Commit f23ac9fe authored by serrano's avatar serrano

First quick go at some of the files. Found no bugs.

git-svn-id: 7f0067c9-7624-46c7-bd39-3fb5400c0213
parent 72366d2a
Disclaimer: not enough time to do this design justice. Focusing on VHDL
constructs, not trying to make sense of overall operation.
- General comment: this file is huge and difficult to assimilate in
one go. I guess it's too late now, but it would have benefitted from a
bit of partitioning.
- Line 254. "independantly" -> "independently".
- Line 257. "rubust" -> "robust".
- Line 257. "dependant" -> "dependent".
- Line 395. Going to rst_rx seems safer than going back to idle
directly. It's just one more tick of latency and we're then sure the
rx block is always in good shape to receive a new frame.
- Line 115. State names could be in capitals.
- Line 239. This whole process looks redundant. I guess the goal was
to have signals that conveniently inform of the state the FSM is in,
but there is already one such signal: the state signal itself.
- Line 298. Ah! This is what these signals were for. Fine, but space
could be saved with statements like "s_play_byte <= '1' when
jc_st=play_byte else '0'".
- Line 399. "retreival" -> "retrieval".
- Line 484. The TDO signal is sampled when s_tck_r_edge_p='1', exactly
at the same time TCK goes high. If I am not mistaken, the JTAG
standard says chips should drive TDO on TCK falling edge, so for slow
chips one could argue that sampling a bit later could be safer. OTOH,
I guess the JTAG spec says we should sample TDO on the rising edge of
TCK, done now...
- Line 498. I don't quite understand why this counter should be 21
bits wide. That gives a very long time (52 ms when all we need is some
100 us), and gives more FFs than necessary. For rad-tol reasons it
would make sense to use only as many FFs as needed.
- OK, now I see there is a timeout here as well, so maybe my comment
about resetting the rx block systematically from wf_engine_control is
not so important.
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