Commit e48ef112 authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

Adding scripts before modifying

git-svn-id: e1591323-3689-4d5a-aa31-d1a7cbdc5706
parent 8a83cba7
# Python class to set up MAROC-3 serial control register.
import ConfigParser
import logging
class MarocSC(object):
"""Sets up an array of 32-bit words that can be written to MAROC-3 serial slow control register via a block write to IPBus-based firmware."""
def __init__(self,debugLevel=logging.DEBUG):
# Data structure to store the name of each MAROC flag (as the key) and the [bit-location , default]
# e.g. "swb_buf_1p":[183 ,1] means that flag swb_buf_1p is at position 183 and is should be set to 1 by default
self.flagLocation = {
"ON/OFF_otabg":[0 ,1, "power pulsing bit for bandgap","not active on MAROC3 test board because power pulsing pin is connected to vdd"] ,
"ON/OFF_dac":[1 ,1, "power pulsing bit for all DACs","not active on MAROC3 test board because power pulsing pin is connected to vdd"] ,
"small_dac":[2 ,0, "to decrease the slope of DAC0 -> better accuracy","small dac OFF: threshold VTH0 min= and max= / small dac ON: threshold VTH0 min= and max="] ,
"enb_outADC":[23 ,0, "wilkinson ADC parameter: enable data output","In order use the wilkinson ADC this bit should be OFF"] ,
"inv_startCmptGray":[24 ,0, "wilkinson ADC parameter: the start compteur polarity switching","In order to use the wilkinson ADC should be OFF"] ,
"ramp_8bit":[25 ,0, "wilkinson ADC parameter: ramp slope change to have quickly conversion on 8 bits","Set ON for 8-bit Wilkinson conversion"] ,
"ramp_10bit":[26 ,0, "wilkinson ADC parameter: ramp slope change to have quickly conversion on 10 bits","Set ON for 10-bit Wilkinson conversion"] ,
"cmd_CK_mux":[155 ,0, "Should be OFF" , ""] ,
"d1_d2":[156 ,1,"trigger output choice","d1_d2='0' -> trigger from FSB1 and DAC0 ; d1_d2='1' -> trigger from FSB2 and DAC1"] ,
"inv_discriADC":[157 ,0,"Invert ADC discriminator output","Should be OFF"] ,
"polar_discri":[158, 0 ,"polarity of trigger output" , "polar_discri='0' ->High polarity ; polar_discri='1' -> Low polarity"],
"Enb_tristate":[159 ,1,"enable all trigger outputs","Should be ON to see trigger outputs"] ,
"valid_dc_fsb2":[160 ,0,"enable FSB2 DC measurements",""] ,
"sw_fsb2_50f":[161 ,1,"Feedback capacitor for FSB2" ,"better if ON"] ,
"sw_fsb2_100f":[162 ,0,"Feedback capacitor for FSB2" ,""] ,
"sw_fsb2_100k":[163 ,1,"Feedback resistor for FSB2" ,""] ,
"sw_fsb2_50k":[164 ,0,"Feedback resistor for FSB2" ,""] ,
"valid_dc_fs":[165 ,0,"enable FSB and FSU DC measurements",""] ,
"cmd_fsb_fsu":[166 ,1,"Choice between FSB1 or FSU for the first discri input (with DAC0)","cmd_fsb_fsu='1'-> FSU ; cmd_fsb_fsu='0'-> FSB"] ,
"sw_fsb1_50f":[167 ,1,"Feedback capacitor for FSB1" ,"better if ON"] ,
"sw_fsb1_100f":[168 ,1,"Feedback capacitor for FSB1" ,"better if ON"] ,
"sw_fsb1_100k":[169 ,1,"Feedback resistor for FSB1" ,""] ,
"sw_fsb1_50k":[170 ,0,"Feedback resistor for FSB1" ,""] ,
"sw_fsu_100k":[171 ,1, "Feedback resistor for FSU" , ""] ,
"sw_fsu_50k":[172 ,1, "Feedback resistor for FSU" , ""] ,
"sw_fsu_25k":[173 ,1, "Feedback resistor for FSU" , ""] ,
"sw_fsu_40f":[174 ,1, "Feedback capacitor for FSU" , "better if ON"] ,
"sw_fsu_20f":[175 ,1, "Feedback capacitor for FSU" , "better if ON"] ,
"H1H2_choice":[176 ,1,"ADC wilkinson: choice between the first or the second track and hold for the input of the ADC",""] ,
"EN_ADC":[177 ,1,"ADC wilkinson: enable ADC conversion inside the asic ","Should be ON to enable ADC"] ,
"sw_ss_1200f":[178 ,1,"Feedback capacitor for Slow Shaper",""] ,
"sw_ss_600f":[179 ,1,"Feedback capacitor for Slow Shaper",""] ,
"sw_ss_300f":[180 ,1,"Feedback capacitor for Slow Shaper",""] ,
"ON/OFF_ss":[181 ,1,"Power supply of Slow Shaper",""] ,
"swb_buf_2p":[182 ,1,"capacitor for the buffer before the slow shaper",""] ,
"swb_buf_1p":[183 ,1,"capacitor for the buffer before the slow shaper",""] ,
"swb_buf_500f":[184 ,1,"capacitor for the buffer before the slow shaper",""] ,
"swb_buf_250f":[185 ,1,"capacitor for the buffer before the slow shaper",""] ,
"cmd_fsb":[186 ,1,"enable signal at the FSB inputs","Should be ON if we want to use FSB1 or FSB2"] ,
"cmd_ss":[187 ,1,"enable signal at the SS inputs","Should be ON if we want to do charge measurement"] ,
"cmd_fsu":[188 ,1,"enable signal at the FSU inputs","Should be ON if we want to use FSU"]
# Data structure to store the name of each MAROC parameter (as the key) and the [parameter-location , parameter-width , default ]
# parameter-location is the bit-location of the lowest SC bit ( most significant bit of highest indexed parameter )
# size of parameter array is deduced from array of default values
self.parameterLocation = {
"DAC":[ 3 , 10 , 2*[0x000,0x150], "DAC values for the discriminators. DAC[1]= second discriminator (with the fast shaper FSB2). DAC[0]=first discriminator (with the fast shaper FSB1 or FSU)","" ] , # The most significant bit of DAC2,
"mask_OR":[ 27 , 0 , 64*[0x0] ,"mask the discriminator outputs.","MSB of mask_OR[N] = OR2 = mask for second disriminator output ( FSB2) of channel N. LSB of mask_OR[N] = OR1 = mask for first discriminator output ( FSB1 / FSU ). Set bit ON to generate a trigger" ] ,
"GAIN":[ 189 , 9 , 64*[0x40] ,"Preamplifier gain (8-bits) and sum-enable for channels","Set sum-enable high for channel to contribute to analogue sum"],
"Ctest_ch":[765 , 1 , 64*[0x1] ,"Enable signal in Ctest input" ,"" ]
self.numSCbits = 829 # number of bits in slow control register
self.numWords = 26
self.busWidth = 32
self.SCData = self.numWords*[0x00000000]
self.debugLevel = debugLevel
# Call method to set up defaults...
def getLocalBitArray(self):
"""Returns list of bits representing data to write to SC register.
( N.B. This is the contents of the local data structure that will be transmitted to the MAROC, *NOT* what is in the MAROC)"""
return self.bitArray
def printLocalBitArray(self):
""" Prints out the value of each bit in the list"""
for bitNumber in range(0 , len(self.bitArray) ):
print "bit %i = %i" %( bitNumber , self.bitArray[bitNumber] )
def getLocalWordArray(self):
"""Return an array of 32-bit numbers to write to SC register.
( N.B. This is the contents of the local data structure that will be transmitted to the MAROC, *NOT* what is in the MAROC)"""
self.SCData = self.numWords*[0x00000000] # clear contents of array
for bitNumber in range(0 , len(self.bitArray) ):
bitNum = self.numSCbits - bitNumber -1
wordBitPos = bitNum % self.busWidth
wordNum = bitNum / self.busWidth
logging.debug("setting bit number = %i (reversed = %i ) => bit %i of word %i to %i" %( bitNumber , bitNum , wordBitPos , wordNum, self.bitArray[bitNumber]))
self.SCData[wordNum] += self.bitArray[bitNumber] << wordBitPos
return self.SCData
def setFlagValue(self,flagName,bitValue):
"""Write to the flag with name flagName.
( Inside the code, the location of flag in the serial data stream is given by the hash flagLocation)"""
[bitPosition , default , description, comment] = self.flagLocation[flagName]
logging.debug("Setting flag %s , bit location %i to %i " %( flagName , bitPosition , int(bitValue) ) )
self.bitArray[bitPosition] = bitValue
def getFlagValue(self,flagName):
"""Read from internal data-structure the contents of flagName."""
[bitLocation , default, description, comment ] = self.flagLocation[flagName]
return self.bitArray[bitLocation]
def getFlagLocations(self):
"""Return the list of flags, positions and defaults"""
return self.flagLocation
def setParameter(self,paramName,index,paramValue):
"""Writes to the parameter array with name paramName at index the value n"""
[ paramLocation , paramWidth , paramDefault, description, comment ] = self.parameterLocation[paramName]
arraySize = len(paramDefault)
assert index < arraySize
logging.debug("setting parameter = %s , base location = %i , index = %i . Value(s) = %i . Number of values = %i" %( paramName , paramLocation, index , int(paramValue) , arraySize) )
#print "setting parameter = %s , index = %i to %i . Number of values = %i" %( paramName , index , int(paramValue) , arraySize)
logging.debug("setting parameter = %s , index = %i to %i . Number of values = %i" %( paramName , index , int(paramValue) , arraySize))
for paramBitPos in range(0,paramWidth): # Loop over the bits in the parameter.
bitValue = (int(paramValue) >> paramBitPos) & 0x00000001
bitLocation = paramLocation+ (paramWidth*( (arraySize-1) -index)) + ( (paramWidth - 1) - paramBitPos)
# print "value of bit %i is %i , writen to position %i" %( paramBitPos , bitValue , bitLocation)
logging.debug("value of bit %i is %i , writen to position %i" %( paramBitPos , bitValue , bitLocation))
self.bitArray[bitLocation] = bitValue
def getParameter(self,paramName,index):
"""Gets parameter(index)"""
[ paramLocation , paramWidth , default, description, comment ] = self.parameterLocation[paramName]
arraySize = len(default)
assert index < arraySize
logging.debug("reading parameter = %s , index = %i . Number of values = %i" %( paramName , index , arraySize) )
paramValue = 0
for paramBitPos in range(0,paramWidth): # Loop over the bits in the parameter.
bitLocation = paramLocation+ (paramWidth*(arraySize-index)) + (paramWidth - paramBitPos)
bitValue = self.bitArray[bitLocation]
paramValue = paramValue + (bitValue << paramBitPos)
logging.debug("value of bit %i is %i , writen to position %i" %( paramBitPos , bitValue , bitLocation))
return paramValue
def getParameterLocations(self):
"""Returns the list of parameters , positions, array sizes and defaults"""
return self.parameterLocation
def setDefaults(self):
"""Loop through defaults and write to data structure"""
# First loop through the flags -
for flagName in self.flagLocation.keys():
[ bit , default , description , comment ] = self.flagLocation[flagName]
logging.debug("Setting defaults. Flag name = %s , flag location = %i , default = %i , description = %s , comment = %s" % ( flagName , bit , default , description , comment))
# now loop through the parameters
# (could be done in either order ... )
for parameterName in self.parameterLocation.keys():
[ bit , width , default , description , comment ] = self.parameterLocation[parameterName]
for index in range(0, len(default)):
self.setParameter(parameterName , index , default[index])
def readConfigFile(self,fName):
"""Reads a configuration file with 'windows-INI' like syntax.
Expects two sections -
flags , where the flag entries are ( fName: fVal ) are
parameters , where the parameter entries are ( pName: p(1),p(2),....,p(N) . N.B. no bounds checking is done on the parameter indices, so don't add too many to the list
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
config.optionxform = str # stop parser from changing to lower case.
flags = config.items("flags")
parameters = config.items("parameters")
# read the flags...
for ( flag , value ) in flags:
self.setFlagValue( flag , int(value) )
# read the parameters
for ( parameter , valueList ) in parameters:
values = valueList.split(",")
for index in range (0, len(values)):
self.setParameter( parameter , index , values[index] )
def writeConfigFile(self,fName):
"""Writes a configuration file with window-INI like syntax. Warning - will overwrite existing files"""
cfgFile = open(fName,'w')
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
config.optionxform = str # stop parser from changing to lower case
# Set flag values
for flagName in self.flagLocation.keys():
bitValue = self.getFlagValue(flagName)
logging.debug("Setting Flag name %s in config file to %i " %(flagName,bitValue))
#for paramName in self.paramLocation.keys():
# paramValues = self.getParameters
# Write out configuration
# def configure(self,board):
# """Writes contents of local data-structure to MAROC slow control.
# board - a PyChips object pointing to correct MAROC board"""
# SCData = self.getLocalWordArray()
# # write data into buffer
# board.blockWrite("scSrDataOut",SCData)
# # trigger writing of buffer to slow control shift register
# board.write("scSrCtrl" , 0x00000001)
# Script to read board ID from MAROC board
from PyChipsUser import *
bAddrTab = AddressTable("./pc049aAddrTable_marocdemo.txt")
board = ChipsBusUdp(bAddrTab,"",50001)
print "adcData = " , adcData
# Script to read board ID from MAROC board
from PyChipsUser import *
bAddrTab = AddressTable("./pc049aAddrTable_marocdemo.txt")
board = ChipsBusUdp(bAddrTab,"",50001)"FirmwareId")
print "Firmware ID = " , hex(firmwareID)
export PYTHONPATH=~/PyChips_1_5_0_pre2A/src/:$PYTHONPATH
import uhal
uri = "ipbusudp-2.0://"
address_table = "file://pc049aAddrTable_marocdemo.xml"
hw = uhal.getDevice( "pc049a" , uri , address_table )
# Debugging....
device_id =
print hw
# Grab the device's URI
device_uri = hw.uri()
print device_uri
reg = hw.getNode("FirmwareId").read()
print " REG =", hex(reg)
# Script to read board ID from MAROC board
from PyChipsUser import *
bAddrTab = AddressTable("./pc049aAddrTable.txt")
#board = ChipsBusUdp(bAddrTab,"",50001)
board = ChipsBusUdp(bAddrTab,"",50001)
ramContents ="Ram")
print "ram contents = " , hex(ramContents )
# Script to read out Trigger counters
from PyChipsUser import *
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-i", dest = 'ipAddress' , default="")
parser.add_option("-a", dest = 'boardAddressTable' , default="./pc049aAddrTable_marocdemo.txt")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
print "IP address = " + options.ipAddress
print "Board address table " + options.boardAddressTable
bAddrTab = AddressTable(options.boardAddressTable)
board = ChipsBusUdp(bAddrTab,options.ipAddress,50001)"FirmwareId")
print "Firmware = " , hex(firmwareID)
nChan = 64
#trigCounters = board.blockRead("trigCounterBase", nChan )
for chan in range(0 , nChan) :
trigCounterVal ="trigCounterBase", nChan )
print "chan, count = " , chan , trigCounterVal
#board.blockWrite("trigCounterBase", nChan*[0] )
#trigCounters = board.blockRead("trigCounterBase", nChan )
#for chan in range(0 , nChan) :
# print "chan, count = " , chan , trigCounters[chan]
# Script to write to MAROC configuration ( slow control ) shift register
# Specify a set of bits to write high..
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
from PyChipsUser import *
import MarocSC
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-i", dest = 'ipAddress' , default="")
parser.add_option("-a", dest = 'boardAddressTable' , default="./pc049aAddrTable_marocdemo.txt")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
print "IP address = " + options.ipAddress
print "Board address table " + options.boardAddressTable
bAddrTab = AddressTable(options.boardAddressTable)
board = ChipsBusUdp(bAddrTab,options.ipAddress,50001)"FirmwareId")
print "Firmware = " , hex(firmwareID)
marocSC = MarocSC.MarocSC()
SCData = marocSC.getLocalWordArray()
print SCData
# Should write to output data buffer
scdata0 = board.blockRead("scSrDataOut",len(SCData))
print "SC SR words to write = " , scdata0
writeWithReset = 0
writeNoReset = 1
if writeWithReset:
scdata1 = board.blockRead("scSrDataIn",len(SCData))
print "Returned data (before write) = " , scdata1
# Trigger writing of control register
board.write("scSrCtrl" , 0x00000000)
print "Written data (with reset)"
scdata1 = board.blockRead("scSrDataIn",len(SCData))
print "Returned data (after write with reset = " , scdata1
if writeNoReset:
# Trigger writing of control register
board.write("scSrCtrl" , 0x00000001)
print "Written data (no reset)"
scdata1 = board.blockRead("scSrDataIn",len(SCData))
print "Returned data (after write no reset = " , scdata1
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