Use the synthesis device parameters from the Makefile

parent f134c0ca
......@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ class ToolXilinx(ToolSyn):
"""Class providing the interface for Xilinx Vivado synthesis"""
_XILINX_SOURCE = ("add_files -norecurse $(sourcefile); "
"set_property IS_GLOBAL_INCLUDE 1 [get_files $(sourcefile)]")
"add_files -norecurse $(sourcefile); "
"set_property IS_GLOBAL_INCLUDE 1 [get_files $(sourcefile)]")
......@@ -83,18 +84,16 @@ $(TCL_CLOSE)'''
"""Create a Xilinx synthesis project by TCL"""
prop_val = 'set_property "{0}" "{1}" [{2}]'
prop_opt = 'set_property -name {{{0}}} -value {{{1}}} -objects [{2}]'
syn_device = self.manifest_dict["syn_device"]
syn_grade = self.manifest_dict["syn_grade"]
syn_package = self.manifest_dict["syn_package"]
syn_top = self.manifest_dict["syn_top"]
syn_properties = self.manifest_dict.get("syn_properties")
project_new = []
synthesize_new = []
par_new = []
properties = [
['part', syn_device + syn_package + syn_grade, 'current_project'],
['part', '$(SYN_DEVICE)' +
'$(SYN_GRADE)', 'current_project'],
['target_language', 'VHDL', 'current_project'],
['top', syn_top, 'get_property srcset [current_run]']]
['top', '$(TOP_MODULE)', 'get_property srcset [current_run]']]
fetchto = self.manifest_dict.get("fetchto")
if not fetchto is None:
properties.append(['ip_repo_paths', fetchto, 'current_fileset'])
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