Commit 64bc3983 authored by Garcia-Lasheras's avatar Garcia-Lasheras

Add incremental and remote ISE synthesis docs

parent e3122f5e
......@@ -782,8 +782,96 @@ when ``hdlmake`` is executed:
hdlmake --py "simulate_vhdl = False" auto
**NOTE**: New custom variables are not allowed outside the TOP In this way, despite the fact
that all of the are executed when ``hdlmake`` is launched, not all of the Python constructions can be implemented.
.. note:: New custom variables are not allowed outside the TOP In this way, despite the fact that all of the Pyhton code in the used files is executed when ``hdlmake`` is launched, not all of the Python constructions can be implemented.
Remote synthesis with Xilinx ISE
When using ISE synthesis, ``hdlmake`` allows for the implementation of a centralized synthesis machine.
For this purpose, when running ``hdlmake`` an extra remote synthesis target is created in the Makefile so that
the actual resource intensive synthesis process is executed in a remote machine instead of in the local one.
In order to do that, when a remote synthesis is performed the local machine connects to the synthesis server through
a secure TCP/IP connection by using SSL. For this purpose, the following tools need to be installed:
| Machine | Communication Software |
| Client | ISE, ssh-server, rsync, screen (optional) |
| Server | ssh-client, rsync, screen (optional) |
.. note:: You'll need a local ISE deployment if you want to regenerate the synthesis Makefile or the ISE project (.xise),
files that are mandatory to perform both local and remote synthesis. But, if you have a valid Makefile and ISE project, you can
launch the remote synthesis from a local machine in which the ISE toolchain is not installed.
Before running the remote synthesis Makefile targets, there are different parameters that need to defined for proper operation.
These can be defined as shell environmental variables or, alternatively, inside the Makefile itself:
| Environmental Variable | Makefile Variable | Description |
| HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_USER | USER | Remote synthesis user in the host machine |
| HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_SERVER | SERVER | IP/Address of the remote synthesis server |
| HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_ISE_PATH | ISE_PATH | Path of the ISE binaries in the server |
In addition, an optional ``HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_USE_SCREEN`` environmental variable can be set to 1 in order to use ``screen``
when the remote connection is stablished. If this variable is not defined or set to other value,
a standard shell connection is used (by using ``screen``, the remote synthesis feedback messages are smoothly printed).
As an example, in order to launch a remote synthesis by using the ``screen`` interface to connect with the user "javi",
available inside the 64 bit Linux machine placed at address in the local network which features
a Xilinx ISE deployment in the default installation folder, we should issue:
.. code-block:: bash
export HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_ISE_PATH=/opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/
Once this parameters are defined, we can use any of the available remote synthesis Makefile targets,
that are enumerated in the following table:
| Remote Makefile Target | Target Description |
| remote | Transfer required files to the remote server and run the synthesis |
| sync | Copy back the synthesis outcomes in the server to the local folder |
| cleanremote | Delete the remote synthesis folder to free space in the server |
Incremental synthesis in Xilinx ISE
Note that, for both local and remote Xilinx ISE synthesis, the synthesis process in the Makefile generated by ``hdlmake``
performs the complete process by running a step-by-step approach that goes from synthesis to bitstream generation
instead of executing a single "build_all" command. Going through this step-by-step path, the synthesis process
scans for already performed ISE steps, so that only the pending ones are actually executed
(this information is stored in the associated .gise file).
The different Xilinx ISE steps that are performed by the synthesis makefile are:
- Synthesize - XST
- Translate
- Map
- Place & Route
- Generate Programming File
The main advantage of this approach is that, when synthesizing complex designs, the process can be resumed if
it fails or is halted and the already performed jobs don't need to be re-launched. The drawback is that a little time
overhead is introduced while scanning for the already completed stuff, and this can be noticed if the design is trivial.
If you want to re-synthesize the whole system from the start without scanning for already performed jobs,
just perform a ``make clean`` or ``make cleanremote`` before executing the ``make`` or ``make remote`` command.
Advanced examples
......@@ -792,7 +880,8 @@ Advanced examples
**EVO project**: PlanAhead synthesis project for the Zedboard platform, powered by Xilinx Zynq based ARM Dual Cortex-A9 processor plus Artix grade FPGA and performing an asynchronous logic demo:
**UMV, Mentor Questa & System Verilog simulation**: Work in progress, ready to be merged into Main branch.
**UMV, Mentor Questa & System Verilog simulation**: A test example involving these tools and languages is included in the ``hdlmake`` source tree.
You can find it inside the ``tests/questa_uvm_sv`` folder.
hdlmake supported actions/commands
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