Commit 4f3563f0 authored by Garcia-Lasheras's avatar Garcia-Lasheras

Explain pre and post commands in docs

parent 90b060c8
......@@ -622,6 +622,115 @@ This will tell Hdlmake to fetch modules to the project catalog. Let's see how it
And we finally get the original project we started with.
Pre and Post synthesis/simulation commands
As we have already seen in the simulation example, ``hdlmake`` allows for the injection of optional external shell commands that
are executed just before and/or just after the selected action has been executed. By using this feature, we can automate other custom tasks
in addition to the ``hdlmake`` specific ones.
If a external command has been defined in the top Manifest, this is automatically written by ``hdlmake`` into the generated Makefile.
In this way, the external commands are automatically executed in order when a ``make`` command is issued.
In order to add external commands to a synthesis top makefile, the following parameters must be introduced:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| syn_pre_cmd | str | Command to be executed before synthesis | None |
| syn_post_cmd | str | Command to be executed after synthesis | None |
As a very simple example, we can introduce both extra commands in the top synthesis makefile we have previously seen:
.. code-block:: python
target = "xilinx"
action = "synthesis"
syn_device = "xc6slx45t"
syn_grade = "-3"
syn_package = "fgg484"
syn_top = "spec_top"
syn_project = "demo.xise"
syn_tool = "ise"
syn_pre_cmd = "echo This is executed just before the synthesis"
syn_post_cmd = "echo This is executed just after the synthesis"
modules = {
"local" : [ "../../../top/spec_v4/verilog" ],
Now, if we want to add external commands to a simulation top makefile, the following parameters must be introduced:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| sim_pre_cmd | str | Command to be executed before simulation | None |
| sim_post_cmd | str | Command to be executed after simulation | None |
As a very simple example, we can introduce both extra commands in the top simulation makefile we have previously seen:
.. code-block:: python
action = "simulation"
sim_tool = "modelsim"
top_module = "counter_tb"
sim_pre_cmd = "echo This is executed just before the simulation"
sim_post_cmd = "echo This is executed just after the simulation"
modules = {
"local" : [ "../../../testbench/counter_tb/verilog" ],
**Multiline commands:**
If you need to execute a more complex action from the pre/post synthesis/simulation commands, you can point to an
external shell script or program. As an alternative, you can use a multiline string in order to inject multiple
commands into the Makefile.
As a first option, multiple commands can be launched by spliting a single long string into one piece per command.
The drawback for this approach is that the original single line is reconstructed an inserted into the Makefile, so
the specific external command Makefile target include just a single entry. This is why, in the following example,
semicolons are used in order to separate the sequential commands:
.. code-block:: python
syn_pre_cmd = (
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test1;"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test2;"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test3;"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test4;"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test5"
A cleaner alternative, is using a multiline text in which line return and tabulation characters has been introduced
in order to separate in different lines each of the commans when they are written into the Makefiles. In the
following example, this approach is exemplified:
.. code-block:: python
syn_pre_cmd = (
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test1\n\t\t"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test2\n\t\t"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test3\n\t\t"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test4\n\t\t"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test5"
Advanced examples
......@@ -637,7 +746,7 @@ hdlmake supported actions/commands
Check environment (``check-env``)
Check environment for HDLMAKE-related settings. This scan the top Manifest and report if the potentially used tools or/and environment variables are met or not.
Check environment for HDLMake-related settings. This scan the top Manifest and report if the potentially used tools or/and environment variables are met or not.
Print manifest file variables description (``manifest-help``)
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