directory, SDBFS_DIR)
EEPROM_BIN_FILENAME = "eeprom_content.out"
EEPROM_BIN_FILENAME = os.path.join(default_directory, EEPROM_BIN_FILENAME)
EEPROM_SIZE = 8192 # in Bytes
start_test_time = time.time()
print "================================================================================"
print "Test%02d start\n" % TEST_NB
# SPEC object declaration
print "Loading hardware access library and opening device.\n"
spec = rr.Gennum()
# Carrier object declaration (SPEC board specific part)
carrier = CFmcAdc100mSpec(spec, EXPECTED_BITSTREAM_TYPE)
except FmcAdc100mSpecOperationError as e:
raise PtsCritical("Carrier init failed, test stopped: %s" % e)
# Mezzanine object declaration (FmcAdc100m14b4cha board specific part)
fmc = CFmcAdc100m(spec)
except FmcAdc100mOperationError as e:
raise PtsCritical("Mezzanine init failed, test stopped: %s" % e)
# Real test stuff here
# Read serial number from a file
# This file must be written by the shell script launching pts
f_serial = open(SERIAL_FILENAME, 'r+')
serial = f_serial.readline()
serial = serial[:-1] # remove EOL char
print "Board's serial number: %s\n" % serial
# Calculate number of minutes since 0:00 1/1/96
current_date =
ref_date = datetime.datetime(1996, 1, 1)
diff_date = current_date - ref_date
current_date_min = int(diff_date.total_seconds()//60)
print("Current date/time: %s"%(str(current_date)))
print(" -> 0x%06X = %d minutes (since 0:00 1/1/96)\n" % (current_date_min, current_date_min))
# Check if a manufacturing date is present in the EEPROM.
# If not, put the current date (it means it's the first time the test is run).
# If a date is present, keep it.
# EEPROM clear code used to test the test!
#eeprom_data = [0x0] * EEPROM_SIZE
# Read entire EEPROM
#print "Read EEPROM content."
eeprom_data_read = fmc.sys_i2c_eeprom_read(0, EEPROM_SIZE)
# Write EEPROM data to binary file
#print "Write EEPROM content to file (binary)."
f_eeprom = open(EEPROM_BIN_FILENAME, "wb")
for byte in eeprom_data_read:
# Get manufacturing date from EEPROM data, if exists
eeprom_data = open(EEPROM_BIN_FILENAME, "rb").read()
mfg_date_min = ipmi_get_mfg_date(eeprom_data)
ref_date = datetime.datetime(1996, 1, 1)
mfg_date = ref_date + datetime.timedelta(minutes=mfg_date_min)
print("Mfg date read from eeprom: %s"%(str(mfg_date)))
print(" -> 0x%06X = %d minutes (since 0:00 1/1/96)\n"%(mfg_date_min, mfg_date_min))
first_prod_date = datetime.datetime(2013, 3, 4)
diff_date = first_prod_date - ref_date
first_prod_date_min = int(diff_date.total_seconds()//60)
# No manufacturing date present in EEPROM, put the current date
if(mfg_date_min == 0 | mfg_date_min == 0xffffff):
print("No manufacturing date found in the EEPROM => taking current date: %s\n" % str(current_date))
mfg_date_min = current_date_min
elif(mfg_date_min > current_date_min):
print("Date found in the EEPROM is in the future => taking current date: %s\n" % str(current_date))
mfg_date_min = current_date_min
elif(mfg_date_min < first_prod_date_min):
print("Date found in the EEPROM is older than the first production => taking current date: %s\n" % str(current_date))
mfg_date_min = current_date_min
print("Valid manufacturing date found in EEPROM: %s (will be preserved)\n" % str(mfg_date))
# Create Board Info Area
# FRU field is used to store the date of generation of the eeprom content
# This could be used later to determine if the content has to be udated (bug fix, ...)
print("EEPROM content generation date: %s\n" % str(current_date))
print("IPMI: Board Info Area")
print(" - Mfg. Date/Time : 0x%06X" % mfg_date_min)
print(" - Board Manufacturer : %s" % MANUFACTURER)
print(" - Board Product Name : %s" % PRODUCT_NAME)
print(" - Board Serial Number: %s" % serial)
print(" - Board Part Number : %s" % PART_NUMBER)
print(" - FRU File ID : %s" % str(current_date))
fru = "%s" % str(current_date)
bia = BoardInfoArea(mfg_date_min, MANUFACTURER, PRODUCT_NAME, serial, PART_NUMBER, fru)
# Multirecords Area
print("IPMI: Multi-record area")
# output number, vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax
vnom=2.5; vmin=2.375; vmax=2.625; ripple=0.0; imin=0; imax=4000
print(" - DC Load (VADJ): vnom=%2.3fV, vmin=%2.3fV, vmax=%2.3fV, ripple=%2.3fV, imin=%dmA, imax=%dmA"%(vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax))
dcload0 = DCLoadRecord(0, vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax) # VADJ
vnom=3.3; vmin=3.135; vmax=3.465; ripple=0.0; imin=0; imax=3000
print(" - DC Load (P3V3): vnom=%2.3fV, vmin=%2.3fV, vmax=%2.3fV, ripple=%2.3fV, imin=%dmA, imax=%dmA"%(vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax))
dcload1 = DCLoadRecord(1, vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax) # P3V3
vnom=12.0; vmin=11.4; vmax=12.6; ripple=0.0; imin=0; imax=1000
print(" - DC Load (P12V): vnom=%2.3fV, vmin=%2.3fV, vmax=%2.3fV, ripple=%2.3fV, imin=%dmA, imax=%dmA"%(vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax))
dcload2 = DCLoadRecord(2, vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax) # P12V
dcload = [ dcload0, dcload1, dcload2 ]
# output number, vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax
vnom=0.0; vmin=0.0; vmax=0.0; ripple=0.0; imin=0; imax=0
print(" - DC Out (VIO_B_M2C): vnom=%2.3fV, vmin=%2.3fV, vmax=%2.3fV, ripple=%2.3fV, imin=%dmA, imax=%dmA"%(vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax))
dcout0 = DCOutputRecord(3, vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax) # VIO_B_M2C
print(" - DC Out (VREF_A_M2C): vnom=%2.3fV, vmin=%2.3fV, vmax=%2.3fV, ripple=%2.3fV, imin=%dmA, imax=%dmA"%(vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax))
dcout1 = DCOutputRecord(4, vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax) # VREF_A_M2C
print(" - DC Out (VREF_B_M2C): vnom=%2.3fV, vmin=%2.3fV, vmax=%2.3fV, ripple=%2.3fV, imin=%dmA, imax=%dmA"%(vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax))
dcout2 = DCOutputRecord(5, vnom, vmin, vmax, ripple, imin, imax) # VREF_B_M2C
dcout = [ dcout0, dcout1, dcout2 ]
# module size : 0=single width, 1=double width
# P1 size : 0=LPC, 1=HPC
# P2 size : 0=LPC, 1=HPC, 3=not fitted
# clock dir : 0=M2C, 1=C2M
# nb sig P1 A : number
# nb sig P1 B : number
# nb sig P2 A : number
# nb sig P2 B : number
# nb GBT P1 : number
# nb GBT P2 : number
# max TCK freq : frequency in MHz
size=0; p1_size=0; p2_size=3; clk_dir=0; sig_p1_a=68; sig_p1_b=0; sig_p2_a=0; sig_p2_b=0; gbt_p1=0; gbt_p2=0; tck=0
print(" - OEM: Module Size=%d, P1 Connector Size=%d, P2 Connector Size=%d, Clock Direction=%d, \
P1 Bank A nb signal=%d, P1 Bank B nb signal=%d, P2 Bank A nb signal=%d, P2 Bank B nb signal=%d, P1 GBT nb=%d, P2 GBT nb=%d, TCK max freq=%d\n"%(size, p1_size, p2_size, clk_dir, sig_p1_a, sig_p1_b, sig_p2_a, sig_p2_b, gbt_p1, gbt_p2, tck))
oem = OEMRecord(size, p1_size, p2_size, clk_dir, sig_p1_a, sig_p1_b, sig_p2_a, sig_p2_b, gbt_p1, gbt_p2, tck)
# Write ipmi content to a binary file
print("Generate binary file with IPMI crap.\n")
ipmi_set(bia, dcload, dcout, oem)
# Read impi content from binary file
f_ipmi = open(IPMI_BIN_FILENAME, "rb")
ipmi_data = []
byte = # reads one byte
while byte:
byte = # reads one byte
#print "Raw IPMI data:"
#for add, data in enumerate(ipmi_data):
# print "0x%02X(%3d): 0x%02X" % (add, add, data)
# Write 'name' file
print("Writing %s with: %s"%(NAME_BIN_FILENAME, NAME))
f_name = open(NAME_BIN_FILENAME, "wb")
for char in NAME:
# Create an empty 'data' folder
data_dir = SDBFS_DIR + "data"
cmd = "mkdir " + data_dir
print("Create empty data folder, cmd: %s\n"%(cmd))
print("%s folder already exists.\n"%(data_dir))
# Generate eeprom image with gensdbfs
cmd = "gensdbfs " + SDBFS_DIR + " " + EEPROM_BIN_FILENAME
print("Generate eeprom image, cmd: %s\n"%(cmd))
# Erase EEPROM content
print "Erase EEPROM content.\n"
eeprom_data = [0x0] * EEPROM_SIZE
# Read eeprom content from binary file
f_bin_eeprom = open(EEPROM_BIN_FILENAME, "rb")
eeprom_data = []
byte = # reads one byte
while byte:
byte = # reads one byte
# Dump EEPROM content to log
print("Content to be written to the eeprom (length=0x%X (%d)):"%(len(eeprom_data), len(eeprom_data)))
for i in range(len(eeprom_data)/16):
for j in range(16):
# Write content to EEPROM via I2C
print "Write EEPROM content.\n"
if eeprom_data != []:
# Read back EEPROM content via I2C
eeprom_data_read = fmc.sys_i2c_eeprom_read(0, len(eeprom_data))
mismatch = 0
for i in range(len(eeprom_data)):
wr_data = eeprom_data[i]
rd_data = eeprom_data_read[i]
if wr_data == rd_data:
check = "OK"
check = "FAILED"
mismatch += 1
print "0x%02X 0x%02X => %s" % (wr_data, rd_data, check)
#print "0x%02X 0x%02X => %s" % (wr_data, rd_data, check)
print "EEPROM content comparison => ",
if(mismatch == 0):
print "OK"
print "FAILED"
except FmcAdc100mOperationError as e:
raise PtsError("Test failed: %s" % e)
print ""
print "==> End of test%02d" % TEST_NB
print "================================================================================"
end_test_time = time.time()
print "Test%02d elapsed time: %.2f seconds\n" % (TEST_NB, end_test_time-start_test_time)
# Check if an error occured during EEPROM verification
if(mismatch != 0):
raise PtsError("EEPROM comparison failed: %d mismatch found. Check log for details." % mismatch)
if __name__ == '__main__' :
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