Commit fade3d5b authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold fix code to check variable presence.

parent 4e359337
......@@ -13,18 +13,10 @@ from hdlmake.srcfile import VerilogFile, SVFile
def _check_synthesis_manifest(manifest_dict):
"""Check the manifest contains all the keys for a synthesis project"""
if not manifest_dict["syn_tool"]:
raise Exception(
"syn_tool variable must be set in the top manifest.")
if not manifest_dict["syn_device"]:
raise Exception(
"syn_device variable must be set in the top manifest.")
if not manifest_dict["syn_grade"]:
raise Exception(
"syn_grade variable must be set in the top manifest.")
if not manifest_dict["syn_package"]:
raise Exception(
"syn_package variable must be set in the top manifest.")
for v in ["syn_device", "syn_grade", "syn_package"]:
if v not in manifest_dict:
raise Exception(
"'{}' variable must be set in the top manifest.".format(v))
if not manifest_dict["syn_top"]:
"syn_top variable must be set in the top manifest.")
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