Commit 598a50d7 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

tools: replace select with poll

Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 12497f73
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <getopt.h>
......@@ -117,15 +118,15 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct fmctdc_time ts;
int channels[FMCTDC_NUM_CHANNELS];
int ref[FMCTDC_NUM_CHANNELS], a, b;
int chan_count = 0, i, n, ch, nfds, fd, byte_read, ret, n_boards;
int chan_count = 0, i, n, ch, fd, byte_read, ret, n_boards;
int nblock = 0, buflen = 16;
enum fmctdc_buffer_mode bufmode = FMCTDC_BUFFER_FIFO;
int n_samples = -1;
int fmt_wr = 0, flush = 0, read = 0, last = 0;
char opt;
fd_set rfds;
struct sigaction new_action, old_action;
int ch_valid[FMCTDC_NUM_CHANNELS] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
struct pollfd p[FMCTDC_NUM_CHANNELS];
/* Set up the structure to specify the new action. */
new_action.sa_handler = termination_handler;
......@@ -248,6 +249,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
channels[ch] = fmctdc_fileno_channel(brd, ch);
p[ch].fd = channels[ch];
p[ch].events = POLLIN | POLLERR;
ret = fmctdc_reference_set(brd, ch, ref[ch]);
if (ret) {
......@@ -287,32 +292,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* Read Time-Stamps */
n = 0;
while ((n < n_samples || n_samples <= 0) && (!stop)) {
/* Check for pending signal */
nfds = 0;
/* Prepare the list of channel to observe */
for (i = 0; i <= FMCTDC_CH_LAST; i++) {
fd = channels[i];
if (fd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open channel %d\n", i);
} else {
FD_SET(fd, &rfds);
nfds = fd > nfds ? fd : nfds;
/* non-blocking mode: do nothing, otherwise wait until one
of the channels becomes active */
ret = select(nfds + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!nblock && ret <= 0) {
if (ret < 0)
"Error while waiting for timestamp: %s\n",
if (!nblock) {
ret = poll(p, FMCTDC_NUM_CHANNELS, 10);
if (ret <= 0)
/* Now we can read the timestamp */
......@@ -321,9 +304,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (fd < 0)
if (!(nblock || FD_ISSET(fd, &rfds)))
if (!(p[ch_valid[i]].revents & POLLIN))
byte_read = fmctdc_read(brd, i, &ts, 1,
nblock ? O_NONBLOCK : 0);
if (byte_read > 0) {
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