Commit 3975ca9c authored by Garcia-Lasheras's avatar Garcia-Lasheras

Support for remote incremental build

parent c4939ca7
......@@ -49,29 +49,29 @@ class GenerateRemoteSynthesisMakefile(Action):
def _search_tcl_file(self, directory=None):
# This function is used in _generate_remote_ise_makefile
if directory is None:
directory = "."
filenames = os.listdir(directory)
tcls = []
for filename in filenames:
file_parts = filename.split('.')
if file_parts[len(file_parts)-1] == "tcl":
if len(tcls) == 0:
return None
if len(tcls) > 1:
logging.warning("Multiple tcls in the current directory: " + str(tcls) + "\n" +
"Picking the first one: " + tcls[0])
return tcls[0]
def _generate_tcl(self):
# This function is used in _generate_remote_ise_makefile
f = open("run.tcl", "w")
f.write("project open " + self.top_module.syn_project + '\n')
f.write("process run {Generate Programming File} -force rerun_all\n")
#def _search_tcl_file(self, directory=None):
# # This function is used in _generate_remote_ise_makefile
# if directory is None:
# directory = "."
# filenames = os.listdir(directory)
# tcls = []
# for filename in filenames:
# file_parts = filename.split('.')
# if file_parts[len(file_parts)-1] == "tcl":
# tcls.append(filename)
# if len(tcls) == 0:
# return None
# if len(tcls) > 1:
# logging.warning("Multiple tcls in the current directory: " + str(tcls) + "\n" +
# "Picking the first one: " + tcls[0])
# return tcls[0]
#def _generate_tcl(self):
# # This function is used in _generate_remote_ise_makefile
# f = open("run.tcl", "w")
# f.write("project open " + self.top_module.syn_project + '\n')
# f.write("process run {Generate Programming File} -force rerun_all\n")
# f.close()
def _generate_remote_synthesis_makefile(self, tool_object):
......@@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ class GenerateRemoteSynthesisMakefile(Action):
top_mod = self.modules_pool.get_top_module()
tcl = self._search_tcl_file()
if tcl is None:
tcl = "run.tcl"
#tcl = self._search_tcl_file()
#if tcl is None:
# self._generate_tcl()
# tcl = "run.tcl"
files = self.modules_pool.build_global_file_set()
sff = SourceFileFactory()
files.add(, module=None))
files.add("run.tcl", module=None))
files.add(, module=None))
tool_object.generate_remote_synthesis_makefile(files=files, name=top_mod.syn_name,
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class ToolControls(MakefileWriter):
remote_name_tmpl = "R_NAME:={0}"
files_tmpl = "FILES := {0}"
user_tmpl = user_tmpl.format("$(HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_USER) # take the value from the environment")
user_tmpl = user_tmpl.format("$(HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_USER)# take the value from the environment")
test_tmpl = """__test_for_remote_synthesis_variables:
ifeq (x$(USER),x)
\t@echo "Remote synthesis user is not set. \
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ You can set it by editing variable ISE_PATH in the makefile or setting env. vari
if server is None:
server_tmpl = server_tmpl.format("$(HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_SERVER) # take the value from the environment")
server_tmpl = server_tmpl.format("$(HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_SERVER)# take the value from the environment")
server_tmpl = server_tmpl.format(server)
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