Commit 59ad6073 authored by William Kamp's avatar William Kamp

Cleanup remove unused basename code. Check submodule status line is not None.

parent fb5f6d1d
......@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ class Git(Fetcher):
def get_submodule_commit(submodule_dir):
"""Get the commit for a repository if defined in Git submodules"""
status_line ="git submodule status %s" % submodule_dir)
if status_line is None:
return None
status_line = status_line.split()
if len(status_line) == 2 or len(status_line) == 3:
if status_line[0][0] in ['-', '+', 'U']:
......@@ -69,11 +71,8 @@ class Git(Fetcher):
logging.debug("Fetchto = '{}'".format(fetchto))
if not os.path.exists(fetchto):
basename = path_utils.url_basename(module.url)
if basename.endswith(".git"):
basename = basename[:-4] # remove trailing .git
if not module.isfetched:"Fetching git module %s to %s", module.url, module.path)"Cloning git module %s to %s", module.url, module.path)
cmd = "(git clone {1} {2})"
cmd = cmd.format(fetchto, module.url, module.path)
......@@ -81,6 +80,7 @@ class Git(Fetcher):
return False
else:"Updating git module %s", module.path)
checkout_id = None
if module.branch is not None:
checkout_id = module.branch
......@@ -91,12 +91,14 @@ class Git(Fetcher):
checkout_id = self.get_submodule_commit(module.path)
logging.debug("Git submodule commit: %s", checkout_id)
if checkout_id is not None:"Checking out version %s", checkout_id)
cmd = "(cd {0} && git checkout {1})"
cmd = cmd.format(module.path, checkout_id)
if os.system(cmd) != 0:
return False
if self.submodule and not module.isfetched:
cmd = ("(cd {0} && git submodule init &&"
"git submodule update --recursive)")
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