Commit 716ff8db authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

MarocConfiguration - class that writes to registers in FPGA , including register…

MarocConfiguration - class that writes to registers in FPGA , including register that controls interface to MAROC slow control. Reads data to write to slow control from CSV file. - passes number of events to readout thread. Passes file name to recording thread. Waits for threads to finish before exiting - eventually sorted out how to record to a ROOT file. Inefficient at the moment. - started to add ability to store register values in CSV file as well as contents of MAROC SC registers.,,, - when readout thread reaches event limit it passes a "special" event along processing pipeline that causes threads to exit. - beginnings of a run-control thread. Not used at the moment.

git-svn-id: e1591323-3689-4d5a-aa31-d1a7cbdc5706
parent 311a7be8
# Python class to configure single Maroc board pc049a
import logging
from marocLogging import marocLogging
import MarocSC
class MarocConfiguration(object):
def __init__(self,board,configurationFile = "marocConfig.csv" , debugLevel = logging.DEBUG):
"""Class to configure MAROC and FPGA registers for pc049a"""
self.board = board # pointer to PyChips object
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.slowControlObject = MarocSC.MarocSC()
def configure(self):"Configuring board")
self.slowControlObject.setFlagValue("cmd_fsb_fsu",1) # Select FSU
self.slowControlObject.setParameterValue("mask_OR",0x3,54) # Mask hot channel
SCData = self.slowControlObject.getWordArray() # Get data to write
self.logger.debug("Slow control data = %s"%( ' , '.join([format(i,'08x') for i in SCData ]) ))
# write to slow control output data buffer
self.board.write("scSrCtrl" , 0x00000000)
# set up triggers
#triggerSource = 0x0000000D
triggerSource = 0x00000008
self.board.write("trigSourceSelect",triggerSource) # Set OR1,OR2 and internal triggers active
trigSourceReadback ="trigSourceSelect")
self.logger.debug( "Trigger source select register = %s" % (hex(trigSourceReadback)))
self.logger.debug( "Resetting timestamp and trigger counters")
# Reset ADC buffer write buffer
......@@ -36,19 +36,26 @@ class MarocHistogrammingThread(threading.Thread):
while not exitFlag:
unpackedAdcData = self.unpackedDataQueue.get()
self.logger.debug("Read data from unpacked data queue = \n%s"%( ' , '.join([format(i,'08x') for i in unpackedAdcData ]) ))
unpackedData = self.unpackedDataQueue.get()
if len(unpackedData) == 1:"Swallowed poison pill from readout thread.")
exitFlag = True
self.logger.debug("event size = %i"%( len(unpackedAdcData)))
eventNumber = unpackedAdcData.pop(0)
timeStamp = unpackedAdcData.pop(0)
[ eventNumber , timeStamp , AdcData ] = unpackedData"Event number , timestamp = %i %i "%(eventNumber, timeStamp))
self.logger.debug("Read ADC data from unpacked data queue = \n%s"%( ' , '.join([format(i,'08x') for i in AdcData ]) ))
self.logger.debug("event size = %i"%( len(AdcData)))
print "Exiting " +
#eventNumber = unpackedAdcData.pop(0)
#timeStamp = unpackedAdcData.pop(0)
self.histogramObject.fillHistograms(eventNumber,timeStamp,AdcData) "Ending thread" )
......@@ -17,12 +17,13 @@ from marocLogging import marocLogging
class MarocReadoutThread(threading.Thread):
"""Class with functions that can read out MAROC3 using IPBus. Inherits from threading class, so has a 'start' method"""
def __init__(self, threadID, name, board , rawDataQueue , debugLevel=logging.DEBUG ):
def __init__(self, threadID, name, board , rawDataQueue , numTriggers, debugLevel=logging.DEBUG ):
self.threadID = threadID
self.board = board = name
self.rawDataQueue = rawDataQueue
self.numTriggers = numTriggers
self.debugLevel = debugLevel
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -30,14 +31,16 @@ class MarocReadoutThread(threading.Thread):
marocLogging(self.logger,self.debugLevel) "Starting thread" ) "Starting thread. Event limit = %i" %(self.numTriggers) )
readout_maroc(, self.board , self.rawDataQueue , self.logger , self.debugLevel)
readout_maroc(, self.board , self.rawDataQueue , self.numTriggers , self.logger , self.debugLevel) "Exiting thread" )
exitFlag = 0
def readout_maroc(name, board , rawDataQueue , logger , debugLevel):
def readout_maroc(name, board , rawDataQueue , numTriggers , logger , debugLevel):
exitFlag = False
# Create pointer to MAROC board and set up structures.
marocData = MarocDAQ.MarocDAQ(board,debugLevel)
......@@ -49,8 +52,18 @@ def readout_maroc(name, board , rawDataQueue , logger , debugLevel):
# fill the queue
for event in events:
eventNumber = event[0]"Read event %i",eventNumber)
if ( eventNumber > numTriggers):
exitFlag = True"Setting exitFlag = True")
logger.debug("Pushing data into raw data queue = \n%s"%( ' , '.join([format(i,'08x') for i in event ]) ))
# TODO - set exit flag when told to by run control. Start and stop run when told to by run control.
poisonPill = [-1]
rawDataQueue.put(poisonPill)"Fed poison pill to unpacker")
......@@ -4,15 +4,11 @@
from ROOT import TFile, TTree
from array import array
from time import sleep , time
from ROOT import gROOT
import logging
from marocLogging import marocLogging
from array import array
class MarocRecording(object):
def __init__(self, fileName="marocData.root" , debugLevel=logging.DEBUG ):
......@@ -25,30 +21,41 @@ class MarocRecording(object):
self.fileName = fileName
self.fileHandle = TFile( fileName, 'RECREATE' )
"struct ADCStruct {\
UInt_t fMarocEventNumber;\
UInt_t fMarocTimeStamp;\
UShort_t fMarocAdcData[64];\
};" );
from ROOT import ADCStruct
self.adcStruct = ADCStruct()
# Create a root "tree"
self.rootTree = TTree( 'T', 'Maroc ADC Data' )
self.eventNumber = array( 'l' , [0] )
self.timeStamp = array( 'l' , [0] )
self.adcData = array( 's' , self.nADC*[0] )
# create a branch for each piece of data
tree.Branch( 'marocEventNumber' , self.eventNumber , "EventNumber/l")
tree.Branch( 'marocTimeStamp' , self.timeStamp , "TimeStamp/l")
tree.Branch( 'marcoADCData' , self.adcData , "ADCData[64]/s")
self.rootTree.Branch( 'marocEventHeader' , self.adcStruct , "EventNumber/I:TimeStamp/I:ADCData[64]/s")
def writeEvent( self, eventNumber, timeStamp , ADCData ):
def writeEvent( self, eventNumber, timeStamp , adcData ):
"""Write an event to ROOT file"""
self.eventNumber = eventNumber
self.timeStamp = timeStamp
self.adcData = ADCData
# copy data into ROOT data-structure
# This is a Nasty, Nasty hack. Improve when possible. This is just copying data.....
self.adcStruct.fMarocEventNumber = eventNumber
self.adcStruct.fMarocTimeStamp = timeStamp
for idx in range(64):
self.adcStruct.fMarocAdcData[idx] = adcData[idx]
self.logger.debug("event number, timestamp = %i %i "%(self.adcStruct.fMarocEventNumber , self.adcStruct.fMarocTimeStamp))
def closeFile( self ):
"""Flush data to file and close file""""Closing ROOT file %s"%(self.fileName))
......@@ -35,16 +35,21 @@ class MarocRecordingThread(threading.Thread):
while not exitFlag:
unpackedAdcData = self.unpackedDataQueue.get()
self.logger.debug("Read data from unpacked data queue = \n%s"%( ' , '.join([format(i,'08x') for i in unpackedAdcData ]) ))
unpackedData = self.unpackedDataQueue.get()
self.logger.debug("event size = %i"%( len(unpackedAdcData)))
if len(unpackedData) == 1:"Swallowed poison pill from unpacking thread.")
exitFlag = True
[ eventNumber , timeStamp , unpackedAdcData ] = unpackedData
eventNumber = unpackedAdcData.pop(0)
timeStamp = unpackedAdcData.pop(0)
self.logger.debug("Read ADC data from unpacked data queue event number , timestamp, ADC-data = %i %i \n%s"%( (eventNumber, timeStamp , ' , '.join([format(i,'08x') for i in unpackedAdcData ]) )))"Event number , timestamp = %i %i "%(eventNumber, timeStamp))
self.logger.debug("event size = %i"%( len(unpackedAdcData)))
print "Exiting " +
self.fileObject.closeFile() "Ending thread" )
# Python class to read ADC data from readout thread and unpack into ADC values.
import logging
from PyChipsUser import *
import threading
import time
import Queue
import MarocRecording
from marocLogging import marocLogging
class MarocRecordingThread(threading.Thread):
"""Class with functions that can store data from MAROC3 into a ROOT file as a TTree. Inherits from threading class, so has a 'start' method"""
def __init__(self, threadID, name , unpackedDataQueue , fileName="marocData.root" , debugLevel=logging.DEBUG ):
self.threadID = threadID = name
self.unpackedDataQueue = unpackedDataQueue
self.debugLevel = debugLevel
self.fileName = fileName
self.fileObject = MarocRecording.MarocRecording(fileName=fileName,debugLevel=debugLevel)
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def run(self):
exitFlag = 0
marocLogging(self.logger,self.debugLevel) "Starting thread" )
while not exitFlag:
unpackedData = self.unpackedDataQueue.get()
[ eventNumber , timeStamp , unpackedAdcData ] = unpackedData
self.logger.debug("Read ADC data from unpacked data queue event number , timestamp, ADC-data = %i %i \n%s"%( (eventNumber, timeStamp , ' , '.join([format(i,'08x') for i in AdcData ]) )))
#self.logger.debug("Read unpacked data from unpacked data queue = \n%s"%( ' , '.join([format(i,'08x') for i in unpackedAdcData ]) ))
self.logger.debug("event size = %i"%( len(unpackedAdcData)))
self.fileObject.writeEvent(eventNumber,timeStamp,unpackedAdcData) "Ending thread" )
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import ConfigParser
import logging
from marocLogging import marocLogging
from itertools import imap
......@@ -81,11 +82,22 @@ class MarocSC(object):
for paramName in self.parameterLocation.keys():
# Data structure to store the names of FPGA registers to write into. The key name is the register name value is [default,description,comment]
self.registers = {
'trigSourceSelect':[ 0x0000000D , 'Set source of triggers.' , 'There can be more than one trigger input active at the same time. 0xD turns on OR1 , OR2 and internal triggers']
# Copy default register values into dictionary
for registerName in self.registers.keys():
self.numSCbits = 829 # number of bits in slow control register
self.numWords = 26
self.busWidth = 32
self.debugLevel = debugLevel
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#print "flags = " , self.flagLocation
#print "parameters = " , self.parameterLocation
......@@ -99,7 +111,7 @@ class MarocSC(object):
for flagName in self.flagLocation.keys(): # Loop through the flags
[ bitPosition , default , description , comment , bitValue ] = self.flagLocation[flagName]
logging.debug("Copying flag to bit-array. Flag name = %s , flag location = %i , default = %i , value = %i , description = %s , comment = %s" % ( flagName , bitPosition , default , bitValue , description , comment))
self.logger.debug("Copying flag to bit-array. Flag name = %s , flag location = %i , default = %i , value = %i , description = %s , comment = %s" % ( flagName , bitPosition , default , bitValue , description , comment))
bitArray[bitPosition] = bitValue
for paramName in self.parameterLocation.keys(): # Loop through the parameters
......@@ -108,12 +120,12 @@ class MarocSC(object):
for index in range(0, len(paramDefault)): # Loop over the array values for each parameter
arraySize = len(paramDefault)
assert index < arraySize
logging.debug("setting parameter = %s , base location = %i , index = %i . Value(s) = %i . Number of values = %i" %( paramName , paramLocation, index , int(paramValue[index]) , arraySize) )
self.logger.debug("setting parameter = %s , base location = %i , index = %i . Value(s) = %i . Number of values = %i" %( paramName , paramLocation, index , int(paramValue[index]) , arraySize) )
for paramBitPos in range(0,paramWidth): # Loop over the bits in the parameter.
bitValue = (int(paramValue[index]) >> paramBitPos) & 0x00000001
bitLocation = paramLocation+ (paramWidth*( (arraySize-1) -index)) + ( (paramWidth - 1) - paramBitPos)
# print "value of bit %i is %i , writen to position %i" %( paramBitPos , bitValue , bitLocation)
logging.debug("value of bit %i is %i , writen to position %i" %( paramBitPos , bitValue , bitLocation))
self.logger.debug("value of bit %i is %i , writen to position %i" %( paramBitPos , bitValue , bitLocation))
bitArray[bitLocation] = bitValue
# self.setParameter(paramName , index , default[index])
......@@ -135,7 +147,7 @@ class MarocSC(object):
bitNum = self.numSCbits - bitNumber -1
wordBitPos = bitNum % self.busWidth
wordNum = bitNum / self.busWidth
logging.debug("setting bit number = %i (reversed = %i ) => bit %i of word %i to %i" %( bitNumber , bitNum , wordBitPos , wordNum, bitArray[bitNumber]))
self.logger.debug("setting bit number = %i (reversed = %i ) => bit %i of word %i to %i" %( bitNumber , bitNum , wordBitPos , wordNum, bitArray[bitNumber]))
SCData[wordNum] += bitArray[bitNumber] << wordBitPos
return SCData
......@@ -144,7 +156,7 @@ class MarocSC(object):
( Inside the code, the location of flag in the serial data stream is given by the hash flagLocation)"""
[bitPosition , default , description, comment , currentValue] = self.flagLocation[flagName]
logging.debug("Setting flag %s , bit location %i to %i . Previous value = %i" %( flagName , bitPosition , int(bitValue) , int(currentValue) ) )
self.logger.debug("Setting flag %s , bit location %i to %i . Previous value = %i" %( flagName , bitPosition , int(bitValue) , int(currentValue) ) )
self.flagLocation[flagName][4] = bitValue
def getFlagValue(self,flagName):
......@@ -162,11 +174,11 @@ class MarocSC(object):
assert index < arraySize
if index<0: # if index not set ( or set to <0 ) then write all parameters at once.
paramString = ",".join(imap(str, newParamValue))
logging.debug("setting parameter array = %s , base location = %i , Values = %s . Number of values = %i" %( paramName , paramLocation, paramString , arraySize) )
self.logger.debug("setting parameter array = %s , base location = %i , Values = %s . Number of values = %i" %( paramName , paramLocation, paramString , arraySize) )
assert len(paramDefault) == len(newParamValue) # Make sure array has the correct number of entries
self.parameterLocation[paramName][5] = newParamValue
logging.debug("setting parameter = %s , base location = %i , index = %i . Value(s) = %i . Number of values = %i" %( paramName , paramLocation, index , int(newParamValue) , arraySize) )
self.logger.debug("setting parameter = %s , base location = %i , index = %i . Value(s) = %i . Number of values = %i" %( paramName , paramLocation, index , int(newParamValue) , arraySize) )
self.parameterLocation[paramName][5][index] = newParamValue
def getParameterValue(self,paramName):
......@@ -174,26 +186,40 @@ class MarocSC(object):
[ paramLocation , paramWidth , default, description, comment , paramValue] = self.parameterLocation[paramName]
arraySize = len(default)
paramString = ",".join(imap(str, paramValue))
logging.debug("reading parameter = %s , Number of values = %i , values = %s " %( paramName , arraySize , paramString) )
self.logger.debug("reading parameter = %s , Number of values = %i , values = %s " %( paramName , arraySize , paramString) )
return paramValue
def getParameterLocations(self):
"""Returns the list of parameters , positions, array sizes and defaults"""
return self.parameterLocation
def setRegisterValue(self,registerName,registerValue):
"""Sets value in data structure. *does not* write to registers"""
[ registerDefault , description, comment , oldRegisterValue ] = self.registers[registerName]
self.registers[registerName][3] = registerValue
def getRegisterValue(self,registerName):
return self.registers[registerName][3]
def getRegisterValues(self):
return self.registers
def readConfigFile(self,fName):
"""Reads a configuration file with 'windows-INI' like syntax.
Expects two sections -
Expects three sections -
flags , where the flag entries are ( fName: fVal ) are
parameters , where the parameter entries are ( pName: p(1),p(2),....,p(N) . N.B. no bounds checking is done on the parameter indices, so don't add too many to the list
registers , values to write to FPGA registers
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
config.optionxform = str # stop parser from changing to lower case.
flags = config.items("flags")
parameters = config.items("parameters")
registers = config.items("registers")
# read the flags...
for ( flag , value ) in flags:
self.setFlagValue( flag , int(value) )
......@@ -201,6 +227,9 @@ class MarocSC(object):
for ( parameter , valueList ) in parameters:
values = valueList.split(",")
self.setParameter( parameter , values )
# read the register values...
for ( registerName , value ) in registers:
self.setRegisterValue( registerName , int(value) )
def writeConfigFile(self,fName):
"""Writes a configuration file with window-INI like syntax. Warning - will overwrite existing files"""
......@@ -209,19 +238,27 @@ class MarocSC(object):
config.optionxform = str # stop parser from changing to lower case
# Set flag values
for flagName in self.flagLocation.keys():
bitValue = self.getFlagValue(flagName)
logging.debug("Setting Flag name %s in config file to %i " %(flagName,bitValue))
self.logger.debug("Setting Flag name %s in config file to %i " %(flagName,bitValue))
# set parameter values
for paramName in self.parameterLocation.keys():
paramValues = self.getParameterValue(paramName)
paramString = ",".join(imap(str, paramValues))
logging.debug("Setting Parameter name %s in config file to %s " %(paramName,paramString))
self.logger.debug("Setting Parameter name %s in config file to %s " %(paramName,paramString))
# Set register values
for registerName in self.flagLocation.keys():
registerValue = self.getRegisterValues(registerName)
self.logger.debug("Setting Register name %s in config file to %i " %(registerName,registerValue))
# Write out configuration
......@@ -16,14 +16,17 @@ import time
import Queue
import array
class MarocUnpackingThread(threading.Thread):
"""Class with functions that can read unpack raw MAROC3 ADC data and pack into an array of integers. Inherits from threading class, so has a 'start' method"""
def __init__(self, threadID, name , rawDataQueue , unpackedDataQueue , debugLevel=logging.DEBUG ):
def __init__(self, threadID, name , rawDataQueue , recordingDataQueue, histogramDataQueue , debugLevel=logging.DEBUG ):
self.threadID = threadID = name
self.rawDataQueue = rawDataQueue
self.unpackedDataQueue = unpackedDataQueue
self.recordingDataQueue = recordingDataQueue
self.histogramDataQueue = histogramDataQueue
self.debugLevel = debugLevel
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -33,7 +36,7 @@ class MarocUnpackingThread(threading.Thread): "Starting thread" )
unpack_maroc_data(, self.rawDataQueue , self.unpackedDataQueue , self.logger)
unpack_maroc_data(, self.rawDataQueue , self.recordingDataQueue , self.histogramDataQueue , self.logger) "Ending thread" )
......@@ -66,13 +69,19 @@ def greyIntToInt(greyInt):
normalBin = gray2bin(greyBin)
return bin2int(normalBin)
exitFlag = 0
def unpack_maroc_data(name, rawDataQueue , unpackedDataQueue , logger):
def unpack_maroc_data(name, rawDataQueue , recordingDataQueue, histogramDataQueue , logger):
exitFlag = False
while not exitFlag:
adcData = rawDataQueue.get()
logger.debug("Read data from raw data queue = \n%s"%( ' , '.join([format(i,'08x') for i in adcData ]) ))
if len(adcData) == 1:"Swallowed poison pill from readout thread.")
exitFlag = True
nBits = 12
busWidth = 32
nADC = 64
......@@ -80,8 +89,9 @@ def unpack_maroc_data(name, rawDataQueue , unpackedDataQueue , logger):"event number , time-stamp , event size = %i %i %i"%( adcData[0],adcData[1],len(adcData)))
#assert adcDataSize == len(adcData)
unpackedData = [adcData[0],adcData[1]] # fill first and second words with trigger number and timestamp
unpackedAdcData = array.array('H')
eventNumber = adcData[0]
eventTimeStamp = adcData[1]
for adcNumber in range(0 , nADC) :
lowBit = adcNumber*nBits
......@@ -97,9 +107,23 @@ def unpack_maroc_data(name, rawDataQueue , unpackedDataQueue , logger):
adcValueBin = greyIntToInt(adcValue)
logger.debug("Event number, timestamp, Unpacked ADC data = %i %i \n%s"%( eventNumber, eventTimeStamp , ' , '.join([format(i,'08x') for i in unpackedAdcData ]) ))
unpackedData = [eventNumber, eventTimeStamp, unpackedAdcData]
# Push the data to histogramming
# only push data if the queue has space in it
if not histogramDataQueue.full():
logger.debug("Unpacked data = \n%s"%( ' , '.join([format(i,'08x') for i in unpackedData ]) ))
# Push data to recording.
poisonPill = [-1]
histogramDataQueue.put(poisonPill)"Fed poison pill to histogrammer")
recordingDataQueue.put(poisonPill)"Fed poison pill to data recorder")
......@@ -7,27 +7,41 @@ import time
from optparse import OptionParser
import csv
from marocLogging import marocLogging
import logging
import MarocReadoutThread
import MarocUnpackingThread
import MarocRecordingThread
import MarocHistogrammingThread
import MarocRunControlThread
import MarocConfiguration
from PyChipsUser import *
import Queue
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-i", dest = 'ipAddress' , default="")
parser.add_option("-a", dest = 'boardAddressTable' , default="./pc049aAddrTable.txt")
parser.add_option("-o", dest = 'outputFile' , default = 'marocTimeStamps.dat' )
parser.add_option("-o", dest = 'outputFile' , default = 'marocTimeStamps.root' )
parser.add_option("-n" , dest = 'numTriggers' , default = 600 )
parser.add_option("-n" , dest = 'numTriggers' , default = 1000 )
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
print "IP address = " + options.ipAddress
print "Board address table " + options.boardAddressTable"IP address = %s"%( options.ipAddress))"Board address table %s"%( options.boardAddressTable))
numTriggers = int(options.numTriggers)"Event limit = %i "%( numTriggers))
bAddrTab = AddressTable(options.boardAddressTable)
......@@ -37,16 +51,40 @@ firmwareID ="FirmwareId")
print "Firmware ID = " , hex(firmwareID)
# Create object with configuration information - in the long run this should be done in a separate thread with a GUI
marocConfiguration = MarocConfiguration.MarocConfiguration(board,debugLevel=logging.DEBUG)
rawDataQueue = Queue.Queue()
unpackedDataQueue = Queue.Queue()
recordingDataQueue = Queue.Queue()
readoutThread = MarocReadoutThread.MarocReadoutThread(1,"readoutThread",board,rawDataQueue,debugLevel=logging.INFO)
histogramQueueSize = 100
histogramDataQueue = Queue.Queue(histogramQueueSize)
unpackerThread = MarocUnpackingThread.MarocUnpackingThread(2,"unpackingThread",rawDataQueue,unpackedDataQueue,debugLevel=logging.INFO)
# Create a readout thread. Pass down an event limit. When the event limit is reached the readout thread will pass a message along chain and threads will terminate.
histogramThread = MarocHistogrammingThread.MarocHistogrammingThread(3,"histogrammingThread",unpackedDataQueue,debugLevel=logging.INFO)
readoutThread = MarocReadoutThread.MarocReadoutThread(1,"readoutThread",board,rawDataQueue,numTriggers,debugLevel=logging.INFO)
unpackerThread = MarocUnpackingThread.MarocUnpackingThread(2,"unpackingThread",rawDataQueue,recordingDataQueue,histogramDataQueue,debugLevel=logging.INFO)
histogramThread = MarocHistogrammingThread.MarocHistogrammingThread(3,"histogrammingThread",histogramDataQueue,debugLevel=logging.INFO)
recordingThread = MarocRecordingThread.MarocRecordingThread(3,"recordingThread",recordingDataQueue,fileName=options.outputFile, debugLevel=logging.DEBUG)
# Send configuration to board.
# Having created the threads, now start them running
# Wait for threads to exit
recordingThread.join()"All threads terminated. Exiting main programme")
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