Commit 33c447a0 authored by Andrea Boccardi's avatar Andrea Boccardi


parent 12b83ada
module AddressDecoderWBSys(
input Clk_ik,
input [21:0] Adr_ib22,
input Stb_i,
output reg [31:0] Dat_ob32,
output Ack_o,
output reg Ack_o,
input [31:0] DatIntManager_ib32,
input AckIntMAnager_i,
......@@ -25,30 +26,30 @@ module AddressDecoderWBSys(
output reg StbSpiMaster_o
assign Ack_o = AckIntMAnager_i || AckGenericOutputRegs_i || AckGenericOutputRegs_i || AckSlv2SerWB_i || AckSpiMaster_i;
always @* begin
Dat_ob32 = 32'h0;
StbIntManager_o = 1'b0;
StbGenericOutputRegs_o = 1'b0;
StbGenericInputRegs_o = 1'b0;
StbSlv2SerWB_o = 1'b0;
StbSpiMaster_o = 1'b0;
always @(posedge Clk_ik) begin
Ack_o <= AckIntMAnager_i || AckGenericOutputRegs_i || AckGenericOutputRegs_i || AckSlv2SerWB_i || AckSpiMaster_i;
Dat_ob32 <= 32'h0;
StbIntManager_o <= 1'b0;
StbGenericOutputRegs_o <= 1'b0;
StbGenericInputRegs_o <= 1'b0;
StbSlv2SerWB_o <= 1'b0;
StbSpiMaster_o <= 1'b0;
if (Adr_ib22[21:2]==20'h0) begin // FROM 00_0000 TO 00_0003 (WB) == FROM 00_0000 TO 00_000C (VME) <- 4 regs (16B)
StbIntManager_o = Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 = DatIntManager_ib32;
StbIntManager_o <= Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 <= DatIntManager_ib32;
end else if (Adr_ib22[21:2]==20'h1) begin // FROM 00_0004 TO 00_0007 (WB) == FROM 00_0010 TO 00_001C (VME) <- 4 regs (16B)
StbGenericOutputRegs_o = Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 = DatGenericOutputRegs_ib32;
StbGenericOutputRegs_o <= Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 <= DatGenericOutputRegs_ib32;
end else if (Adr_ib22[21:2]==20'h2) begin // FROM 00_0008 TO 00_000B (WB) == FROM 00_0020 TO 00_002C (VME) <- 4 regs (16B)
StbGenericInputRegs_o = Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 = DatGenericInputRegs_ib32;
StbGenericInputRegs_o <= Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 <= DatGenericInputRegs_ib32;
end else if (Adr_ib22[21:3]==19'h2) begin // FROM 00_0010 TO 00_0017 (WB) == FROM 00_0040 TO 00_005C (VME) <- 8 regs (32B)
StbSpiMaster_o = Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 = DatSpiMaster_ib32;
StbSpiMaster_o <= Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 <= DatSpiMaster_ib32;
end else if (Adr_ib22[21]==1'b1) begin // FROM 20_0000 TO 3F_FFFF (WB) == FROM 80_0000 TO FF_FFFC (VME) <- 2M regs (8MB)
StbSlv2SerWB_o = Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 = DatSlv2SerWB_ib32;
StbSlv2SerWB_o <= Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 <= DatSlv2SerWB_ib32;
......@@ -274,15 +274,13 @@ wire [31:0] SpiSS_nb32, SpiMiSo_b32;
wire SpiMoSi, SpiSClk_k;
wire StbSpiMaster, AckSpiMaster;
wire [31:0] DatSpiMaster_b32;
wire Si57xDivided, VcTcXoDivided, VmeSysClkDivided;
wire Si57xDivided;
wire Clk_k;
wire a_VmeSysReset_nq;
wire [7:0] IntSource_b8;
wire [2:0] InterrupLevel;
wire [7:0] IntVector_b8;
reg [23:0] Si57xDivider_c = 'd0;
reg [23:0] VcTcXoDivider_c = 'd0;
reg [23:0] VmeSysClkDivider_c = 'd0;
reg a_FpLed7;
reg Rst_rq;
reg [1:0] VmeSysReset_dx;
......@@ -375,22 +373,11 @@ Monostable i_ClearMonostable(
assign Si57xDivided = Si57xDivider_c[23];
always @(posedge Si57x_ik) Si57xDivider_c <= #`dly Si57xDivider_c + 1'b1;
assign VcTcXoDivided = VcTcXoDivider_c[23];
always @(posedge VcTcXo_ik) VcTcXoDivider_c <= #`dly VcTcXoDivider_c + 1'b1;
always @(posedge Clk_k) <= We && Cyc;
assign VmeSysClkDivided = VmeSysClkDivider_c[23];
always @(posedge VmeSysClk_ik) VmeSysClkDivider_c <= #`dly VmeSysClkDivider_c + 1'b1;
reg Debug1, Debug2, Debug3 Debug4;
reg WriteCycle;
always @(posedge Clk_k) WriteCycle <= We && Cyc;
Monostable i_WriteCycleMonostable(
/*Monostable i_Debug1Monostable(
Monostable i_Debug1Monostable(
......@@ -403,19 +390,31 @@ Monostable i_Debug2Monostable(
Monostable i_Debug3Monostable(
Monostable i_Debug3Monostable(
assign FpLed_onb8[0] = VmeAccessForLed ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign FpLed_onb8[1] = (|VmeIrq_ob7) ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign FpLed_onb8[2] = (^{VmeGa_ib5n, ~VmeGaP_in} | ~UseGa_i) ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign FpLed_onb8[3] = RstForLed ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign FpLed_onb8[4] = Si57xDivided ? 1'bz : 1'b0;
assign FpLed_onb8[5] = VcTcXoDivided ? 1'bz : 1'b0;
assign FpLed_onb8[6] = VmeSysClkDivided ? 1'bz : 1'b0;
//assign FpLed_onb8[4] = DebugForLed1 ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
//assign FpLed_onb8[5] = DebugForLed1 ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
//assign FpLed_onb8[6] = DebugForLed1 ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign FpLed_onb8[7] = WriteCycleLed ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign FpLed_onb8[3] = (Si57xDivided||RstForLed) ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign FpLed_onb8[4] = DebugForLed1 ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign FpLed_onb8[5] = DebugForLed2 ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign FpLed_onb8[6] = DebugForLed3 ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign FpLed_onb8[7] = DebugForLed4 ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
always @(posedge Clk_k) begin
Debug1 <= Cyc && StbGenericOutputRegs && We;
Debug2 <= Cyc && StbGenericOutputRegs && We;
Debug3 <= Cyc && StbGenericOutputRegs && We && DatMasterO_b32==32'habcd1234;
Debug4 <= Cyc && StbGenericOutputRegs && We && Adr_b22[1:0]==2'b00 && DatMasterO_b32!=32'h0;
......@@ -429,8 +428,8 @@ assign FpGpIo34OutputMode_o = 1'b1;
// Clock
//assign Clk_k= Si57x_ik;
assign Clk_k= VcTcXo_ik;
assign Clk_k= Si57x_ik;
//assign Clk_k= VcTcXo_ik;
......@@ -523,6 +522,7 @@ InterruptManagerWB i_InterruptManager(
AddressDecoderWBSys i_AddressDecoderWB(
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