Commit 58639a1a authored by Andrea Boccardi's avatar Andrea Boccardi

chenges in the use of the FP gpio

parent 777894d8
Change the custom interface of the VMEInterface for a wishbone one
AD9516 (PLL):
AD5666 (DAC):
AD9910 (DDS):
AD7888 (ADC):
MT41J128M16 (DDR):
interface <= Xilinx with wishbone by Mathieu
CY7C1470 (SRAM):
model <= from Cypress but probably with excessive reolution (10ps)
M25P128 (E2PROM):
model <= from numonix, but to be reworked
interface <= SPI one is enough?
DS18B20U+ (Temp + UniqueID):
Interface <= 1-wire from KK?
...@@ -67,10 +67,11 @@ always @(posedge Clk_k) Rst_rq <= `dly ~DeboucedPushButton_q || RstWB; ...@@ -67,10 +67,11 @@ always @(posedge Clk_k) Rst_rq <= `dly ~DeboucedPushButton_q || RstWB;
// Front Panel Signals // Front Panel Signals
//##################################### //#####################################
assign FpGpIo_iob4[4] = Clk_k; assign FpGpIo_iob4[4] = AFpgaProgD_iob8[3];
assign FpGpIo_iob4[3] = Rst_rq; assign FpGpIo_iob4[3] = AFpgaProgD_iob8[1];
assign FpGpIo_iob4[2] = We && Cyc && StbDebugRegs; assign FpGpIo_iob4[2] = AFpgaProgD_iob8[2];
assign FpGpIo_iob4[1] = 1'bz; assign FpGpIo_iob4[1] = 1'bz;
assign AFpgaProgD_iob8[0] = FpGpIo_iob4[1];
//##################################### //#####################################
// WishBone Serial Interface // WishBone Serial Interface
...@@ -474,40 +474,6 @@ assign IntSource_b8[7:2] = GenericOutputReg1[7:2]; ...@@ -474,40 +474,6 @@ assign IntSource_b8[7:2] = GenericOutputReg1[7:2];
assign IntSource_b8[1] = SpiIdle; assign IntSource_b8[1] = SpiIdle;
assign IntSource_b8[0] = SpiWaitingData; assign IntSource_b8[0] = SpiWaitingData;
/*VmeInterfaceWB i_VmeInterface(
.clear_int(IntAcknowledged)); */
VmeToWishBone i_VmeInterface( VmeToWishBone i_VmeInterface(
.Rst_irq(Rst_rq), .Rst_irq(Rst_rq),
.Clk_ik(Clk_k), .Clk_ik(Clk_k),
...@@ -653,6 +619,11 @@ assign AFpgaProgProgram_o = 1'bz; ...@@ -653,6 +619,11 @@ assign AFpgaProgProgram_o = 1'bz;
assign SpiMiSo_b32[31] = SpiMoSi; assign SpiMiSo_b32[31] = SpiMoSi;
assign SpiMiSo_b32[30] = AFpgaProgD_iob8[0];
assign AFpgaProgD_iob8[3] = SpiSS_nb32[30];
assign AFpgaProgD_iob8[2] = SpiMoSi;
assign AFpgaProgD_iob8[1] = SpiSClk_k;
assign SpiMiSo_b32[8] = FlashSFpgaQ_i; //Think about removing it and placing it in a special place (CSR space) assign SpiMiSo_b32[8] = FlashSFpgaQ_i; //Think about removing it and placing it in a special place (CSR space)
assign FlashSFpgaCs_on = SpiSS_nb32[8]; //Think about removing it and placing it in a special place (CSR space) assign FlashSFpgaCs_on = SpiSS_nb32[8]; //Think about removing it and placing it in a special place (CSR space)
assign FlashSFpgaD_o = SpiMoSi; //Think about removing it and placing it in a special place (CSR space) assign FlashSFpgaD_o = SpiMoSi; //Think about removing it and placing it in a special place (CSR space)
...@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ wire GapSlot4_n = ^(5'd4); ...@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ wire GapSlot4_n = ^(5'd4);
wire [4:0] GaSlot4_nb5 = ~(5'd4); wire [4:0] GaSlot4_nb5 = ~(5'd4);
wire VmeIackInSlot4_n = VmeIack_n; wire VmeIackInSlot4_n = VmeIack_n;
wire VmeIackOutSlot4_n; wire VmeIackOutSlot4_n;
wire [3:0] FpGpIo_b4 = 'hz; wire [4:1] FpGpIo_b4 = 'hz;
reg WaveformGeneratorOut = 1'b0; reg WaveformGeneratorOut = 1'b0;
...@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ always begin ...@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ always begin
WaveformGeneratorOut = ~WaveformGeneratorOut; WaveformGeneratorOut = ~WaveformGeneratorOut;
end end
assign FpGpIo_b4[0] = WaveformGeneratorOut; assign FpGpIo_b4[1] = FpGpIo_b4[2];
VFCBoard i_VFCBoard( VFCBoard i_VFCBoard(
.VmeIrq_ozb7(VmeIrq_b7), .VmeIrq_ozb7(VmeIrq_b7),
...@@ -17,13 +17,10 @@ WaitSimulation('1000') ...@@ -17,13 +17,10 @@ WaitSimulation('1000')
print "Release: ", hex(MyBoard.ReleaseID.Read()) print "Release: ", hex(MyBoard.ReleaseID.Read())
print"" print""
print"Starting to check the SPI using the SPI feedback channell (31)" print"Starting to check the SPI using the SPI feedback channell (30)"
print"" print""
print "Checking the SPI master with short accesses with all the CPol CPha combinations and MSB 1st" print "SPI access CPol=0 CPha=0 MSB1st 32bit 0xaa halfperiod=4 wait=12"
Result = MyBoard.SpiAccess(30, 0, 0, 0, 31, 0x111133aa, 4, 12)
print "SPI access CPol=0 CPha=0 MSB1st 8bit 0xaa halfperiod=4 wait=12"
Result = MyBoard.SpiAccess(31, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0xaa, 4, 12)
print "Obtained value: ", hex(Result) print "Obtained value: ", hex(Result)
WaitSimulation(10000) WaitSimulation(10000)
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