Commit a20a6565 authored by Evangelia Gousiou's avatar Evangelia Gousiou

further cleaning; put fmceeprom folder into common

parent 1a084cab
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ do
echo "Test series run $nb_test out of $nb_test_limit"
echo " "
sudo ./ -b FmcTdc1ns5cha -s $serial -e $extra_serial -t./test/fmctdc1ns5cha/calibration/python -l $LOGDIR 00 01 02 03
sudo ./ -b FmcTdc1ns5cha -s $serial -e $extra_serial -t./test/fmctdc1ns5cha/calibration/python -l $LOGDIR 02 03
if [ "$nb_test" != "$nb_test_limit" ]
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ sys.path.append('common/')
def pts_raw_input(msg, default='y'):
#include "ipmi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static FILE *f = NULL;
struct common_header *ch = NULL;
struct board_info_area *bia = NULL;
struct oem_record *oem = NULL;
struct internal_use_area *iua = NULL;
struct dc_load_list *dcll = NULL;
struct dc_output_list *dcol = NULL;
int ipmi_file_open(const char *name)
// if (f)
// fclose(f);
f = fopen(name, "w");
if (!f)
return -1;
ch = NULL;
bia = NULL;
oem = NULL;
iua = NULL;
dcll = NULL;
dcol = NULL;
return 0;
void ipmi_file_close(void)
if (f)
uint8_t checksum(uint8_t *data, int len)
int i;
int sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
sum += data[i];
return (-sum)&0xff;
int board_info_area_get_size(uint8_t *pad)
int size = 13 +
(bia->mfgr_typelen & 0x3f) +
(bia->product_typelen & 0x3f) +
(bia->serial_typelen & 0x3f) +
(bia->partnum_typelen & 0x3f) +
(bia->fru_fid_typelen & 0x3f);
if (size & 0x7) {
if (pad) {
*pad = 8 - (size & 0x7);
size -= size % 8;
size += 8;
return size;
int internal_use_area_get_size(void)
return 1 + iua->len;
int ipmi_common_header_write(void)
int ret;
if (!ch || !f)
return -1;
ch->checksum = checksum((uint8_t *)ch, sizeof(struct common_header) - 1);
ret = fwrite(ch, 1, sizeof(struct common_header), f);
return 0;
void ipmi_set_board_info_area(struct board_info_area *d)
bia = d;
void ipmi_add_dc_load_record(struct dc_load_record *d)
struct dc_load_list *l = malloc(sizeof(struct dc_load_list));
l->rec = d;
l->next = NULL;
if (!dcll) {
dcll = l;
} else {
l->next = dcll;
dcll = l;
void ipmi_add_dc_output_record(struct dc_output_record *d)
struct dc_output_list *l = malloc(sizeof(struct dc_output_list));
l->rec = d;
l->next = NULL;
if (!dcol) {
dcol = l;
} else {
l->next = dcol;
dcol = l;
void ipmi_set_oem_record(struct oem_record *d)
oem = d;
int ipmi_board_info_area_write(void)
int i;
int len;
int ret;
uint8_t pad = 0;
uint8_t checksum;
if (!bia || !f)
return -1;
/* Write upto the mfgr_data */
ret = fwrite(bia, 6, 1, f);
len = bia->mfgr_typelen & 0x3f;
ret = fwrite(&bia->mfgr_typelen, 1, sizeof(uint8_t), f);
ret = fwrite(bia->mfgr_data, len, 1, f);
len = bia->product_typelen & 0x3f;
ret = fwrite(&bia->product_typelen, 1, sizeof(uint8_t), f);
ret = fwrite(bia->product_data, len, 1, f);
len = bia->serial_typelen & 0x3f;
ret = fwrite(&bia->serial_typelen, 1, sizeof(uint8_t), f);
ret = fwrite(bia->serial_data, len, 1, f);
len = bia->partnum_typelen & 0x3f;
ret = fwrite(&bia->partnum_typelen, 1, sizeof(uint8_t), f);
ret = fwrite(bia->partnum_data, len, 1, f);
len = bia->fru_fid_typelen & 0x3f;
ret = fwrite(&bia->fru_fid_typelen, 1, sizeof(uint8_t), f);
ret = fwrite(bia->fru_fid_data, len, 1, f);
bia->typelen_end = 0xc1;
ret = fwrite(&bia->typelen_end, 1, sizeof(uint8_t), f);
/* calculate checksum here */
checksum = 0;
checksum +=
bia->format +
bia->area_len +
bia->language +
bia->mfg_date0 +
bia->mfg_date1 +
bia->mfg_date2 +
bia->mfgr_typelen +
bia->product_typelen +
bia->serial_typelen +
bia->partnum_typelen +
bia->fru_fid_typelen +
for (i = 0; i < (bia->mfgr_typelen & 0x3f); i++)
checksum += bia->mfgr_data[i];
for (i = 0; i < (bia->product_typelen & 0x3f); i++)
checksum += bia->product_data[i];
for (i = 0; i < (bia->serial_typelen & 0x3f); i++)
checksum += bia->serial_data[i];
for (i = 0; i < (bia->partnum_typelen & 0x3f); i++)
checksum += bia->partnum_data[i];
for (i = 0; i < (bia->fru_fid_typelen & 0x3f); i++)
checksum += bia->fru_fid_data[i];
checksum = -checksum;
checksum &= 0xff;
bia->checksum = checksum;
uint8_t nul = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pad; i++)
ret = fwrite(&nul, 1, sizeof(uint8_t), f);
ret = fwrite(&bia->checksum, 1, sizeof(uint8_t), f);
return 0;
int ipmi_dc_load_record_write(int end)
int ret,i;
struct dc_load_list *t;
if (!dcll || !f)
return -1;
t = dcll;
i = 0;
while (t) {
printf("loop: %d\n",i);
struct multirecord_header head;
head.record_typeid = 0x2; /* DC load type */
head.extra = 0x2;
if (end)
head.extra |= (1 << 7);
head.record_len = 13;
head.record_checksum = checksum((uint8_t *)t->rec,
sizeof(struct dc_load_record));
head.header_checksum = checksum((uint8_t *)&head,
sizeof(struct multirecord_header) - 1);
ret = fwrite(&head, 1, sizeof(struct multirecord_header), f);
ret = fwrite(&t->rec->voltage_required, 1, 1, f);
ret = fwrite(&t->rec->nominal_voltage, 1, 12, f);
t = t->next;
return 0;
int ipmi_dc_output_record_write(int end)
int ret, i;
struct dc_output_list *t;
if (!dcol || !f)
return -1;
t = dcol;
i = 0;
while (t) {
printf("loop: %d\n",i);
struct multirecord_header head;
head.record_typeid = 0x1; /* DC output type */
head.extra = 0x2;
if (end)
head.extra |= (1 << 7);
head.record_len = 13;
head.record_checksum = checksum((uint8_t *)t->rec,
sizeof(struct dc_output_record));
head.header_checksum = checksum((uint8_t *)&head,
sizeof(struct multirecord_header) - 1);
ret = fwrite(&head, 1, sizeof(struct multirecord_header), f);
ret = fwrite(&t->rec->output_info, 1, 1, f);
ret = fwrite(&t->rec->nominal_voltage, 1, 12, f);
t = t->next;
return 0;
int ipmi_oem_record_write(int end)
int ret;
struct multirecord_header head;
if (!oem || !f)
return -1;
/* VITA ID: 0x0012a2 (LS Byte first) */
oem->mfg_id0 = 0xa2;
oem->mfg_id1 = 0x12;
oem->mfg_id2 = 0x00;
head.record_typeid = 0xfa; /* OEM record type */
head.extra = 0x2;
if (end)
head.extra |= (1 << 7);
head.record_len = sizeof(struct oem_record);
head.record_checksum = checksum((uint8_t *)oem,
sizeof(struct oem_record));
head.header_checksum = checksum((uint8_t *)&head,
sizeof(struct multirecord_header) - 1);
ret = fwrite(&head, 1, sizeof(struct multirecord_header), f);
ret = fwrite(oem, 1, sizeof(struct oem_record), f);
return 0;
int multirecord_area_get_size(int *diff)
struct dc_load_list *l1 = dcll;
struct dc_output_list *l2 = dcol;
int sum = 0;
while (l1) {
sum += sizeof(struct multirecord_header);
sum += 13;
l1 = l1->next;
while (l2) {
sum += sizeof(struct multirecord_header);
sum += 13;
l2 = l2->next;
sum += sizeof(struct multirecord_header) + sizeof(struct oem_record);
if (sum % 8) {
if (diff) {
*diff = 8 - (sum % 8);
sum += 8;
sum &= ~7;
return sum;
int ipmi_write(void)
int pad = 0;
int padlen = 0;
ch = malloc(sizeof(struct common_header));
memset(ch, 0, sizeof(struct common_header));
ch->format = 1; // Format version
* IPMI areas arrangement in memory
* +------------------------------+
* | Common header |
* +------------------------------+
* | Board area |
* +------------------------------+
* | Multi-record area |
* | +------------------------+
* | | 3x DC load records |
* | +------------------------+
* | | 3x DC output records |
* | +------------------------+
* | | OEM record |
* +-----+------------------------+
* | Internal use area (optional) |
* +------------------------------+
// Compute area offsets
ch->board_area_off = sizeof(struct common_header)/8; // always 1
ch->multirecord_off = (sizeof(struct common_header) + board_info_area_get_size(NULL))/8;
if (iua)
ch->internal_use_off = (sizeof(struct common_header) + board_info_area_get_size(NULL) + multirecord_area_get_size(NULL))/8;
ch->internal_use_off = 0;
// Write common heade
// Write board info area, padding (to 8 byte multiple) is done inside the write function
bia->area_len = board_info_area_get_size(NULL)/8;
// Write multi-record area
// Padding after multi-record area
if (padlen) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < padlen; i++)
fwrite(&pad, 1, 1, f);
// Write Internal Use area, if exists
if (iua)
return 0;
void ipmi_set_internal_use_area(struct internal_use_area *d)
iua = d;
int ipmi_internal_use_area_write(void)
if (!iua || !f)
return -1;
fwrite(&iua->format, 1, 1, f);
fwrite(&iua->len, 1, 4, f);
fwrite(iua->data, 1, iua->len, f);
return 0;
unsigned char *ipmi_get_internal_use_data(char *data, int *l)
unsigned char *buf;
struct common_header *ch = (struct common_header *)data;
unsigned char *d = (unsigned char *)data + ch->internal_use_off*8;
int len = (int)d[1];
buf = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * (len + 1));
memcpy(buf, d+5, len);
buf[len] = 0;
*l = len;
return buf;
int ipmi_get_mfg_date(char *data)
int i;
int ret = 0;
struct common_header *ch = (struct common_header *)data;
unsigned char *date = (unsigned char *)data + ch->board_area_off*8 + 3;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
ret |= (date[i] << (i*8));
return ret;
#! /bin/bash
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import numpy as np
# Import common modules
from ptsexcept import *
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