Fix some issues related with Intel Quartus .qpf and .qsf files

parent e758cc82
......@@ -299,6 +299,9 @@ SYN_POST_BITSTREAM_CMD := ${syn_post_bitstream_cmd}
self.writeln("\t\t" + path_mod.del_command() +
" project synthesize translate map par bitstream")
self.writeln("\t\t" + path_mod.del_command() +
" project.tcl synthesize.tcl translate.tcl" +
" map.tcl par.tcl bitstream.tcl")
def makefile_syn_phony(self):
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class ToolQuartus(ToolSyn):
'id': 'quartus',
'windows_bin': 'quartus',
'linux_bin': 'quartus_sh -t',
'project_ext': 'qsf'}
'project_ext': 'qpf'}
STANDARD_LIBS = ['altera', 'altera_mf', 'lpm', 'ieee', 'std']
......@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ class ToolQuartus(ToolSyn):
CLEAN_TARGETS = {'clean': ["*.rpt", "*.smsg", "run.tcl", "*.summary",
"*.done", "*.jdi", "*.pin", "*.qws",
"db", "incremental_db"],
"db", "incremental_db", "*.qsf", "*.qpf"],
'mrproper': ["*.sof", "*.pof", "*.jam", "*.jbc",
"*.ekp", "*.jic", "*.qsf", "*.qpf"]}
"*.ekp", "*.jic"]}
TCL_CONTROLS = {'create': 'load_package flow\\n'
'project_new $(PROJECT)',
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