Initialize the pool when the instance is created

parent dc19b1b0
......@@ -24,13 +24,11 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import argparse
import sys
from .manifest_parser import ManifestParser
from .module_pool import ModulePool
from . import fetch as fetch_mod
from ._version import __version__
......@@ -55,32 +53,7 @@ def main():
# Create a ModulePool object, this will become our workspace
modules_pool = ModulePool(options)
# Set the module_pool environment by providing the options: this is a must!
#modules_pool.env = Env(options)
# Now, we add the first module, the one from which we are launching
# the program:
# Note that we are asking for not processing the manifest and specifying
# that there is not a parent module.
# 1- Hdlmake create a new Module() object
# 2- There is not a top_module yet in modules_pool, so only this time...:
# - this becomes the top_module
# - the manifest is parsed & processed
# And dependent modules are added to the modules pool, but...
# .. How should we handle recursive fetching?
# Note: CERN BE-CO-HT advocates for defaulting to non-recursive.
# Check if our top_module has been successfully assigned and
# contains a (ModulePool class)
# if not modules_pool.get_top_module().manifest_dict:
#"No manifest found. At least an empty one is needed")
#"To see some help, type hdlmake --help")
# sys.exit("Exiting")
# Execute the appropriated action for the freshly created modules pool
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import sys
from hdlmake.util import shell
from hdlmake.util.termcolor import colored
from hdlmake import new_dep_solver as dep_solver
from hdlmake import fetch as fetch_mod
def set_logging_level(options):
......@@ -61,11 +62,15 @@ class Action(list):
"""This is the base class providing the common Action methods"""
def __init__(self, options):
super(Action, self).__init__()
self.top_module = None
self._deps_solved = False
self.options = options
super(Action, self).__init__()
def new_module(self, parent, url, source, fetchto):
"""Add new module to the pool.
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