Commit 0cea86ef authored by Evangelia Gousiou's avatar Evangelia Gousiou

added comments

parent b6f02ae3
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
-- |________________________________________________________________| |
-- Figure 1: fmc_masterFIP_core architecture |
-- |
-- The mrfip_wbgen2_csr module has been generated through the wbgen2 application. |
-- It establishes the interface with the processor, usually a Mock Turtle core. |
-- This interface contains a set of control and status registers for each one of the |
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
-- - copies all the payload registers (tx_payld_ctrl, tx_payld_reg1..tx_payld_reg67)|
-- and the register that indicates the number of payload bytes to |
-- serialize (tx_ctrl_bytes_num) |
-- - starts serializing a WorldFIP frame (see following figure). Note that the FSS, |
-- - starts serializing a WorldFIP frame (see following Figure). Note that the FSS, |
-- CRC and FES fields are generated internally in the masterfip_tx unit. |
-- - after the FES, rises the tx_stat_stop status bit to signal the MT for the end |
-- of a successful frame transmission. |
......@@ -102,26 +102,26 @@
-- |
-- <---2 bytes--><-1byte-><------ rx_ctrl_bytes_num -------><--2 bytes--><-1byte-> |
-- |
-- Figure 2: WorldFIP rx frame structure |
-- Figure 3: WorldFIP rx frame structure |
-- |
-- The modules regarding the ext_sync_pulse are synchronising, deglitching and |
-- counting the number of rising-edge pulses that are arriving to the ext_sync input |
-- of the board and provide the result to the dedicated masterfip_wbgen2_csr register|
-- of the board and provide the result to a dedicated masterfip_wbgen2_csr register. |
-- |
-- The modules regarding the macrocycle are counting the time of a macrocycle using |
-- the 10 ns input clock as well as the number of macrocycles since startup/a reset. |
-- Dedicated registers in the masterfip_wbgen2_csr provide the counters values |
-- to the processor (MT). Note that the macrocycle length comes from the processor |
-- through a dedicated register in the masterfip_wbgen2_csr and should be set once |
-- in the application startup. |
-- through another dedicated register in the masterfip_wbgen2_csr and should be set |
-- once in the application startup. |
-- |
-- The modules regarding the turnaround and silence time are counting the respective |
-- time using the 10 ns clock. Dedicated regs in the masterfip_wbgen2_csr provide |
-- the counters values to the processor (MT). As in the case of the macrocycle length|
-- the turnaround and silence time length is provided through dedicated registers in |
-- the turnaround and silence time length is provided through other dedicated regs in|
-- the masterfip_wbgen2_csr that should be set once in the application startup. |
-- |
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......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-- o TX OSC this unit comes unmodified from the nanoFIP project. |
-- It generates the output FD_TXCK as well as an array of pulses, |
-- tx_sched_p_buff, used for the synchronization of the |
-- TX SERIALIZER's actions. |
-- TX SERIALIZER's actions. |
-- |
-- o DATA RETRIEVAL this unit copies the bytes provided by the processor (MT) |
-- upon the activation of the signal tx_start. |
-- |
-- |The nanoFIP| |
-- |masterFIP core| |
-- |
......@@ -12,9 +12,18 @@
-- File wf_package.vhd |
-- |
-- Description Definitions of constants, types, entities, functions |
-- Author Evangelia Gousiou ( |
-- Date 02/2016 |
-- Description Definitions of constants, types, entities, functions related to WorldFIP |
-- serialization and deserialization; the package is essential for all the modules |
-- coming from the nanoFIP design. |
-- As in the masterFIP design the clk is 100 MHz and in the nanoFIP 40 MHz it was |
-- needed to have a new wf_package. In principle the nanoFIP design could have been |
-- modified to accept generics rather than constants, however as it is a stable |
-- design it was decided to keep it as it is and use for synthesis this package |
-- rather than the one coming with the nanoFIP submodule. |
-- A different package, the masterfip_pkg is used in the masterfip design for all |
-- other topics, not related to the WorldFIP serialization/ deserialization. |
-- |
-- Authors Evangelia Gousiou ( |
......@@ -50,33 +59,34 @@ package wf_package is
-- Constant regarding the user clock --
-- Constants regarding the system clock --
-- 10ns clock for the masterFIP_core; same for the CPUs
-- 10ns clock for the masterFIP_core; same for the CPUs
constant c_QUARTZ_PERIOD_NS : real := 10.0;
constant c_QUARTZ_FREQ_MHZ : real := 100.0;
constant c_QUARTZ_PERIOD_NS : real := 10.0;
constant c_QUARTZ_FREQ_MHZ : real := 100.0;
constant c_QUARTZ_FREQ_MHZ_INT : integer := 100;
constant c_1SEC_CNT_LGTH : natural := 27;
constant c_1SEC_CLK_TICKS : unsigned := to_unsigned((1000000000 / integer(c_QUARTZ_PERIOD_NS)),
constant c_1SEC_CNT_LGTH : natural := 27; -- lgth of counter that counts 1 sec using the sys clk
constant c_1SEC_CLK_TICKS : unsigned := to_unsigned((1000000000 / integer(c_QUARTZ_PERIOD_NS)),
-- Constants regarding the session timeout counters --
-- To add a robust layer of protection to the FSMs of the design, counters that depend only on
-- the system clock have being implemented; when they are filled up, they can bring the FSMs back
-- to the IDLE state.
-- To add a robust layer of protection to the FSMs of the design (WorldFIP serializer and
-- deserializer), counters that depend only on the system clock have being implemented; when they
-- are filled up, they can bring the FSMs back to the IDLE state.
-- For the wf_rx_deserializer/wf_tx_serializer at the slowest bit rate, 31.25 kbps, the
-- reception/transmission of the longest frame takes:
-- 268 bytes RP_DAT = 68608 us
-- reception/transmission of the longest frame takes: 268 bytes RP_DAT = 68608 us
-- This demands for a 23 bits counter.
-- This for example means that if after 83 ms the reception/transmission of a frame has not been
-- completed, the respective FSMs will be reset.
-- This means that if after 83 ms the reception/transmission of a frame has not been completed,
-- the respective FSMs will be reset.
constant c_SESSION_TIMEOUT_C_LGTH : natural := 23; -- 83 ms
......@@ -84,7 +94,6 @@ package wf_package is
-- Constant regarding the deglitch filter --
constant c_DEGLITCH_THRESHOLD : natural := 10;
......@@ -99,7 +108,6 @@ package wf_package is
-- Constants regarding the the ID_DAT and RP_DAT frame structure --
constant c_VP : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "11";
constant c_VN : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00";
constant c_ONE : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "10";
......@@ -114,14 +122,12 @@ package wf_package is
-- Constant regarding the Transmitter --
constant c_TX_SCHED_BUFF_LGTH : natural := 4; -- length of the buffer of pulses used for
-- the transmission synchronization
-- Constants regarding the position of bytes in the frame structure --
constant c_CTRL_BYTE_INDEX : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := "00000000"; -- 0
constant c_PDU_BYTE_INDEX : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := "00000001"; -- 1
constant c_LGTH_BYTE_INDEX : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := "00000010"; -- 2
......@@ -132,8 +138,7 @@ package wf_package is
-- Constants & Types regarding the bit rate --
-- Calculation of the number of uclk ticks equivalent to the reception/ transmission period
-- Calculation of the number of clk ticks equivalent to the reception/ transmission period
constant c_PERIODS_COUNTER_LGTH : natural := 12; -- in the slowest bit rate (31.25kbps), the
-- period is 32000 ns and can be measured after
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