Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v4.0.1   [4.0.1] - 2019-09-13 ==================== Software -------- Fixed ~~~~~ - File Descriptor closed correctly so that the same process can do ``trtl_open()`` and ``trtl_close()`` multiple times
  • v4.0.2   [4.0.2] - 2019-10-14 ==================== Changed ------- - [sw] build driver on Linux v5.0 or greater - [sw] driver sysfs files permission are g+w Fixed ----- - [sw] string overflow control - [sw] ``trtl_msg_poll`` input validation
  • v4.0.3   [4.0.3] - 2019-10-18 ==================== Changed ------- - [sw] make file 'install' rules and environment variables to support RPMs Added ----- - [dist] proper .spec file to produce RPMs - [ci] gitlab ci jobs
  • v4.0.4   [4.0.4] - 2019-10-21 ==================== Changed ----- - [sw] remove git dependency when building from SRPM - [sw] use Kbuild to build kernel module - [sw] remove wbgen2 requirement when bailing from SRPM Fixed ----- - [sw] dkms is not a building requirement for RPM
  • v4.0.5   [4.0.5] - 2021-07-29 ==================== Fixed ----- - [sw] support for Linux versions greater than 5.8
  • v4.1.0   [4.1.0] - 2023-01-12 ==================== Added ----- - [hdl] support for VLANs to endpoint - [hdl] new hmq-async-recv testbench - [sw] support C++ for firmware - [sw] functions to return device ID and application name - [sw] top-level kernel driver for demos Changed ------- - [hdl] MT driver testbench now auto-updates after init - [hdl] per-cpu UART is now reset when the cpu is reset - [bld] Many improvements to build system and CI - [sw] Wait for CPU reset before returning Fixed ----- - [hdl] wrong slot indexing for message queues - [hdl] HMQ selection - [hdl] miscalculation of payload size on RMQ RX (was 2 less) - [sw] concurrency issue if both sync and async messages are used - [sw] fix ctype variable type in python wrapper for trtl_cpu_is_enable - [fw] do not discard message queue if response was not sent - [fw] linker did not properly initialise bss segment - [fw] proper initialisation of risc-v global pointer
    1f399c96 · update changelog ·
  • v4.2.0   [4.2.0] - 2023-06-12 ==================== Added ----- - [doc] Document RMQ interface (#28) - [hdl] per-CPU soft-reset port (#31) Changed ------- - [sw] Driver no longer handles sequence codes (#24) - [bld] pytests on real hardware now run through CI (#29) - [bld] Software installation cleanup and migration to latest common CI Fixed ----- - [sw] Fix .so versioning (#25) - [sw] Make driver compatible with 5.15+ kernels - [hdl] RMQ TX interface flow control (#26) - [hdl]Fix regressions in SVEC demo design (#27)
  • v4.3.0   [4.3.0] - 2023-11-14 ==================== Added ----- - [bld] build distribution tarball with all binaries and development files (#36) Changed ------- - [sw/fw] use GCC toolchain v11.2 for RISC-V firmware compilation (#37) - [bld] use common EDL CI pipelines (#35) Fixed ----- - [sw/py] fix calls to trtl_close() in TrtlDevice object destructor - [sw] fix bug in sync_id when used by multiple sync users on same HMQ (#34)
    a9b8030d · update changelog ·