Commit 44b1bcfa authored by Eric Davis's avatar Eric Davis

Merge branch 'release-v1.4.0'

parents e9676954 0e31482d
= ChiliProject changelog
== 2011-05-27 v1.4.0
* Bug #81: Replace favicon
* Bug #311: Update the watcher list on "watch"-link click
* Bug #322: reposman.rb doesn't work with Rubygems >= 1.6.0
* Bug #340: Properly format blockquotes in HTML mails
* Bug #357: Wrap long text fields properly in PDF exports
* Bug #360: Set autocomplete=off for some fields in user form
* Bug #373: Issue auto completion returns duplicates
* Bug #374: HTML-escaped URLs in JavaScript
* Bug #379: Help controller headings rendered differently in Ruby 1.9
* Bug #380: Wiki-Help Page
* Bug #424: Loading issue context menu causes two identical AJAX requests
* Bug #425: Deprecation warning when using ChiliProject with Rake 0.9
* Feature #202: Adding the theme used on to the repository
* Feature #304: Add a helper to format user lists
* Feature #361: [Cleanup] Removing code comment, by answering the implied question in wikitoolbar_for helper
* Feature #362: Introduce Help controller to dynamically generate wiki help pages
== 2011-05-01 v1.3.0
* Bug #309: The login screen after lost_password redirects back to lost_password after you login
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ require 'rexml/document'
module Redmine
module VERSION #:nodoc:
TINY = PATCH # Redmine compat
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