Commit e6c6d48a authored by Garcia-Lasheras's avatar Garcia-Lasheras

Put all the Manifest variables inside a table

parent 7fae4ef1
......@@ -739,54 +739,120 @@ Top Manifest variables
Universal variables
fetchto ; [<type 'str'>] ; Destination for fetched modules , default=None
modules ; [<type 'dict'>] ; List of local modules , default={}
files ; [<type 'str'>, <type 'list'>]; List of files from the current module , default=[]
library ; [<type 'str'>] ; Destination library for module's VHDL files , default=work
include_dirs ; [<type 'list'>, <type 'str'>]; Include dirs for Verilog sources , default=None
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| fetchto | str | Destination for fetched modules | None |
| modules | dict | List of local modules | {} |
| files | str, list | List of files from the current module | [] |
| library | str | Destination library for module's VHDL files | work |
| include_dirs | list, str | Include dirs for Verilog sources | None |
Simulation variables
sim_tool ; [<type 'str'>] ; Simulation tool to be used (e.g. isim, vsim, iverilog), default=None
sim_pre_cmd ; [<type 'str'>] ; Command to be executed before simulation , default=None
sim_post_cmd ; [<type 'str'>] ; Command to be executed after simulation , default=None
vsim_opt ; [<type 'str'>] ; Additional options for vsim , default=""
vcom_opt ; [<type 'str'>] ; Additional options for vcom , default=""
vlog_opt ; [<type 'str'>] ; Additional options for vlog , default=""
vmap_opt ; [<type 'str'>] ; Additional options for vmap , default=""
Basic simulation variables:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| sim_tool | str | Simulation tool to be used (e.g. isim, vsim, iverilog) | None |
| sim_pre_cmd | str | Command to be executed before simulation | None |
| sim_post_cmd | str | Command to be executed after simulation | None |
iverilog_opt ; [<type 'str'>] ; Additional options for iverilog , default=""
Modelsim/VSim specific variables:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| vsim_opt | str | Additional options for vsim | "" |
| vcom_opt | str | Additional options for vcom | "" |
| vlog_opt | str | Additional options for vlog | "" |
| vmap_opt | str | Additional options for vmap | "" |
quartus_preflow; [<type 'str'>] ; Quartus pre-flow script file , default=None
quartus_postmodule; [<type 'str'>] ; Quartus post-module script file , default=None
quartus_postflow; [<type 'str'>] ; Quartus post-flow script file , default=None
Icarus Verilog specific variables:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| iverilog_opt | str | Additional options for iverilog | "" |
sim_only_files ; [<type 'list'>, <type 'str'>]; List of files that are used only in simulation, default=[]
bit_file_targets; [<type 'list'>, <type 'str'>]; List of files that are used only in simulation, default=[]
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| sim_only_files | list, str | List of files that are used only in simulation | [] |
| bit_file_targets | list, str | List of files that are used only in simulation | [] |
Synthesis variables
target ; [<type 'str'>] ; What is the target architecture , default=""
syn_tool ; [<type 'str'>] ; Tool to be used in the synthesis , default=None
syn_device ; [<type 'str'>] ; Target FPGA device , default=None
syn_grade ; [<type 'str'>] ; Speed grade of target FPGA , default=None
syn_package ; [<type 'str'>] ; Package variant of target FPGA , default=None
syn_top ; [<type 'str'>] ; Top level module for synthesis , default=None
syn_project ; [<type 'str'>] ; Project file name , default=None
syn_ise_version; [<type 'type'>, <type 'str'>]; Force particular ISE version , default=None
syn_pre_cmd ; [<type 'str'>] ; Command to be executed before synthesis , default=None
syn_post_cmd ; [<type 'str'>] ; Command to be executed after synthesis , default=None
Basic synthesis variables:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| target | str | What is the target architecture | "" |
| syn_tool | str | Tool to be used in the synthesis | None |
| syn_device | str | Target FPGA device | None |
| syn_grade | str | Speed grade of target FPGA | None |
| syn_package | str | Package variant of target FPGA | None |
| syn_top | str | Top level module for synthesis | None |
| syn_project | str | Project file name | None |
| syn_pre_cmd | str | Command to be executed before synthesis | None |
| syn_post_cmd | str | Command to be executed after synthesis | None |
Xilinx ISE specific variables:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| syn_ise_version | str | Force particular ISE version | None |
Altera QuartusII specific variables:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| quartus_preflow | str | Quartus pre-flow script file | None |
| quartus_postmodule | str | Quartus post-module script file | None |
| quartus_postflow | str | Quartus post-flow script file | None |
Miscellaneous variables
syn_name ; [<type 'str'>] ; Name of the folder at remote synthesis machine, default=None
force_tool ; [<type 'str'>] ; Force certain version of a tool, e.g. 'ise < 13.2' or 'iverilog == 0.9.6, default=None
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| syn_name | str | Name of the folder at remote synthesis machine | None |
| force_tool | str | Force certain version of a tool, e.g. 'ise < 13.2' or 'iverilog == 0.9.6 | None |
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