Commit eeb0a7e4 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬

use absolute paths in Makefiles

Use _ABS in Makefiles wherever possible.
Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 31d83855
......@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ FMC_BUS ?= $(shell pwd)/fmc-bus
ZIO ?= $(shell pwd)/zio
SPEC_SW ?= $(shell pwd)/spec-sw
export FMC_BUS
export ZIO
export SPEC_SW
# FMC_BUS_ABS, ZIO_ABS and SPEC_SW_ABS has to be absolut path, due to beeing
# passed to the Kbuild
FMC_BUS_ABS ?= $(abspath $(FMC_BUS) )
......@@ -27,15 +24,15 @@ export FMC_BUS_ABS
export ZIO_ABS
export SPEC_SW_ABS
ZIO_VERSION = $(shell cd $(ZIO); git describe --always --dirty --long --tags)
ZIO_VERSION = $(shell cd $(ZIO_ABS); git describe --always --dirty --long --tags)
DIRS = $(FMC_BUS) $(ZIO) $(SPEC_SW) kernel lib tools
DIRS = $(FMC_BUS_ABS) $(ZIO_ABS) $(SPEC_SW_ABS) kernel lib tools
kernel: $(FMC_BUS) $(ZIO) $(SPEC_SW)
lib: $(ZIO)
kernel: $(FMC_BUS_ABS) $(ZIO_ABS) $(SPEC_SW_ABS)
lib: $(ZIO_ABS)
tools: lib
.PHONY: all clean modules install modules_install $(DIRS)
......@@ -55,7 +52,7 @@ $(DIRS):
$(MAKE) -C $@ $(TARGET)
@test -f .prereq_installed || \
......@@ -65,18 +62,18 @@ prereq_install:
for d in $(SUBMOD); do $(MAKE) -C $$d modules_install || exit 1; done
touch .prereq_installed
$(FMC_BUS): fmc-bus-init_repo
$(ZIO): zio-init_repo
$(SPEC_SW): spec-sw-init_repo
$(FMC_BUS_ABS): fmc-bus-init_repo
$(ZIO_ABS): zio-init_repo
$(SPEC_SW_ABS): spec-sw-init_repo
# init submodule if missing
@test -d $(FMC_BUS)/doc || ( echo "Checking out submodule $(FMC_BUS)"; git submodule update --init $(FMC_BUS) )
@test -d $(FMC_BUS_ABS)/doc || ( echo "Checking out submodule $(FMC_BUS_ABS)"; git submodule update --init $(FMC_BUS_ABS) )
# init submodule if missing
@test -d $(ZIO)/doc || ( echo "Checking out submodule $(ZIO)" && git submodule update --init $(ZIO) )
@test -d $(ZIO_ABS)/doc || ( echo "Checking out submodule $(ZIO_ABS)" && git submodule update --init $(ZIO_ABS) )
# init submodule if missing
@test -d $(SPEC_SW)/doc || ( echo "Checking out submodule $(SPEC_SW)" && git submodule update --init $(SPEC_SW) )
@test -d $(SPEC_SW_ABS)/doc || ( echo "Checking out submodule $(SPEC_SW_ABS)" && git submodule update --init $(SPEC_SW_ABS) )
......@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ REPO_PARENT=$(shell /bin/pwd)/../..
LINUX ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
FMC_BUS ?= $(shell pwd)/../fmc-bus
ZIO ?= $(shell pwd)/../zio
SPEC_SW ?= $(shell pwd)/../spec-sw
FMC_BUS ?= ../fmc-bus
ZIO ?= ../zio
SPEC_SW ?= ../spec-sw
# FMC_BUS_ABS, ZIO_ABS and SPEC_SW_ABS has to be absolut path, due to beeing
# passed to the Kbuild
......@@ -8,14 +8,15 @@
# include for buildsystem's defines
-include $(REPO_PARENT)/
#ZIO := $(shell ../scripts/check-submodule zio $(ZIO))
ZIO ?= ../zio
ZIO_ABS ?= $(abspath $(ZIO) )
LIB = libfmctdc.a
LOBJ := fmctdc-lib.o
LOBJ += fmctdc-lib-math.o
CFLAGS = -Wall -ggdb -O2 -I../kernel -I$(ZIO)/include $(EXTRACFLAGS)
CFLAGS = -Wall -ggdb -O2 -I../kernel -I$(ZIO_ABS)/include $(EXTRACFLAGS)
DESTDIR ?= /usr/local
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