Commit 543aae9b authored by Denia Bouhired-Ferrag's avatar Denia Bouhired-Ferrag

Denia's review comments

parent 0c572bd8
masterFIP review comments:
General comments:
- Very readable code, useful comments, and very useful diagrams at the top.
- Repo seems to be in good order.
- Most processes are missing the p_ prefix.
- Optionally, use the name of the process at the end, i.e.: end process p_process_name.
- Indentation at some places needs to be corrected.
- Line 517, 534 and 549: Expression core_rst = '1' or rx_rst = '1' used in 3 places.
Use one signal assignement and use that instead for optimisation.
- Same for core_rst_n = '0' or fd_host_rst = '1' which is used in various places.
- Some indentation may be improved, eg in: cmp_masterfip_tx.
- fd_wdgn signal should be renamed fd_wdg_n, same for fd_rstn_o-> fd_rst_n_o
- I know chipscope is commented, but, the port map has the wrong syntax
(<= instead of => and the semicolons at the end)
- I found the suffixes to express 1-tick delays a little confusing. You
have in the same process:
line 304 last_data_byte_p_d <= last_data_byte_p_tmp;
last_data_byte_p <= last_data_byte_p_d;
And this:
line 307
byte_request_accept_p_d1 <= byte_request_accept_p_tmp;
byte_request_accept_p_d2 <= byte_request_accept_p_d1;
Why not use the same suffix scheme? preferably use "_dn" for both sets of expressions,
in agreement with VHDL guidelines table 3 p12. "_tmp" can be replaced by
- s_ suffix for signals is optional. I think its use is especially
redundant since it is not used for all the signals in this module.
- Line 270: create_32bit_words process name should have the p_ prefix.
- Line 300: use p_ prefix for process name
- Line 263: bytes_c_rst expression:
bytes_c_rst <= '1' when (rst_i = '1' or rx_rst_i = '1') else '0';
effectively means that bytes_c_rst is the same value as (rst_i = '1' or rx_rst_i = '1').
Make it as an assignement (?)
bytes_c_rst <= rst_i or rx_rst_i;
- The expression (rst_i = '1' or rx_rst_i = '1') is evaluated at 4
separate occasions. Would it be better to assign it to a signal and
perform the OR only once? (ties in with previous remark).
- In process data_transfer_to_regs:
- add p_ prefix to process name.
- The operation: word32_num <= word32_num + 1;
seems to be performed no matter what the condition is (apart from reset condition)
could be performed once straight after the first else?
- In...
if word32_num = 0 then
word32_num <= word32_num + 1;
rx_frame_o(word32_num) <= byte0 & byte1 & byte2 & byte3;
elsif (unsigned(rx_byte_index)-2) mod 4 = 3 then -- [CRC|CRC|BYTE|BYTE]
word32_num <= word32_num + 1;
rx_frame_o(word32_num) <= byte0 & byte1 & byte2 & byte3;
It looks like the two conditions could be grouped under one condition
with an OR as the outcome is the same. In fact, it seems that most
outcomes are the same apart from Line 338. It seems the code could be
much more compact.
Could this core be made more generic by removing all the TDC-specific
references in comments and port names and moved inside general core ?
- Line 96: add prefix g_ for generic values_for_simul
- In process pulse_generator, all acam_channel(2 downto 0) values other
than 0, 1, 2, 3 result in ch5 LED being lit. Is this okay functionally?
Wouldn it better to add the "="100" condition and send all the other
possibilities to the final else statement (all channels off?)
- Use c_ prefix for constants.
- Couldn't signal one <= zeroes + "1" be made into a constant, something like:
constant c_one : unsigned (width-1 downto 0):= to_unsigned (1, width-1) (?)
- Is counter_is_zero_o supposed to be 1-tick long? if so add _p suffix,
else it could be assigned outside the process like this?
counter_is_zero_o <= '1' when counter = zeroes else "0";
- Also seems like since decrement operation is present in most
conditions, the code could be made more compact.
- s_counter does not need prefix.
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