Commit fa1e9c1b authored by Stefan Rauch's avatar Stefan Rauch Committed by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras

[PATCH] quartus: added legacy file support | Patch rebased by manager

parent c29256fc
......@@ -167,6 +167,23 @@ class QSFFile(File):
# Quartus Settings File
class BSFFile(File):
# Quartus Block Symbol File
class BDFFile(File):
# Quartus Block Design File
class TDFFile(File):
# Quartus Text Design File
class GDFFile(File):
# Quartus Graphic Design File
class SourceFileSet(set):
def __init__(self):
......@@ -282,4 +299,12 @@ class SourceFileFactory:
nf = PDCFile(path=path, module=module)
elif extension == 'qsf':
nf = QSFFile(path=path, module=module)
elif extension == 'bsf':
nf = BSFFile(path=path, module=module)
elif extension == 'bdf':
nf = BDFFile(path=path, module=module)
elif extension == 'tdf':
nf = TDFFile(path=path, module=module)
elif extension == 'gdf':
nf = GDFFile(path=path, module=module)
return nf
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2016 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
......@@ -178,7 +178,8 @@ mrproper:
return pre+'\n'+mod+'\n'+post+'\n'
def __emit_files(self):
from hdlmake.srcfile import VHDLFile, VerilogFile, SignalTapFile, SDCFile, QIPFile, DPFFile, QSFFile
from hdlmake.srcfile import VHDLFile, VerilogFile, SignalTapFile, SDCFile, QIPFile, DPFFile,
QSFFile, BSFFile, BDFFile, TDFFile, GDFFile
tmp = "set_global_assignment -name {0} {1}"
tmplib = tmp + " -library {2}"
ret = []
......@@ -197,6 +198,14 @@ mrproper:
line = tmp.format("MISC_FILE", f.rel_path())
elif isinstance(f, QSFFile):
line = tmp.format("SOURCE_TCL_SCRIPT_FILE", f.rel_path())
elif isinstance(f, BSFFile):
line = tmp.format("BSF_FILE", f.rel_path())
elif isinstance(f, BDFFile):
line = tmp.format("BDF_FILE", f.rel_path())
elif isinstance(f, TDFFile):
line = tmp.format("AHDL_FILE", f.rel_path())
elif isinstance(f, GDFFile):
line = tmp.format("GDF_FILE", f.rel_path())
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