Commit b5ae1362 authored by penacoba's avatar penacoba

Improved version of PLL test + first operating version of ACAM test

git-svn-id: 85dfdc96-de2c-444c-878d-45b388be74a9
parent c86fe33b
......@@ -340,6 +340,17 @@ begin
PLLD => 1,
PLLX => 2,
S => 2,
-- CLKIN_PERIOD => 10.000,
-- PLLD => 2,
-- PLLX => 8,
-- S => 4,
-- CLKIN_PERIOD => 6.25,
-- PLLD => 1,
-- PLLX => 2,
-- S => 2,
BS => false)
port map (
clkin_p => p2l_clk_p_i,
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ begin
adr <= adr_i;
cyc <= cyc_i;
data_bus_io <= dat_i(27 downto 0);
data_bus_io <= dat_i(27 downto 0) when we='1' else (others =>'Z');
stb <= stb_i;
we <= we_i;
......@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
entity clk_rst_managr is
nb_of_reg : integer:=68
nb_of_reg : integer:=68;
values_for_simulation : boolean:=FALSE
acam_refclk_i : in std_logic;
......@@ -164,31 +165,36 @@ constant reg_230 : t_byte:=x"00";
constant reg_231 : t_byte:=x"00";
constant reg_232 : t_byte:=x"01";
signal pll_init_st : t_pll_init_st;
signal nxt_pll_init_st : t_pll_init_st;
constant sim_reset : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):=x"00000400";
constant syn_reset : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):=x"00004E20";
signal config_reg : t_stream;
signal address : t_instr;
signal acam_refclk_buf : std_logic;
signal spec_clk_buf : std_logic;
signal tdc_clk_buf : std_logic;
signal pll_init_st : t_pll_init_st;
signal nxt_pll_init_st : t_pll_init_st;
signal acam_refclk : std_logic;
signal pll_sclk : std_logic;
signal spec_clk : std_logic;
signal tdc_clk : std_logic;
signal config_reg : t_stream;
signal address : t_instr;
signal bit_being_sent : std_logic;
signal word_being_sent : t_wd;
signal bit_index : integer range 15 downto 0;
signal byte_index : integer range nb_of_reg-1 downto 0;
signal silly_altern : std_logic;
signal gnum_reset : std_logic;
signal gral_incr : std_logic;
signal inv_reset : std_logic;
signal cs : std_logic;
signal acam_refclk_buf : std_logic;
signal spec_clk_buf : std_logic;
signal tdc_clk_buf : std_logic;
signal acam_refclk : std_logic;
signal pll_sclk : std_logic;
signal spec_clk : std_logic;
signal tdc_clk : std_logic;
signal bit_being_sent : std_logic;
signal word_being_sent : t_wd;
signal bit_index : integer range 15 downto 0;
signal byte_index : integer range nb_of_reg-1 downto 0;
signal silly_altern : std_logic;
signal gnum_reset : std_logic;
signal gral_incr : std_logic;
signal gral_reset_duration : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal inv_reset : std_logic;
signal cs : std_logic;
-- architecture begins
......@@ -243,7 +249,7 @@ begin
general_poreset: incr_counter
port map(
clk => spec_clk,
end_value => x"0000007D", -- 125 clk ticks
end_value => gral_reset_duration,
incr => gral_incr,
reset => gnum_reset,
......@@ -251,6 +257,9 @@ begin
current_value => open
gral_reset_duration <= sim_reset when values_for_simulation
else syn_reset;
silly: process
if gnum_reset ='1' then
......@@ -71,11 +71,12 @@ package tdc_core_pkg is
end component;
constant data_width : integer:=32;
constant tdc_led_period_sim : std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0):=x"0000F424";
constant tdc_led_period_syn : std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0):=x"03B9ACA0";
constant spec_led_period_sim : std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0):=x"00004E20";
constant spec_led_period_syn : std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0):=x"01312D00";
constant visible_blink_length : std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0):=x"00BEBC20";
constant tdc_led_period_sim : std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0):=x"0000F424"; -- 500 us at 125 MHz
constant tdc_led_period_syn : std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0):=x"03B9ACA0"; -- 500 ms at 125 MHz
constant spec_led_period_sim : std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0):=x"00004E20"; -- 1 ms at 20 MHz
constant spec_led_period_syn : std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0):=x"01312D00"; -- 1 s at 20 MHz
constant blink_length_syn : std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0):=x"00BEBC20"; -- 100 ms at 125 MHz
constant blink_length_sim : std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0):=x"000004E2"; -- 10 us at 125 MHz
end tdc_core_pkg;
......@@ -225,6 +225,10 @@ architecture rtl of top_tdc is
end component;
component clk_rst_managr
nb_of_reg : integer:=68;
values_for_simulation : boolean:=FALSE
acam_refclk_i : in std_logic;
pll_ld_i : in std_logic;
......@@ -335,11 +339,10 @@ architecture rtl of top_tdc is
--used to generate the one_hz_p pulse
constant sim_clock_period : std_logic_vector(g_width-1 downto 0):=x"0001E848"; -- 1 ms at 125 MHz (tdc board clock)
constant syn_clock_period : std_logic_vector(g_width-1 downto 0):=x"07735940"; -- 1 s at 125 MHz (tdc board clock)
-- used for regular blinking of the red led
constant spec_led_period_sim : std_logic_vector(g_width-1 downto 0):=x"00004E20"; -- 1 ms at 20 MHz (spec board clock)
constant spec_led_period_syn : std_logic_vector(g_width-1 downto 0):=x"01312D00"; -- 1 s at 20 MHz (spec board clock)
signal spec_led_period : std_logic_vector(g_width-1 downto 0);
signal tdc_led_period : std_logic_vector(g_width-1 downto 0);
signal visible_blink_length : std_logic_vector(g_width-1 downto 0);
signal tdc_led_count_done : std_logic;
signal spec_led_count_done : std_logic;
......@@ -568,6 +571,10 @@ begin
clks_rsts_mgment: clk_rst_managr
generic map(
nb_of_reg => 68,
values_for_simulation => values_for_simulation
port map(
acam_refclk_i => acam_refclk_i,
pll_ld_i => pll_ld_i,
......@@ -581,7 +588,7 @@ begin
acam_refclk_o => acam_refclk,
general_reset_o => general_reset,
pll_cs_o => pll_cs,
pll_cs_o => pll_cs_o,
pll_dac_sync_o => pll_dac_sync_o,
pll_sdi_o => pll_sdi_o,
pll_sclk_o => pll_sclk_o,
......@@ -589,6 +596,35 @@ begin
tdc_clk_o => clk
tdc_led_counter: countdown_counter
port map(
clk => clk,
reset => general_reset,
start => one_hz_p,
start_value => visible_blink_length,
count_done => tdc_led_count_done,
current_value => open
blink: process
if one_hz_p ='1' then
tdc_led_status <= '1';
elsif tdc_led_count_done = '1' then
tdc_led_status <= '0';
end if;
wait until clk ='1';
end process;
two_seconds: process
if one_hz_p ='1' then
tdc_led_trig5 <= not(tdc_led_trig5);
end if;
wait until clk ='1';
end process;
spec_led_counter: free_counter
port map(
clk => spec_clk,
......@@ -600,9 +636,6 @@ begin
current_value => open
spec_led_period <= spec_led_period_sim when values_for_simulation
else spec_led_period_syn;
spec_led: process
if gnum_reset ='1' then
......@@ -613,23 +646,19 @@ begin
wait until spec_clk ='1';
end process;
spec_led_period <= spec_led_period_sim when values_for_simulation
else spec_led_period_syn;
tdc_led_period <= tdc_led_period_sim when values_for_simulation
else tdc_led_period_syn;
visible_blink_length <= blink_length_sim when values_for_simulation
else blink_length_syn;
spec_led_green <= pll_ld_i;
tdc_led_counter: countdown_counter
port map(
clk => clk,
reset => general_reset,
start => one_hz_p,
start_value => visible_blink_length,
count_done => tdc_led_count_done,
current_value => open
tdc_led_status <= not(tdc_led_count_done);
-- inputs
gnum_reset <= not(rst_n_a_i);
gnum_reset <= not(rst_n_a_i) or not(spec_aux1_i);
-- internal signals
acm_adr(19) <= '0';
......@@ -640,25 +669,41 @@ begin
acm_dat_w <= csr_dat_w;
csr_ack(0) <= acm_ack;
csr_dat_r <= acm_dat_r;
-- csr_dat_r <= x"0B0AB0BA";
-- outputs
pll_cs_o <= pll_cs;
mute_inputs_o <= '0';
tdc_led_status_o <= tdc_led_status;
tdc_led_trig1_o <= tdc_led_trig1;
tdc_led_trig2_o <= tdc_led_trig2;
tdc_led_trig3_o <= tdc_led_trig3;
tdc_led_trig4_o <= tdc_led_trig4;
tdc_led_trig5_o <= tdc_led_trig5;
mute_inputs_o <= '1';
term_en_1_o <= '1';
term_en_2_o <= '1';
term_en_3_o <= '1';
term_en_4_o <= '1';
term_en_5_o <= '1';
spec_aux5_o <= spec_aux0_i;
spec_aux4_o <= spec_aux1_i;
button_with_spec_clk: process
spec_aux3_o <= spec_aux0_i;
wait until spec_clk ='1';
end process;
button_with_tdc_clk: process
spec_aux2_o <= spec_aux0_i;
wait until clk ='1';
end process;
spec_led_green_o <= spec_led_green;
spec_led_red_o <= spec_led_red;
tdc_led_status_o <= tdc_led_status;
tdc_led_trig1_o <= tdc_led_trig1;
tdc_led_trig2_o <= tdc_led_trig2;
tdc_led_trig3_o <= tdc_led_trig3;
tdc_led_trig4_o <= tdc_led_trig4;
tdc_led_trig5_o <= tdc_led_trig5;
-- this is the config for acam test...
clock_period <= sim_clock_period when values_for_simulation
else syn_clock_period;
......@@ -668,9 +713,8 @@ begin
start_dis_o <= '0';
stop_dis_o <= '0';
-- when button 1 is pressed --> start every second. Otherwise start with button 0
start_from_fpga_o <= one_hz_p when spec_aux1_i ='0' else not(spec_aux0_i);
spec_aux2_o <= spec_aux0_i;
spec_aux3_o <= spec_aux1_i;
start_from_fpga_o <= one_hz_p;-- when spec_aux1_i ='0' else not(spec_aux0_i);
end rtl;
......@@ -356,9 +356,9 @@ begin
wait until clk ='1';
end process;
spec_aux2_o <= pll_sclk;
spec_aux3_o <= pll_sdi;
spec_aux4_o <= pll_cs;
spec_aux2_o <= pll_sdi;
spec_aux3_o <= pll_cs;
spec_aux4_o <= general_reset;
spec_aux5_o <= gnum_reset;
end rtl;
......@@ -531,6 +531,8 @@ begin
generic map
-- T_LCLK => 5 ns,
-- T_LCLK => 10 ns,
T_LCLK => 6.25 ns,
T_P2L_CLK_DLY => 2 ns,
INSTANCE_LABEL => "U0(Primary GN412x): ",
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