Add TCL support in Vivado

parent 3d424d97
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ mrproper:
planahead_sh_path=os.path.join(tool_path, "planAhead"))
vivado_sh_path=os.path.join(tool_path, "vivado"))
for f in top_mod.incl_makefiles:
if os.path.exists(f):
......@@ -197,8 +197,10 @@ mrproper:
PAPP = _VivadoProjectProperty
self.add_property(PAPP(name='part', value=syn_device+syn_package+syn_grade, objects='current_project'))
# self.add_property(PAPP(name='board_part', value='', objects='current_project'))
self.add_property(PAPP(name='target_language', value='VHDL', objects='current_project'))
self.add_property(PAPP(name='ng.output_hdl_format', value='VHDL', objects='get_filesets sim_1'))
# self.add_property(PAPP(name='ng.output_hdl_format', value='VHDL', objects='get_filesets sim_1'))
# the bitgen b arg generates a raw configuration bitstream
# self.add_property(PAPP(name='steps.bitgen.args.b', value='true', objects='get_runs impl_1'))
self.add_property(PAPP(name='top', value=syn_top, objects='get_property srcset [current_run]'))
......@@ -210,7 +212,7 @@ mrproper:
def update_project(self):
tmp = 'open_project ./{0}'
self.header = tmp.format(self.filename+'.ppr')
self.header = tmp.format(self.filename+'.xpr')
def __emit_properties(self):
......@@ -224,11 +226,14 @@ mrproper:
def __emit_files(self):
tmp = "add_files -norecurse {0}"
tcl = "source {0}"
ret = []
from srcfile import VHDLFile, VerilogFile, SVFile, UCFFile, NGCFile, XMPFile, XCOFile
from srcfile import VHDLFile, VerilogFile, SVFile, UCFFile, NGCFile, XMPFile, XCOFile, BDFile
for f in self.files:
if isinstance(f, VHDLFile) or isinstance(f, VerilogFile) or isinstance(f, SVFile) or isinstance(f, UCFFile) or isinstance(f, NGCFile) or isinstance(f, XMPFile) or isinstance(f, XCOFile):
if isinstance(f, VHDLFile) or isinstance(f, VerilogFile) or isinstance(f, SVFile) or isinstance(f, UCFFile) or isinstance(f, NGCFile) or isinstance(f, XMPFile) or isinstance(f, XCOFile) or isinstance(f, BDFile):
line = tmp.format(f.rel_path())
elif isinstance(f, TCLFile):
line = tcl.format(f.rel_path())
......@@ -247,5 +252,3 @@ class _VivadoProjectProperty:
line = tmp.format(, self.value, self.objects)
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