Commit 3f55ca7e authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

Do not use CWishboneAccessor in MT driver class. Revert to parent class CBusAccessor instead.

The reason is, not all designs provide a CWishboneAccessor, so it is better to refer to the parent class instead. Testbenches that use a child class (such as CWishboneAccessor) and want to call a function/task of that child class (such as set_mode()), can do so themselves.
parent 304f6990
urv-core @ 70e9e78f
Subproject commit 5c7e906ceb6b15f53830061c9087cce0befef13a
Subproject commit 70e9e78f740aa7f4d8168ccaa003bf3924824284
wr-cores @ f1f97978
Subproject commit 7a42cf8e9a39f72955c3fde2126c0b126037eaae
Subproject commit f1f97978cea46eb6ccefc3c26ea86e56c4e85651
......@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
`include "simdrv_defs.svh"
`include "if_wishbone_accessor.svh"
`include "mt_cpu_csr_driver.svh"
`include "mt_queue_message.svh"
`include "mt_hmq_driver.svh"
......@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ typedef virtual IMockTurtleIRQ vIMockTurtleIRQ;
// The main class, to monitor and drive the complete MT
class MockTurtleDriver;
protected string name;
protected CWishboneAccessor acc;
protected CBusAccessor acc;
protected uint64_t base;
protected uint32_t core_count;
protected MTCPUControl csr;
......@@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ class MockTurtleDriver;
protected vIMockTurtleIRQ irq;
MDebug dbg;
function new ( CWishboneAccessor acc, uint64_t base,
function new ( CBusAccessor acc, uint64_t base,
vIMockTurtleIRQ irq, string name = "" ); = name;
this.acc = acc;
......@@ -84,9 +83,8 @@ class MockTurtleDriver;
$display (tmp);
endtask // mdisplay
task init ( wb_cycle_type_t mode = PIPELINED );
task init ( );
uint32_t slot_count;
wb_set_mode ( mode );
// first init the config ROM, to be able to get core count etc.
rom = new ( acc, base + 'he000 );
......@@ -126,10 +124,6 @@ class MockTurtleDriver;
endtask // cfg_rom_dump
task wb_set_mode ( wb_cycle_type_t mode );
acc.set_mode ( mode );
endtask // wb_set_mode
task enable_console_irq ( int core, int enable );
csr.uart_int_enable ( core, enable );
endtask // enable_console_irq
......@@ -152,13 +152,19 @@ module main;
endtask // check_final_result
CWishboneAccessor acc;
initial begin
acc = Host.get_accessor();
acc.set_mode (PIPELINED);
$timeformat (-6, 3, "us", 10);
drv = new (Host.get_accessor(), mt_base, IrqMonitor);
drv = new (acc, mt_base, IrqMonitor);
......@@ -154,15 +154,22 @@ module main;
MockTurtleDriver drv;
CWishboneAccessor acc;
initial begin
automatic WBPacketSink sink = new(U_wrf_sink.get_accessor());
automatic WBPacketSource src = new(U_wrf_source.get_accessor());
$timeformat (-6, 3, "us", 10);
acc = Host.get_accessor();
acc.set_mode (PIPELINED);
drv = new (Host.get_accessor(), mt_base, IrqMonitor);
drv = new (acc, mt_base, IrqMonitor);
......@@ -84,14 +84,20 @@ module main;
MockTurtleDriver drv;
CWishboneAccessor acc;
initial begin
$timeformat (-6, 3, "us", 10);
acc = Host.get_accessor();
acc.set_mode (PIPELINED);
@(posedge DUT.rst_sys_n);
@(posedge DUT.clk_sys);
drv = new (Host.get_accessor(), mt_base, IrqMonitor);
drv = new (acc, mt_base, IrqMonitor);
......@@ -99,14 +99,20 @@ module main;
MockTurtleDriver drv;
CWishboneAccessor acc;
initial begin
acc = Host.get_accessor();
acc.set_mode (PIPELINED);
$timeformat (-6, 3, "us", 10);
@(posedge DUT.rst_n_sys);
@(posedge DUT.clk_sys);
drv = new (Host.get_accessor(), mt_base, IrqMonitor);
drv = new (acc, mt_base, IrqMonitor);
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