• Dimitris Lampridis's avatar
    hdl: major rehaul of resets and cross-clock domain syncrhonization · 6c4dca2c
    Dimitris Lampridis authored
    Important changes include:
    1. Clear separation of resets per clock domain (with the exception
       of the wbgen-generated dma controller registers).
    2. Conversion of all processes to use synchronous resets when the
       reset is synced with the clock of the process.
    3. Use of standard synchronizers from general-cores when crossing
    Due to the change in processes to use sync resets, a lot of code
    has changed indentation. To this end, it might be useful to perform
    a case insensitive diff when studying the changes of this commit.
    Signed-off-by: Dimitris Lampridis's avatarDimitris Lampridis <dimitris.lampridis@cern.ch>
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