Commit 64513385 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

doc: initial version of user's documentation

parent d7352716
# Makefile for the documentation directory
# Copyright 1994,2000,2010,2011 Alessandro Rubini <>
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clean: terse
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;; emacs -batch -l ./fixinfo.el <file>
;; or, better:
;; emacs -batch --no-site-file -l ./fixinfo.el <file>
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(find-file-other-window file)
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\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
% - main file for the documentation
% =========================
% This file is a texinfo source. It isn't the binary file of some strange
% editor of mine. If you want ASCII, you should "make fine-delay.txt".
% This is not a conventional info file...
% I use three extra features:
% - The '%' as a comment marker, if at beginning of line ("\%" -> "%")
% - leading blanks are allowed (this is something I can't live without)
% - braces are automatically escaped when they appear in example blocks
@comment %**start of header
@documentlanguage en
@documentencoding ISO-8859-1
@settitle fmc-tdc
@end iftex
@paragraphindent none
@comment %**end of header
@setchapternewpage off
@set update-month July 2013
@c @set release 1.1
@set tagname fmc-tdc-sw-v1.0
@c WARNING: in @example I Can't use @value{tagname}, so please look for this
@c string when updating the document.
@title FMC TDC User's Manual
@subtitle @value{update-month}
@subtitle FMC TDC 1ns-5cha hardware and software manual
@author CERN BE-CO-HT / Tomasz Wlostowski, Alessandro Rubini
@end titlepage
@headings single
@c ##########################################################################
@end iftex
@c ##########################################################################
@node Top
@top Introduction
This is the user manual for the
@i{FmcTdc1ns5cha} board developed on @code{}, referenced futher
as the @i{FmcTdc}. The manual is heavily based on the documentation
of the @i{Fine Delay} card, written by Alessandro Rubini.
@c ##########################################################################
@node Repositories and Releases
@chapter Repositories and Releases
The code and documentation are distributed in the following places:
@table @code
This place hosts the pdf documentation for official releases.
Here we place the @i{.tar.gz} file for every release,
including the @i{git} tree and compiled documentation (for
those who lack TeX).
@item git://
Read-only repository for the software and documentation.
Read-write repositories, for those authorized.
@end table
@c The official release of this
@c repository has a tag called called
@c @code{@value{tagname}}. The same tag is used in related
@c repositories (@i{zio}, @i{spec-sw} and the hardware repository).
@c Any official hot fixes, if any, for this
@c release live in the branch called
@c @code{@value{tagname}-fixes}, in each repository.
@b{Note:} If you got this from the repository (as opposed to a named
@i{tar.gz} or @i{pdf} file) it may happen that you are looking at a later commit
than the release this manual claims to document.
It is a fact of life that developers forget
to re-read and fix documentation while updating the code. In that case,
please run ``@code{git describe HEAD}'' to ensure where you are.
@c ##########################################################################
@node Hardware Description
@chapter Hardware Description
The @i{FmcTdc} is an FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC - VITA 57 standard), containing a 5-channel Time To
Digital Converter (TDC). All channels share same time base, therefore one can relate timestamps of pulses coming to different channels.
@c ==========================================================================
@node Requirements and Supported Platforms
@section Requirements and Supported Platforms
@i{FmcTdc} can work with any VITA 57-compliant FMC carrier, provided that the carrier's FPGA has enough logic resources.
This release of the driver software supports the following carriers:
@item SPEC (Simple PCI-Express Carrier),
@item SVEC (Simple VME64x Carrier)
@end itemize
In order to operate @i{FmcTdc}, the following hardware/software components are required:
@itemize @bullet
@item A standard PC with at least one free 4x (or wider) PCI-Express slot and a SPEC PCI-Express FMC carrier (supplied with an @i{FmcTdc}),
@item In case of a VME version: any VME64x crate with a controller (tested on a MEN A20) and a SVEC VME64x FMC carrier (supplied with one or two @i{FmcTdc}s),
@item 50-ohm cables with 1-pin LEMO 00 plugs for connecting the I/O signals,
@item Any Linux (kernel 2.6 or 3.0+) distribution.
@end itemize
@b{Note}: The software has been developed on Linux-3.11, and supports legacy kernels down to 2.6.24 (CERN RT-patched kernel).
@c ==========================================================================
@node Mechanical/Environmental
@section Mechanical/Environmental
@noindent @b{Mechanical and environmental specs:}
@itemize @bullet
@item Format: FMC (VITA 57),
@item Operating temperature range: 0 - 90 degC,
@item Carrier connection: 160-pin Low Pin Count FMC connector.
@end itemize
@c ==========================================================================
@node Electrical
@section Electrical
@noindent @b{Inputs/Outputs:}
@itemize @bullet
@item 5 trigger inputs (LEMO 00),
@item 6 LEDs: 5 for indicating input termination, 1 as a general-purpose status indicator,
@item Carrier communication via 160-pin Low Pin Count FMC connector.
@end itemize
@noindent @b{Trigger input:}
@item TTL/LVTTL levels, DC-coupled,
@item 2 kOhm or 50 Ohm input impedance (software-selectable). 50 Ohm termination is indicated by a corresponding LED in the front panel,
@item Power-up input impedance: 2 kOhm,
@item Protected against short circuit, overcurrent (> 200 mA) and overvoltage (up to +15 V),
@item Maximum input pulse edge rise time: 20 ns.
@end itemize
@noindent @b{Power supply:}
@item Used power supplies: P12V0, P3V3, P3V3_AUX, VADJ (voltage monitor only).
@item Typical current consumption: FIXME (P12V0) + FIXME (P3V3).
@item Power dissipation: [fixme: Eva] W.
@end itemize
@c ==========================================================================
@node Timing
@section Timing
@noindent @b{Time base:}
@itemize @bullet
@item On-board oscillator accuracy: +/- 4 ppm (i.e. max. 4 ns error for pulses separated by 1 ms).
@item When using White Rabbit as the timing reference: depending on the characteristics of the grandmaster clock and the carrier used.
%On SPEC v 4.0 FMC carrier, the accuracy is better than 1 ns.
@end itemize
@noindent @b{Input timing:}
@itemize @bullet
@item Minimum pulse width: @math{t_{IW}} = 100 ns. Pulses below 100 ns are rejected. Width checking is done in software by subtracting rising and falling edge timestamps.
@item Minimum pulse spacing: 100 ns.
@item Only rising edges are time tagged.
@item TDC accuracy: 700 ps peak-peak (six sigma)
@item TDC precision: 500 ps peak-peak (six sigma).
@item TDC resolution: 81 ps.
@end itemize
@c ##########################################################################
@node Driver Features
@chapter Driver Features
This driver is based on @i{ZIO} and @i{fmc-bus}. The features it provides are:
@item Setting up the board.
@item Reading time.
@item The obvious: reading timestamps of incoming pulses.
@item User-defined input offsets.
@item Readout of card temperature.
@item Controlling channel termination.
@item Globally enabling/disabling timestamp acquisition.
@end itemize
The features that are planned, but are @b{not supported} in this release are:
@item White Rabbit synchronization
@end itemize
For each feature offered the driver (and documentation) the driver
tries to offer the following items; sometimes however one of them is missing for a specific
driver functionality, if we don't consider it important enough.
@itemize @bullet
@item A description how does the feature work.
@item A C-language API to access the feature with data structures.
@item An example program based on that API.
@end itemize
@c ##########################################################################
@node Installation
@chapter Installation
This driver depends on three other modules (three @code{}
packages), as well as the Linux kernel. Also, it
must talk to a specific FPGA binary file running in the device.
@c ==========================================================================
@node Gateware Dependencies
@section Gateware Dependencies
This version of the driver has been developed to run with
the FPGA binary included in the
package as @code{binaries/[carrier]-fmc-tdc.bin}.
The @code{[carrier]} prefix denotes the type of FMC carrier the gateware is for -
that is, @code{spec} or @code{svec}. These binary files are included in the software release package. They are also
available directly in the @i{Files} tab on the OHWR project website.
If the gateware is updated, I'll take care to always include in this
package the exact binary the software is developed and verified
@c ==========================================================================
@node Gateware Installation
@section Gateware Installation
To install the FPGA image in the target system, please follow the
instructions in the documentation of @i{spec-sw} or @i{svec-sw}.
To summarize, you'll need to place the @code{.bin} file, properly renamed, in
@i{/lib/firmware} or a subdirectory thereof.
The default name used by this driver is
@file{fmc/spec-fmc-tdc.bin} or @file{fmc/svec-fmc-tdc.bin}.
If you have several @i{FMC TDC} cards in the same host, you can
load different binaries in different cards, using appropriate
module parameters.
The following example commands are sufficient for most users:
$ sudo mkdir -p /lib/firmware/fmc
$ sudo cp spec-fmc-tdc.bin svec-fmc-tdc.bin /lib/firmware/fmc
@end smallexample
@c ==========================================================================
@node Software Dependencies
@section Software Dependencies
The kernel versions I am using during development is 3.11. Everything
used here is known to build with all versions since 2.6.32 and up to 3.11. Note that the @i{FmcTdc} driver
will compile older kernels (such as 2.6.24-rt that is used at CERN), but the modules it depends on will have to
be built from backport branches.
The driver, then, is based on the ZIO framework, available from
@code{}. I'm developing with the @code{v1.0-fixes} branch of
the framework. Again, this commit of ZIO is known
to work in the kernel range 2.6.32..3.11 and a backport to 2.6.24 is
The FMC mezzanine is supported by means of the @i{fmc-bus}
software project. Such support used to be part of the @i{spec-sw}
package, but is not a project of its own. This @i{FmcTdc}
kernel module registers as a @i{driver} for the FMC bus abstraction,
and is verified with version @t{v2013-05.1} of the FMC package.
The same kernel range applies.
Both packages (ZIO and @i{fmc-bus})
are currently checked out as @i{git submodules}
of this package, and each of them is retrieved at the right version
to be compatible with this driver. This means you may just
ignore software dependencies and everything should work.
The carrier driver is not strictly related to this package, but
@i{FmcTdc} is released against version @t{v2013-04} of
@i{spec-sw} and version [fixme] of @i{svec-sw}.
Unfortunately, all the packages are moving fast: we are approaching a stable
and long-lasting status but we are not there yet. Please stick
to the released versions named in this section, unless you are involved
in development.
@c ==========================================================================
@node Software Installation
@section Software Installation
To install this software package, you need to tell it where your
kernel sources live, so the package can pick the right header files.
You need to set only one environment variable:
@table @code
@item LINUX
The top-level directory of the Linux kernel you are compiling
against. If not set, the default may work if you compile in the same
host where you expect to run the driver.
@end table
Most likely, this is all you need to set. After this, you can
sudo make install LINUX=$LINUX
@end example
In addition to the normal installation procedure for
@code{fmc-tdc.ko} you'll see the following message:
WARNING: Consider "make prereq_install"
@end example
The @i{prerequisite} packages are @i{zio} and @i{fmc-bus};
unless you already installed your own preferred version, you are
expected to install the version this packages suggests. This step
can be performed by:
sudo make prereq_install LINUX=$LINUX
@end example
The step is not performed by default to avoid overwriting some
other versions of the drivers. After @code{make prereq_install},
the warning message won't be repeated any more if you change this
driver and @code{make install} again.
After installation, your carrier driver should load automatically
(for example, the PCI bus will load @code{spec.ko}), but @code{
fmc-tdc.ko} must be loaded manually, because support for
automatic loading is not yet in place. The suggested command is
one or the other of the following two:
modprobe fmc-tdc [<parameter> ...] # after make install
insmod kernel/fmc-tdc.ko [<parameter> ...] # if not installed
@end smallexample
Available module parameters are described in @ref{Module Parameters}.
Unless you customized or want to customize one of the three
related packages, you can skip the rest of this section.
Note that in case of the VME version, one must configure VME base addresses/LUNs
through parameters of the SVEC driver. A sample set of commands is below:
modprobe fmc-tdc [<parameter> ...] # after make install
modprobe svec slot=4 vmebase=0xa0000000 lun=0 vector=0x86
@end smallexample
It assumes a SVEC with A32 mapping at @code{0xa0000000}, identified as card @code{0} in the system and residing in slot @code{4} of the VME crate.
@sp 1
In order to compile @i{FmcTdc} against a specific repository of one
of the related packages, ignoring the local @i{submodule}
you can use one or more of the following
environment variables:
@table @code
@item ZIO
@itemx FMC_BUS
The top-level directory of the repository checkout of each
package. Most users won't need to set them, as the Makefiles
point them to the proper place by default.
@end table
If any of the above is set, headers and dependencies for the
respective package are taken from the chosen directory. If you
@code{make prereq_install} with any of these variables set, they are
be used to know where to install from, instead of using local submodules.
@c ==========================================================================
@node Module Parameters
@section Module Parameters
The driver accepts a few load-time parameters for configuration. You
can pass them to @i{insmod} amd @i{modprobe} directly, or write them
in @code{/etc/modules.conf} or the proper file in @code{/etc/modutils/}.
The following parameters are used:
@table @code
@item verbose=
The parameter defaults to 0. If set, it enables more diagnostic
messages during probe (you may find it is not used, but it is
left in to be useful during further development, and avoid
compile-time changes like use of @code{#ifdef DEBUG}).
@item poll_interval=
The period of the buffer polling timer.
The timer is used to poll for input events on the SVEC card, whose software does
not support interrupts yet. The default interval is 10 milliseconds.
You may want to use the timer while porting to a different carrier,
before sorting out IRQ issues.
@item buffer_size
Numer of entries in the software timestamp buffer (independent buffers
per channel). Defaults to 8192.
@item show_sdb
Defaults to 0. If enabled, the driver will print out the contents of the SDB device tree
in the gateware. Reserved for debugging purposes.
@end table
The module also uses the two parameters provided by the @i{fmc}
@table @code
@item busid=
A list of bus identifiers the driver will accept to driver.
Other identifiers will lead to a failure in the @i{probe}
function. The meaning of the identifiers is carrier-specific;
the SPEC uses the bus number and @i{devfn}, where the latter
is most likely zero.
@item gateware=
A list of gateware file names. The names passed are made to
match the @i{busid} parameters, in the same order. This
means that you can't make the driver load a different gateware
file without passing the respective @i{busid}. Actually, to
change the gateware for all boards, you may just replace
the file in @file{/lib/firmware}. (Maybe I'll add an
option to change the name at load time for all boards).
@c FIXME: name for gateware file (the global one)
@end table
For example, this host has one SPEC cards:
# lspci | grep CERN
01:00.0 Non-VGA unclassified device: CERN/ECP/EDU Device 018d (rev 03)
@end smallexample
Installing the @code{fmc-tdc} driver should show the following output:
# insmod fmc-tdc.ko
[321272.596475] spec 0000:01:00.0: reprogramming with fmc/spec-fmc-tdc.bin
[321272.791378] spec 0000:01:00.0: FPGA programming successful
[321272.791478] spec 0000:01:00.0: Gateware successfully loaded
[321272.791483] fmc_tdc FmcTdc1ns5cha-0100: ft_spec_reset: resetting TDC core through Gennum.
[321275.798831] fmc_tdc FmcTdc1ns5cha-0100: calib: zero_offset[0] = 0
[321275.798835] fmc_tdc FmcTdc1ns5cha-0100: calib: zero_offset[1] = 86
[321275.798837] fmc_tdc FmcTdc1ns5cha-0100: calib: zero_offset[2] = 609
[321275.798840] fmc_tdc FmcTdc1ns5cha-0100: calib: zero_offset[3] = 572
[321275.798842] fmc_tdc FmcTdc1ns5cha-0100: calib: zero_offset[4] = 335
[321275.798844] fmc_tdc FmcTdc1ns5cha-0100: calib: vcxo_default_tune 43343
[321275.814487] fmc_tdc FmcTdc1ns5cha-0100: ft_acam_init: ACAM initialization OK.
[321276.580679] fmc_tdc FmcTdc1ns5cha-0100: ft_read_temp: Scratchpad:
[321276.580683] e3:02:4b:46:7f:ff:0d:10:c0
[321276.580692] fmc_tdc FmcTdc1ns5cha-0100: ft_read_temp: Temperature 0x2e3 (12 bits: 46.187)
@end smallexample
@c ##########################################################################
@node Source Code Conventions
@chapter Source Code Conventions
This is a random list of conventions I use in this package
@itemize @bullet
@item All internal symbols in the driver begin with @code{ft_}
(excluding local variables like @i{i} and similar stuff). So you know
if something is local or comes from the kernel.
@item All library functions and public data begin with @code{fmctdc_}.
@item The board passed as a library token (@code{struct fmctdc_board})
is opaque, so the user doesn't access it. Internally it is called
@code{userb} because @code{b} is the real one being used. If you need
to access library internals from a user file just include @code{fmctdc-lib-private.h}
after including @code{fmctdc-lib.h}.
@item The driver header is called @code{fmc-tdc.h} while the user one
is @code{fmctdc-lib.h}. The latter includes the former, which user
programs should not refer to.
@item The @i{test} contains a set of example programs for the library.
@end itemize
@c ##########################################################################
@chapter Using the Provided API
This chapter describes the high level interface to the board,
designed for user applications to use. The code lives in the @i{lib}
subdirectory of this package. The directory uses a plain Makefile (not
a Kbuild one) so it can be copied elsewhere and compiled stand-alone.
Only, it needs a copy of @code{fmc-tdc.h} (which it currently pulls
from the parent directory) and the ZIO headers, retrieved using the
@code{ZIO} environment variable).
@c ==========================================================================
@node Initialization and Cleanup
@section Initialization and Cleanup
The library offers the following structures and functions:
@table @code
@item struct fmctdc_board;
This is the ``opaque'' token that is being used by library clients.
If you want to see the internals, look at @code{lib/fmctdc-lib-private.h}.
@item int fmctdc_init(void);
@itemx void fmctdc_exit(void);
The former function allocates its internal data and returns
the number of boards currently found on the system. The latter
releases any allocated data. If @i{init} fails, it returns -1 with
a proper @code{errno} value. If no boards are there it returns 0.
You should not load or unload drivers between @i{init} and @i{exit}.
@item struct fmctdc_board *fmctdc_open(int index, int dev_id);
@item int fmctdc_close(struct fmctdc_board *);
The former function opens a board and returns a token that can
be used in subsequent calls. The latter function undoes it.
You can refer to a board either by index or by
@code{dev_id}. Either argument (but not both) may be -1. If both
are different from -1 the index and dev_id must match. If a mismatch
is found, the function return NULL with @code{EINVAL}; if either index or
@code{dev_id} are not found, the function returns NULL with @code{ENODEV}.
@item struct fmctdc_board *fmctdc_open_by_lun(int lun);
The function opens a pointer to a board, similarly to @i{fmctdc_open},
but it uses the Logical Unit Number as argument instead. The LUN
is used internally be CERN libraries, and the function is needed
for compatibility with the installed tool-set. The function uses
a symbolic link in @i{dev}, created by the local installation procedure.
@end table
The sample program @i{fmctdc-list} lists the boards currently on the system,
using @i{fmctdc_init}:
# ./fmctdc-list
Found 1 board(s):
0100, /dev/zio/ft-0100, /sys/bus/zio/devices/ft-0100
@end smallexample
@c ==========================================================================
@node Time Management
@section Time Management
These are the primitives the library offers for time management.
@table @code
@item struct fmctdc_time;
The structure describes an internal timestamp format used by the card. This format is used by all our
FMCs that use White Rabbit for synchronization. It consists of the following fields (see @ref{fig:ts_format}):
@item 64-bit @code{seconds} - TAI seconds. Note this is @b{not} an UTC time - the counter does not support leap seconds. The internal counter is also limited to 32 bits (2038-error-prone).
@item 32-bit @code{coarse} - number of 8 ns ticks since the beginning of the last second.
@item 32-bit @code{frac} - fractional part of an 8 ns tick, rescaled to (0..4095) range - i.e. 0 = 0 ns, and 4095 = 7.999 ns.
@item 32-bit @code{seq_id} - sequence identfier of the timestamp (used by readout functions).
@end itemize
@float Figure,fig:ts_format
@center @image{drawings/ts_format, 13cm,,,.pdf}
@caption{WR timestamp format used by the FmcTdc.}
@end float
@item int fmctdc_set_time(struct fmctdc_board *b, struct fmctdc_time *t);
@itemx int fmctdc_get_time(struct fmctdc_board *b, struct fmctdc_time *t);
The functions are used to set board time from a user-provided
time, and to retrieve the current board time to user space.
The functions return 0 on success. They only use the field
@i{seconds} of @code{struct fmctdc_time}.
@b{Note 1}: the current gateware does not support setting/reading the coarse counter. When the user calls
@code{fmctdc_[sg]et_time()}, only the seconds counter is read/written. Coarse counter is always set to 0.
See section @i{Known issues} for details.
@b{Note 2}: time can be only set when acuqisition is disabled (see @code{fmctdc_set_acquisition()}), otherwise
time setting function will return an error and time counter will remain unchanged.
@item int fmctdc_set_host_time(struct fmctdc_board *b);
The function sets board time equal to host time, it is provided as a convenience shortcut. It can also be used
to coarsely synchronize different cards in the same host.
@end table
The program @i{fmctdc-board} is a command-line front-end to the library,
to validate the library works as expected. The first parameter is the board bus ID, the second one is the command, the third one is the new seconds counter value:
# ./fmctdc-time 0100 get
Current TAI time is 813.000000000 s
# ./fmctdc-time 0100 set 10000
# ./fmctdc-time 0100 get
Current TAI time is 10001.000000000 s
# ./fmctdc-time 0100 host
# ./fmctdc-time 0100 get
Current TAI time is 1376987950.000000000 s
@end smallexample
@c ==========================================================================
@node Input Configuration
@section Input Configuration
To configure the input channel for a board, the library offers the
following function and macros:
@table @code
@item int fmctdc_set_termination(struct fmctdc_board *b, int channel, int enable);
The function enables/disables the 50 Ohm termination of the given channel. Termination may be
changed anytime.
@itemx int fmctdc_get_termination(struct fmctdc_board *b, int channel);
The function returns current temrmination status: 0 if the given channel is high-impedance and positive if
it is 50 Ohm-terminated.
@item int fmctdc_set_acquisition(struct fmctdc_board *b, int enable);
The function globally enables/disables timestamp acquisition for the given mezzanine. Due to limitations
in the gateware, it is not possible to enable/disable channels individually. Certain operations such as
setting board's time require acquisition to be disabled. Disabling acqusition also clears all timestamp buffers and resets
sequence IDs of the timestamps.
@itemx int fmctdc_get_acquisition(struct fmctdc_board *b);
Returns 0 if acquisition is disabled, and positive otherwise.
@end table
The example program @i{fmctdc-term} demonstrates use of the function.
It just enables or disables the 50-ohm resistor. The effect is
usually verifiable by hooking a scope to the input signal:
# ./fmctdc-term 0100
channel 1: 50 Ohm termination is off
channel 2: 50 Ohm termination is off
channel 3: 50 Ohm termination is off
channel 4: 50 Ohm termination is off
channel 5: 50 Ohm termination is off
# ./fmctdc-term 0100 1 on
channel 1: 50 Ohm termination is on
@end smallexample
The other example, @i{fmctdc-acquisition}, works as follows:
# ./fmctdc-acquisition 0100 off
# ./fmctdc-acquisition 0100
board 0100: acquisition is off
@end smallexample
@c ==========================================================================
@node Reading Input Time-stamps
@section Reading Input Time-stamps
The library offers the following functions that deal with the input stamps:
@table @code
@item int fmctdc_fread(struct fmctdc_board *b, int channel, struct fmctdc_time *t, int n);
The function behaves like @i{fread}: it tries to read all samples,
even if it implies sleeping several times. Use it only if you are
aware that all the expected pulses will reach you.
@item int fmctdc_read(struct fmctdc_board *b, int channel, struct fmctdc_time *t, int n,
int flags);
The function behaves like @i{read}: it will wait at most once
and return the number of samples that it received from a given input channel.
The @i{flags} argument is used to pass 0 or @code{O_NONBLOCK}. If a non-blocking
read is performed, the function may return -1 with @code{EAGAIN}
if nothing is pending in the hardware FIFO.
@item int fmctdc_fileno_tdc(struct fmctdc_board *b, int channel);
This returns the file descriptor associated to the given TDC channel,
so you can @i{select} or @i{poll} before calling @i{fmctdc_read}.
If access fails (e.g., for permission problems), the functions
returns -1 with @code{errno} properly set.
@end table
There is an example program provided, called @i{fmctdc-read}:
Calling @i{fmctdc-read} with just the board ID will keep reading all timestamps from
all channels. One can limit the number of samples to be read by using @code{-s} parameter.
# fmctdc-read 0100
channel 1 seq 1699 ts 1376988979.899,210,574,710 ps
channel 3 seq 11 ts 1376988979.899,210,599,375 ps
channel 1 seq 1700 ts 1376988980.055,610,386,324 ps
channel 3 seq 12 ts 1376988980.055,610,410,908 ps
@end smallexample
The program also demonstrates the non-blocking mode, which can be enabled by @code{-n} parameter.
Unfortunately, even if there are samples pending, @i{read}
will only return one of them, because the ZIO device will only see the
next sample slightly after returning the previous one. This is a buffering
problem with our use of ZIO. Therefore, calling @i{read} in non-blocking mode will only return the first
pending sample from each channel.
The @i{read} utility can also dump hardware (WR) timestamps instead of converting them to seconds. It is also possible to specify
the range of channels to be read:
# ./fmctdc-read -w 0100 1
channel 1 seq 1981 ts 1376989024:000548630:2712
channel 1 seq 1982 ts 1376989024:020097955:1262
channel 1 seq 1983 ts 1376989024:039649072:3338
@end smallexample
Note that if the input pulses come too often, the timestamp buffers will overflow. This is indicated by making a gap in the sequence ID. Due to gateware
issues, it is @b{not possible} to determine the exact number of lost samples by subtracting the sequence IDs.
@node Setting user input offsets
@section Setting user input offsets
It is possible to add an user-defined offset to all timestamps coming to a particular channel, for example to compensate for cabling delay.
There is no dedicated API function for that purpose, it may be added in future relases. Setting the offset currently can be done through ZIO @code{sysfs} parameters.
For example:
# echo 10000 > /sys/bus/zio/devices/ft-0100/ft-ch1/user-offset
@end smallexample
will result with the driver adding extra 10 ns (= 10000 ps) to each timestamp coming to channel 1 of the card @code{0100}.
@c ##########################################################################
@node Known Bugs and Missing Features
@chapter Known Bugs and Missing Features
This package is still work in progress, and unfortunately the same
applies to the packages it depends on -- @i{zio} and @i{fmc-bus}.
@c ==========================================================================
@node Bugs in Related Packages
@section Bugs in Related Packages
The current package set (i.e., @i{zio}, @i{fmc-bus} and this one) has
the following known issues exposed by @i{fine-delay}:
@itemize @bullet
@item The auto-loading of @i{fmc} modules is not yet working:
@item The @i{user} trigger of ZIO is really user-driven, so the driver
can't push stuff to the buffer until asked to. Also, a related buglet
prevents to return data immediately when asked. This will be fixed,
but it currently results in the @i{read} function only returning one
sample, and an immediately-following non-blocking @i{read} will say
nothing is there, yet.
@end itemize
@c ==========================================================================
@node Bugs in This Package
@section Bugs in This Package
This is the list of known bugs and missing features over what hardware
@itemize @bullet
@item Calibration information in the EEPROM is not verified, as its the format does not include
any means of verification (hash, checksum, etc.)
@item Purging the buffers by disabling acquisition sometimes leaves a single old sample in the
ZIO buffer. This is probably due to a bug in ZIO.
@end itemize
@node Gateware issues
@section Gateware issues
This is the list of known gateware issues, that sometimes affected the architecture and features of the driver.
@itemize @bullet
@item Time setting is possible only when acquisition is disabled.
@item No coarse time counter setting possible.
@item Seconds counter has 32 bits. This may bring a surprise in 2038 if the time is set according to the Unix epoch.
@item No White Rabbit support.
@item Acquisition can be only enabled/disabled globally for all channels.
@item No support for hardware sequence numbers. This, combined with the HW timestamp buffer shared between all channels,
makes it impossible to count the number of lost samples if the HW buffer overflows.
@item Pulse width checking has to be done in software.
@item No possibility to check FMC's PLL status on the SPEC (if the mezznanine is broken, the OS will
freeze without reporting any error).
@item SVEC version must have two mezzanines inserted, even if only one of them is used. This is due to clocking internal
Wishbone bus directly from FMC PLLs. Both of them need to be running before the driver can read the SDB tree without dropping
an error and/or crashing the machine.
@end itemize
@c ==========================================================================
@node Wish List
@section Wish List
Other less important issues may be dealt with over time, but are not
urgent as I write this:
@item The driver should register its own ZIO trigger, or use the new
attribute for ``greedy-input'' planned in new versions of ZIO
(thank you Federico). Currently there's no buffering and reading is
slower than it could be.
@item White Rabbit support, as in the @i{Fine Delay}.
@end itemize
@c ##########################################################################
@node Troubleshooting
@chapter Troubleshooting
This chapters lists a few errors that may happen and how to deal with
@c ==========================================================================
@node ZIO Doesn't Compile
@section ZIO Doesn't Compile
Compilation of ZIO ma fail with error like:
zio-ad788x.c:180: error: implicit declaration of function "spi_async_locked"
@end smallexample
This happens because the function wasn't there in your older kernel
version, and your system is configured to enable @code{CONFIG_SPI}.
To fix, please just remove the @i{zio-ad788x} line from
@c ==========================================================================
@node make modules_install misbehaves
@section make modules_install misbehaves
The command @i{sudo make modules_install} may place the modules in the wrong
directory or fail with an error like:
make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.37+/build: No such file or directory.
@end smallexample
This happens when you compiled by setting @code{LINUX=} and your
@i{sudo} is not propagating the environment to its child processes.
In this case, you should run this command instead
sudo make modules_install LINUX=$LINUX
@end smallexample
@c ==========================================================================
@node Version Mismatch
@section Version Mismatch
The @i{fmctdc} library may report a version mismatch like this:
spusa# ./lib/fmctdc-time get
fmctdc_init: version mismatch, lib(1) != drv(2)
./lib/fmctdc-time: fmctdc_init(): Input/output error
@end example
This reports a difference in the way ZIO attributes are laid out, so user
space may exchange wrong data in the ZIO control block, or may try to
access inexistent files in @i{/sys}. I suggest recompiling both the kernel
driver and user space from a single release of the source package.
@c ##########################################################################
@c LocalWords: gnudd titlepage iftex texinfo CERN documentlanguage settitle
@c LocalWords: documentencoding setfilename afourpaper paragraphindent FPGA
@c LocalWords: setchapternewpage finalout gateware ohwr modprobe insmod cset
@c LocalWords: smallexample ctrl timestamp fdelay struct spusa gitorious http
@c LocalWords: tagname FmcDelay timestamping Timestamps perf picosecond ATTR
@c LocalWords: usec EEPROM sudo
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# allow "%" as a comment char, but only at the beginning of the line
s/^%/@c /
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/^@smallexample/,/^@end smallexample/ s/}/@}/g
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# remove leading blanks
s/^[ ]*//
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